6 Amazing Facts You May Not Know About The Natural World

in amazingfacts β€’Β  8 months agoΒ 
  1. A snail can sleep for up to 3 consecutive years. 🐌

  2. Every human on Earth encounters a million ants. 🐜

  3. The weight of a blue whale can be equivalent to the weight of 30 elephants. πŸ‹

  4. Some people think that a camel can only sleep while sitting, but the truth is that a camel can sleep while standing or sitting. πŸͺ

  5. Some people think that potatoes grow on trees, but the truth is that potatoes grow underground. πŸ₯”

  6. Did you know that a penguin can jump to a height of up to 3 meters? 🐧

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