in amazing •  7 years ago 

Where in the world did these come from?

After releasing some toads down in our garden we cut across the neighbors blueberry patch. There in the patch was a mama skunk with two babies. We tried not to get too close, so I only got a few photos, but we did record some video quick too!

The mama skunk was a really good mom too, and she kept grabbing one of the babies by the ear and pulling it along to help it hurry. A few times she almost rushed us, but they made it into an open field and eventually wound up in the woods. Hopefully our perimeter fence and guard dog will keep creatures like this off of our land, but this was still cool to see next door. I also managed to resist grabbing one for a "Wild-Man" video... I hear there is no cure for skunk rabies...


As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

GIF provided by @anzirpasai



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Fun video.
Cool to see them.
She is not too scare of you.
Keep on educatin'

Not too scared.

Oh wow!

When i first saw the caption, i thought otherwise and was about to tell you what to use to reduce the smell. Hahahaha.

Better to have them go than to come close. Good efforts Papa.

That was really scary. Skunk will go savage just to protect its babies from harm.

Thankfully we were okay!

I was so scared when they started charging. I thought I was going to get skunked. And I didn't know how zoomed in you were, so it was hard to tell how far away they were. Heh.

She was close, and my boy (Monster Truck) was even closer!!!

Well, you're normally ok until they raise their tail and turn around. :D

They make a great pet!


How did you know it was charging? Did she have a credit card? LOL!

Nah man! When she came running at me! LOL!

"credit cards" he says...

@papa-pepper I am glad you did not have to use any Tomato Juice....................Wait a minute Tomato Juice wont get rid of the Skunk Smell but this might...................

What has been proven to work, according to a variety of sources, is a home concoction developed by Paul Krebaum and published Chemical & Engineering News back in 1993:

1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide
1/4 cup baking soda
1 teaspoon liquid detergent

Mix in a large, open container and use immediately. According to Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California, it can be safely used on people, pets, clothing, and furniture.

But the mix cannot be covered or stored because it can explode a closed container.

To get rid of the leftover solution, dilute it heavily with water, and pour down the drain.

Okay, mix up potion, put in closed container, leave in field, and it gets rid of skunks?

hahaha awesome! :) That is so cool you got that close to them. They did look pretty cool! :)

Yeah, I was glad a couple of the @little-peppers got to see them up close (well, close enough) too!

haha yeah that is awesome! I can't wait to have property. I love wildlife and gardening and fruit trees.

You shouldnt be scared of the rabies, cause you would have had to deal with something bigger. The skunk smell.


I have never seen these type of animal. Can you tell me the name of that animal?

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Lol. Cute skunk though.

Oh yeah! Totally!

'Stay back Son!'

Incredible shots! They were surprisingly weasly looking. I'm embarrassed to realize I only have Pepe Le Peu to compare too....

LOL - Ah Pepe! Yeah, she rushed us for a minute!

I had other things on my mind when i saw that. Haha. You know how to draw us in woth great titles. Well done sir. Glad they didn't come close and it is no longer a surprise that animals don't joke with their babies. You have good eyes sir

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I've been sprayed by a skunk and it was pretty damn horrific.

They are still some of the most adorable creatures on the planet.
Just need to lose the stink defense mechinism.

Unfortunately I do not know how to remove the scent glands....

That's hilarious, literally went out the back door 30 minutes ago and froze. I was standing 6 feet from a Skunk and she was not happy. All I could think about was why did I leave my phone on the table.
I eased back in the door got a camera and flashlight, but I just barely caught a glimpse of her and a little one about 8 inches long(body)
The snarl I got from her on the porch would have been an awesome shot from 6 feet away.

Oh man! Small world in this here steemit!

I never see skunked before.....look harmless ^ ^

Wow! Where can I see Skunks in the wild but on @papa-pepper 's Steemit channel. I'm thrilled.

LOL - You know it!

Yikes! There is something frightening about a skunk charging!!

vidio good, they are the night animals, because in the daytime their eyes are shortsighted,

So fun! I have a video I took on our front sidewalk of mating skunks....😳 I tried to scare them away pounding on the windows. They didn't even flinch...

Brave little ones!

Cute little stinkers, but is best to stay away from them. They do carry rabies virus just like racoons and other rodents in the wild. There is no cure for rabies once you start to show symptoms. The mortality rate is extremely high. If you o get bit, quickly wash the wound with strong soap and water and cleanse with iodine then head to the nearest hospital for a rabies vaccine that can stave off the infection if you get it soon enough. Best bet is not to get bitten.

Otherwise known as Fart Squirrels ;)

That was brave, shining the flashlight on it like that...

I say to the guy who puts scorpions on his tongue. Irony there, surely.

I was doing some late night cleaning while everyone was in bed last fall and was given quite a startle when I looked out our door and saw a young skunk poking around right outside - not three feet away from me.

I was quite concerned I was going to scare it and end up with skunk spray IN THE HOUSE.


I quickly flicked out the light and did my best statue imitation and it eventually trundled off. It was a beautiful little thing, but boy...did I want it to leave!