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I haven't seen a post get this many rewards with such little content since haejin made his 10th post 15 minutes ago.

Boom shakalaka? tick tick boom? boom boom room?

oh well, i tried lol


I was gonna comment regardless, here for the interaction baby baaaaabyyyyy!!!

What's happening with getting rid of @haejin, he's still going strong.

Holy shit, I took some flack for this, my posts just got nuked and my rep dropped five points. He watches this stuff carefully...

something interesting...


Check my account, he actually did...


I gotta be honest- that one got me.

Lmfao 😂

This made me lol’s so hard.

something interesting...

I once ate a 1/2 jar of pickles for a downvote.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Universal Fact :The word “gorilla” is derived from a Greek word meaning, “A tribe of hairy women.”

Steemit fact : The word “haejin” is derived from a Steemit word meaning, “Pool Reward eater ”

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Damit bernie i bought popcorn, you promised some action, I see nothing yet or did i miss it. Hmm...
My poor popcorn. :(

There's much to celebrate these days. @haejin (and others like him) will be dealt with, for now let's just have some fun...

This comment crap isn't fun. Is it? I mean maybe a few lines are laughable for like two seconds. Where's the good shit bro?

@berniesanders Instead of something interesting, I would like to mention something important. A very big thank you for supporting my sister's cause (@annadeda). It is very generous and very kind of you thanks again and have a nice week :-)

My dog found the bottom half of a rabbit during our morning walk. I thought it was funny when I thought she had found a stick that looked like she had a giant moustache. Then she came closer.


It honestly looked like a moustache from a distance.

My small dog once captured a big ass rabbit which was bigger than the dog herself. Like how do they do that. The rabbit was done

we are probably in a simulation

i like these posts they are not hateful :)

Don't listen to him, he just an old man who is gonna forget he said this and still vote you again and again, i told him i was tired of some votes, guess what? he still voted, maybe he forgot i said that and just voted or maybe he is just too kind.

Or I didn't understand what the hell you were trying to say. Yes, complain about free votes...

You responded? Great of you, thank you @berniesanders

I responded? Yes, I'm voting and responding manually...


Real Bernies Anders found:

Damn, beat me to it!

Do you know that Nazgul Sound in the Lord of the rings made from 5 different sounds and one of them is a crying sound of a baby

Do you know, in Private Ryan, the two "German" soldiers who are executed on spot during the Omaha beach invasion were not German soldiers and they were not speaking German.

They were speaking Czech begging ...

“Please don’t shoot me! I am not German, I am Czech, I didn’t kill anyone! I am Czech!"

They were "ost-bataillone" which were conscripted into the German army forcefully drafted from POW camps.


Wow... that is crazy.

that got dark fast

Though Jónsdóttir's belief in elves may sound extreme, it is fairly common for Icelanders to at least entertain the possibility of their existence. In one 1998 survey, 54.4 percent of Icelanders said they believed in the existence of elves.

The Gadsden Purchase, or Treaty, was an agreement between the United States and Mexico, finalized in 1854, in which the United States agreed to pay Mexico $10 million for a 29,670 square mile portion of Mexico that later became part of Arizona and New Mexico.

Yoshimasa Torii was an olympic athlete that competed in the 1964 olympics in mens pole vaulting

Jellyfish can sting with their tentacles if they brush against you when you're swimming in the ocean. You also can get stung if you step on a jellyfish, even a dead one. Usually, jellyfish stings will hurt, but are not emergencies.

In Python ints don’t overflow at 31 (or 32) bits, they just get promoted to longs automatically. And long in Python doesn’t mean 64 bits, it means arbitrarily long (albeit somewhat slower). In fact, it looks like in Python 3000 there won’t even be the int/long distinction.

Steem-python still hasn't merged/fixed its problem that doesn't allow for the proper signing for beneficiaries to be added to a post which was an issue opened on June 1st, 2017

Something interesting is your response to @trumpman's comment

In order for a bidbot or upvote bot to give you a SBD reward equal to the amount paid, it would need to upvote at roughly 266.666666666667%
I.e. they pay 1 SBD. Post gets upvoted to $2.667 . 2.667SBD * 0.75 = $2.00. Now if it is 50/50 then they will get 1SBD and (using current value) roughly 0.2 steem (assuming steem is around $5 USD) however they will get more money back then paid for by a lot when you include the price of steem.

Well have to be useful at something, can't get the ladies so why not random shit nobody cares about

Real Bernies Anders found:

Jellyfish can sting with their tentacles if they brush against you when you're swimming in the ocean. You also can get stung if you step on a jellyfish, even a dead one. Usually, jellyfish stings will hurt, but are not emergencies.

Depends on where you step on the jellyfish, how long it's been dead, and the species. If you step on the top of most jellyfish, you will not be stung. If the jellyfish has been dead for a while, you will not get stung. Those are true in most cases, but when you have jellyfish such as any box jelly you need to be careful.

Hey now, people are stupid and if we tell them some jellyfish will be safe to step on on the tops then might just go and step on them.... Actually, Darwinism.


For reference though, if you can avoid it then don't step on a jellyfish. I am not certain how long nematocysts survive or stay active but I believe that as long as they are not dry that they can still put their toxic barbs into you as the process of doing so isn't voluntary.

It all pretty much varies from species to species as some nematocysts can last longer than others after being detached from their "host."

I think everyone should experience a nice cannonball jelly sting at least once in their life as it's a mild irritant on skin and could cause some swelling. I'm not just saying this because I've been stung 7 separate times by them either. A nice sting will make people think at least twice about going around them while in water and quite possibly while on land too.

Cannonball jellies are okay to touch on land as they lose their tentacles when dead and essentially turn into something to throw at your friends.

Note: All of the times I've been stung have been on my legs when a jellyfish was washed into me by waves. I did not actively seek them out.

That is interesting to know, Hey @berniesanders, this man here ^^

Anyways I have never been stung by a jelly in any of my times swimming in the ocean, though while on the West Coast Trail we (the group members that finished eating) sat at the crab shack one day (like the only day you can) while part of our group was still eating and watched a little jelly handing around. It was pretty cool, no idea what type. Closest I came to having indepth knowledge about them was from a bio20 project that I did on jellyfish

Where I'm studying marine science I get firsthand knowledge from my professors who conduct research over almost any marine organism you can think of as well as other parts of the marine environments.

What was your project over? Jellyfish in general? You can discord me so we don't have a comment chain going on here if you want.

I recently found out that two third of people on earth have never seen snow. Which made me think about gratitude and that stuff I am familiar with, stuff I am born with or stuff I use everyday, they are not rights of mine, they are privileges. Just a thought of mine in the shower as I realised how lucky I am to be able to have access to water so easily. cheers

A south african city is running dry in april. Name it.

Cape town

I really want to see snow :'(
I will travel to canada some day though

I'm one of those.

I've seen pictures of myself playing in the snow when i was a child, but I do not have any recollection of every seeing snow in my life.

Norway doesn’t have minimum wage, but McDonald’s workers make the equivalent of 16-24 US dollars an hour depending on their age. Compare that to the $7.25 they’ll offer as minimum wage in the United States and it might be worth the investment to take those burger-flipping skills abroad. You’ll make more than twice as much.

Is that adjusted for cost of living?

Yeah but Norway is the most expensive country to live in

you have a greater chance of dying on your way to buy a power ball ticket than you do of winning


This message has been approved by @berniesanders

Real Bernies Anders found:

Did you know more people died from selfies than shark attacks in 2015? for real

That's what I learned today.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Can you respond to my comment from yesterday. I guess speaking the truth gets you flagged


Real Bernies Anders found:

Did you know that in Calama (a town in the Atacama Desert of Chile) it has never rained!

Why is there is a d in fridge but not refrigerator ?

wtf..... thats wild!!

I read something about you reading this sentence in the present, but once you finish it, it'll be the past. Also, the voice reading this mentally sounds different from the voice you speak with. I'm good at taking pictures, way better than your average.

Apparently, the London Symphony Orchestra were booked to travel on the Titanic's voyage, but they decided to change boats at the last minute.

interesting and strange, coincidence?

evidently on Jan 31st NASA says we are going to have a lunar trifecta. A blue moon, and eclipse, and a red moon. Next thing you know NASA will be Telling us yes there really are Green Martians.

Steemit, Busy, ChainBB, DTube, DLive, etc. are really just pretty blockchain explorers. They look at transactions on the blockchain, render the markdown contained, and that's really pretty much it. The entire Frontend world of Steem is still in the wild wild west - tools like SteemConnect are making it much easier for developers to get started. Take a look at netuoso's - small dApps like that are starting to spring up all over the place. Developers being able to set themselves as beneficiaries and stake a % claim in all rewards made on their platform? Huge motivator. The possibilities of this are super exciting - imagine a Steem community with real mods, people who can actually ban awful content. Sure, you can still post to the blockchain and appear on Steemit, but if you've been posting terrible content to, then they can just not show your posts there. I predict within the year that Steemit will start to lose more and more of its majority share, and within 2 years most platform growth will come from new sources.

Also plz hit me with the upvote stick mr bernie

Banana's are berries.

They are derived from a single flower with more than one ovary, making them an aggregate fruit. True berries are simple fruits stemming from one flower with one ovary and typically have several seeds. Tomatoes fall into this group, as do pomegranates, kiwis and—believe it or not—bananas.

Strawberries are not berries.

Technically, the strawberry is an aggregate accessory fruit, meaning that the fleshy part is derived not from the plant's ovaries but from the receptacle that holds the ovaries. Each apparent 'seed' (achene) on the outside of the fruit is actually one of the ovaries of the flower, with a seed inside it.

This is proof that we live in an alternate reality.

On page 11 of the Steem White Paper it says: "The primary concern of Steem feed producers is to maintain a stable one-to-one conversion between SBD and the U.S. dollar."

It seems that free market supply and demand forces have made this "primary concern" of the Witnesses irrelevant now.

I'm a grown man and I still have a baby tooth.

My nephew pierced his nutsack and uploaded it on Pornhub.

Link or it didn't happen. Get the dude some views!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'll upload it to Dporn XD.

at least he should dtube it and profit from his nephew's nutsack.

This one's for you Bernie...LOL

Looking for extra rewards? - Reply to Bernie's posts. Easy as pie!

Rather nice slogan for your witness run too:

"Earn with Bern!"

That's pretty damn funny.

Might not have been "something interesting" like you requested, but it's definitely the truth.

To share something interesting, I'll give you this:

The possibility of dying on your way to buy a lottery ticket is higher than the possibility of actually winning the lottery.

Real Bernies Anders found:

Awkward stammering, trying to think of something interesting but not depressing, but simultaneously not really weird, I say something along the lines of .. "Yeah, that was really cool!" or "Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour."

Something I find really interesting is that Yahoo once had the chance to buy Google for just a million but turned down the offer. I think this might have been one of the most costly mistakes ever, given where Google is now.

Anyways, since you're all here to read this, I hope you don't leave, because I could easily imagine you'd be regretting that decision later as well!

Do like I did and make @nextgencrypto your proxy voter so Bernie can change the system from the inside out!

I don’t think i have something too interesting to share.. already posted my interesting thought of the day on my blog... i ran out of thoughts for today. Do you think it is that simple for me to come up with something hype to say everyday on Steemit?! Plus... the pressure of being fun and original enough for you to like what i will say so that you will upvote me... makes it all worst.. I can’t deal with this type of thing.. sorry dude. Maybe next time.🤣

We are all giant blobs of magically held together cells, floating on a tiny speck of dust in an infinite universe.

I have heard this!

O Knights of Ni, you are just and fair, and we will return with a shrubbery.
-- Monty Python and The Holy Grail

I heard Barack might be joining Steemit?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am the beginning of the end and the end of the universe and I surround everything else... What am I?h3cVcFe2FLF6g.gif


If you really think about it, either everything is interesting or nothing. To test it out I will make a sentence with random words that comes to mind: Cancel another playful tourist out of a bath filled with mermaids.

I know, I know, I have uninteresting humor.

This is very generous and much appreciated. Thank you

C'mon old man Bernsss!!!!


Real Bernies Anders found:

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Click on that witness vote. Make @drakos great again. Also, I'll take a 100% comment upvote while you're at it 😀

P.S. dood ǝʞᴉl sllǝɯs uᴉɾǝɐɥ

Not cool. But ok. Did you get my P.S. in previous comment?

Did you know cats were originally desert animals? This is why the bury thier business in sand / litter and why they can have such strong smelling pee... they can get rid of a lot of toxins with minimal liquid. Desert animals!

No wonder cat piss smells like shit! : )

Yup. When I read that... it clicked instantly.

Not Bad not Bad..

Wonder what he was looking to hear..

Oh well. I enjoy these spits between the two. I like Bernies stance.. but haven't even checked out haejins page yet.. just see his posts on the feed.

I think about you at night.

And it ain't innocent.

Creepy, but, not the creepiest thing someone has said to me today.

Real Bernies Anders found:

Such an old generous fucker

You see exactly my point and he just upvoted, take it easy on me for once

Omg, it just keeps coming

If you realize how powerfully you are @berniesanders, you will speak a different language with Haejin!!! Salute.

Amen brother


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Something interesting you might not know. MTGOX is no longer insolvent and should be paying back its customers at the Yen value they lost at the time of the hack.

out of roughly 850,000 bitcoins 202,000 were not hacked. at the time the price of bitcoin was around $450, but with the price rise we've had in 2017 MTGOX has enough money to pay back its users. The lawyer for all this is holding the coins and has determined the users who lost funds are entitled to the Yen value of their bitcoin instead of getting back the bitcoin itself...Mark is going to make over half a billion $$$ after paying everyone back....ridiculous of course but thats the law

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yacy is an open source p2p search engine that can search Steemit and any other site.

I'm pretty hapy with rum & smoking. What yours bernie?

I smoke and drink occasionally these days, need focus.

Oh..That's good occasionally. But don't everyday..

Real Bernies Anders found:

The bushes and clouds in Super Mario Bros are the same image, just colored differently.

We love all steemians and steemit.


Steemit has done more for Nigerians in 1 year than our government has done in 10years

Here in Bulgaria the government has stolen more in the last 25 years than Steemit has given in 1 year.

The sky is blue! I love the Steemit Crew! I absolutely love @berniesanders! I would absolutely love a vote! It would mean more than the world to me! I will never forget! All the best my Friends! Positive Energy! Great Karma! Warm Wishes! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

Amazing Thanks for sharing I found some thing Interesting in your post keep it up

Something interesting.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Stop serving people who serve no purpose.

Did you know that you are going faster when you slip on ice than when you are just rolling regularly. This is because you lose friction which is acting opposite your motion.

I want to see your reputation -17

Thanks for upvotes.

My beloved Cleveland Indians finally got rid of their racist logo. But not until the 2019 season.

You do not sleep at all? You need to rest well in order to win.

Keep working, stop paying.

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.

I entered today on the platform and I hope to adapt, do not understand much but the concept is very interesting.

My steemit account has more value than my bank account. My car is busted and barely runs! My 1 year old son has a cold and somehow all I can think about is different protocols for decentralizing things. Like school systems or local music talents. I see this big amazingly decentralized p2p transparent future and it’s taking too long!

There is an incredible amount of power wasted in the hands of the ignorant. I can see why some would rather have a future with AI partitioning resources.

A whale's heart is so large you could swim through the different sections

hey bernie - keep up the good work - me, yeah just living the dream (broke as f*** staring at my monitor again) peace.

If you listen to eurobeat while driving you instantly get the ability to drift like a god

Steemit centralization will end soon..

No, it wont. But that's very optimistic of you.

Maybe not soon but if not, I swear I will do a fork of steemit! For now I will support your fight! Regards from somewhere in latin America(; Saludos

When pornhub says .. you have to 18+ to enter .. then there's @berniesanders .. 18- .. FTW :D
I'm a newbie .. when i first came across your profile , I thought you have to reach 18- to get that insane 1000usd/post .. well now I know you're in your own leauge !!! .. haha

When sit on the toilet & take shits. It makes me think about @haejin TA Charts. I need MASSIVE income!!!

I've been meaning to ask, do you own yourself on cryptocelebrities?

I'm not familiar.

It's like cryptokitties except it uses celebrities. Figured you'd be all over that. Gotta get the Gen 0 Vitalik Buterin.

Real Bernies Anders found:

Haejin sucks.

Life is like a bowl of jello, you never know which way it is going to bounce next!

Berniesanders is a man with few words but full with upvote/downvote . #interesting

damn this comment is more than what i got for my post. #stillinteresting

what did i miss, since when are you being nice?

Real Bernies Anders found:

Donkey Kong ends on level 22, which is called the Kill Screen.

It is impossible to pass this screen due to a bug in the code which uses the bonus timer + level to calculate time given to the player. An overflow error occurs and kills you around 7 seconds into the level.

Billy Mitchell and Steve Wiebe are champs, and I have a higher Donkey Kong score than them.

Howard Scott Warshaw, who programmed E.T. the Extraterrestrial-considered one of the worst games ever made for the Atari 2600- is the same guy who programmed Yars' Revenge; considered also by the fans as one of the best games for said system.

I believe banshee folklores come from people hearing coyotes while they were tripping on magic mushrooms. I know you feel smarter now. Your welcome.

Reddcoin is now integrated with the game Minecraft so I am expecting TAs like "to the moon!".Lol.

Well today I burnt my hand and fingers quite bad at work, it's the same hand I pleasure myself with so this sucks! A vote could help cheer me up but it won't take the sting away..

There are some whales who sacrifice their voting power to save the reward pool . There are some whales who sucks everything from reward pool . There are some whales who upvote the comments in their post . There are some whales who only upvote themselves . There are some whales who post similar type of content multiple times in a day . There are some whales who post once in a day with quality content . There are some whales who cares about steemit community . There are some whales who don't give a fuck about steemit community .

What would be interesting is not ever having to talk about it ever again and let it all just be a fuckin' nightmare...