Flowers Starting with the Letter "D" from Around my Gardens by Sunscape

in alwaysaflower •  5 years ago  (edited)

d 12 daisy english bellis.jpg
Daisy English Bellis

Today I bring you flowers from my many gardens that start with the letter "D". As you can see I do love to photograph them as I find them such willing subjects. Enjoy today's post and be sure to check out the earlier ones in the alphabet. :-)

d 5.jpg

d 4 urbangardening (1).jpg

d 9.jpg

d 6.jpg

d 7.jpg


d 8.jpg

d 9 dogwood.jpg

dogwood cloud blossom.jpg
Dogwood: Pink, Kousa, and White Cloud

Deutzia Magician

d 10.jpg

d 11 dalhia.jpg


That's all for today's post and thank you, Denise Wigle, for creating this community where we all can share our love for flowers.

tucker eyes.jpg

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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