Amazon just bought on entire city in Georgia is another "rotten Heresy That Is American Protestant Industrialist Darwinism"

in amazon •  7 years ago 

Please read this article by Shoebat and share. America is the first son of Freemasonry and under corporate control fully since 1871 by the powers that shouldn't be. Article talks about corporate America with power and wealth, including every war is a Bankers War with the Military Industrial Complex. Reflects on how the mega Amazon getting way too big making people as machines. Further enslavement to the system, NWO Agenda. All by Design, World's A Stage.
"The Fact That Online Retail Leviathan Amazon Just Bought An Entire City In Georgia Is Merely Another Fruit Of The Rotten Heresy That Is American Protestant Industrialist Darwinism"

Jeff Bezos mirror to Lex Luthor

Explains how some are attracted to the Darwinism Industrial Protestantism for power and wealth at all costs. As follows: "This philosophy, which has its roots in the heretical teachings of the heretic John Calvin on the nature of man and his heretical claims of being “predestined” to success or failure is an early stage of Darwinian thought. Indeed, if a man is predestined by God to salvation or damnation by God Himself, then one may claim (among the many that can be made) that success is an intrinsic quality and certain people are “failures” or “poor” because the were always losers and nothing can be done to help them. It is easy to see why a wealthy man with a desire for power would be attracted to such a philosophy, as it would give him a religious justification to exploit and abuse others for the pursuit of his own aggrandizement."

"Henry Clay Frick. Known as a great “captain of industry,” Frick was infamous for committing the fourth sin that cries to heaven, which the Bible lists as the deprivation of a working man of his justly earned wages."

Before Protestantism, yes there were other evils and heresies out there some within the Church and others without. The system was set in place that the Church as the medium/mediator between the Government and the People. This worked with resolving issues and keeping one from overtaking the other. With Protestantism made the Government equal as the Church, worship of the Government as Nationalist religion.

Quotes from Shoebat:
"A German woodcut from 1488 showing the divisions between the Three Estates. Note that Christ is at the center between the two, emphasizing the Social Reign of Christ the King.

If the purpose of life is to serve God, to do His will, and to strive for Heaven, then this must not be simply a pursuit which takes place on Sundays. It must be a practice that penetrates into the lives of every person each day. As such, this division was for centuries an attempt to help realize this.
The Protestant Revolution smashed this division, and instead in the name of FOLLOWING JESUS AND NOT ROAM (spelling intentional), they attempted to co-op God’s will to justify their own lusts for power. As we have seen in the following centuries with the wars, rise of industrialism, and the subsequent dehumanization of countless millions of people in the name of “progress” and “the good of society,” the fruits of this separation have been completely disastrous and served nothing other than the will of those who desire power before the good of their fellow man."

Peter Wiener argued in his book "Hitler: Luther’s Spiritual Ancestor", how Hitler's "evils were simply the metastasized form of the disease Luther was spreading through his heresies. It was why both Luther and Hitler hated the Catholic Church. It was why Calvin hated the Church so dearly" because his lust for power and wanted to become the Pope, tried and failed to do so in his commune in Zurich, Switzerland.

Yes, both Calvin and Luther's criticism on the Corruption and Evil forces at the time within the Church was a fact. But, what they did was use this situation, not to fix the corruption, but to gain themselves power and wealth at all costs, thus formed National Socialism. Same as today, there are neo-Nazi's out there within the media and public figures that mix truth with lies.
They market and feed into the perverse ideas and expect to be persecuted, they are whom they are associated with. National Socialism never went away, but formed into other perverse evil ways. That's why History Repeats.

Shoebat Concludes and has some great points to add that sums it up. All of that lust for power and wealth at the expense of others, plus industrialism, nationalism, Darwinism, and Genocide leads to the same eternal end. Please Read and Share.
"Indeed, it is sad and ironic to view that in the south, where there are many well-intended Protestant Christians who claim to be supporters of John Calvin and his heresies, would express concern about the abuse of men in businesses yet ardently cling to the same philosophical beliefs that allowed for them to rise to power and then with equal vigor to attack the Catholic Church which was and still has been often times the only obstacle in the way of these same evil men of power.

People wonder today why National Socialism is rising against, and why the horrors of the 20th century seem to be coming back. The fact is, National Socialism never went away because the philosophies from which it came were not destroyed. Like a disease, they went dormant but still persisted until the social conditions were right for them to rise again. While there always have been heresies, the fruits of the 20th century came from seeds originally planted in the 16th century and manifest in a myriad of ways, from rebellion against the Church, to rampant industrialism, to nationalism, to Darwinism and genocide. Indeed, the idea of any company buying and entire town and in essence ruling through governments is just one branch on the same tree trunk from which grows nationalism, eugenics, and anti-clericalism. They do not appear related only because they are separate branches, but they all feed from the same philosophical roots and lead to the same end."

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