Number 1 Amazon Best Seller Tips

in amazonbestseller •  3 years ago 

How to Become a #1 Amazon Best Seller is easier today since than most people realize since Amazon has recently taken the internet marketing community by storm. Courses have been flooding the internet to show newbies how to create digital books that sell like hotcakes, how to price them correctly, and how to rank them at the top of Amazon's search results to drive readers into becoming incredible clients in their business. The result has been a very profitable selling experience on Amazon for many people, although you must learn the correct process to prevent yourself from being banned from the mega retailer.

Why Amazon?
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With over 300 million active buyers, Amazon is the largest bookstore on the planet. It's a brand name that is trusted among buyers as well as search engines, getting over 54 million hits per month. It sells over 34.2 billion products every year and is expected to make $100 billion in this year alone. Amazon's Kindle outsold even the iPad, making it one of the most popular items sold. All of this puts writers who publish their work on the Kindle platform in a prime position to make large profits and become instant experts in their field of choice.

Becoming A #1 Amazon Best Seller

The path to becoming a #1 Amazon best seller is actually pretty simple. First, pick a hot market. Do a search for current Kindle titles and find out what is selling well and what you can write comfortably with a certain amount of research. Writers have had success with everything from erotic fiction to developing the perfect golf swing. Next, you must create your eBook. If you're comfortable with the subject and your writing is strong, you might write it yourself. Otherwise, you can find many writers online who will be willing to create your digital book for you, for a price. Once you have your product, you must pick your price. Amazon has price range recommendations, and if you follow them you will receive a higher percentage of each sale. Also, take a lesson from the grocery store: if the price is listed as $4.00, it won't sell as well as if it is listed as $3.99. Finally, hit the publish button and sit back to collect your royalties. You can promote your digital book in a number of ways or hope for it to be found. The choice is really up to you.

Amazon's Rules

You'll never become a #1 Amazon best seller if you can't get your work published, and Amazon has a few rules that you absolutely must follow. If you break these rules, you can be banned for life from the number one retailer in the world. Read the terms of service carefully and make sure your book fits the proper format. Avoid the use of private label rights content unless it is heavily rewritten. Amazon has recently cracked down hard on PLR eBooks being sold unchanged, since this litters the market with duplicate eBooks that are of very low quality. In general, the number one rule for becoming a #1 Amazon best seller and avoiding getting your account banned for life is to create only high quality content. If your readers are highly entertained by your content and benefit from it, you will receive high reviews, get more sales, and build your reputation as an author.

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