DIY - Your Photo Reflector

in aluminium •  7 years ago 

Hello hello

I came today with a little do it yourself, easy, fast and economical to make your own photo reflector. A reflector, as its name indicates, reflects the light. It is super practical in a situation of backlight! You can also use it to further illuminate the object if the brightness is not sufficient. I reassure you, this is not a must-have in photography, but it can save you some photos! Follow me, go!


• Aluminum
• A rigid support (I chose cardboard, the smoother it is better, mine is a little wavy, it's chiaaant!)
• Scotch
• Scissors

Step 1: Do not be afraid, it's very simple

Place your support on the back of the aluminum. Whether your support is smaller or bigger than your aluminum roll, whatever, just make sure you leave some margin on the outside of your stand.
I avoided cutting aluminum beforehand otherwise it would be wrinkled and this is not what we want!

Step 2: It's good you'll get there

Fold the edges of your aluminum and tape them (plan pre-cut pieces of scotch tape to make your life easier). Wow, too complicated!
Be careful not to crease the other side of your support by doing this step, otherwise it will not reflect as you want. Smooth all the way up the other side by pulling the edges when you fold them.
This is the most boring stage because you have prepared scotch tape beforehand but they are stuck on the table or when you take it between your fingers, the other end is sticking to your hand and it annoys you.


With reflector / without reflector

And here is a reflector all beautiful clean that did not cost you a round (or almost)!
So, are you going to test?

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beautiful pict

You taught me something new today :) So if you put the aluminum foil board in the back of the items you are taking the photo of, you wont see the foil board in the picture .. or did you have to have your camera on a special setting? Thanks for sharing .. SUNSHINE247