Ambidextrous experiment - Conclusion

in ambidextrous •  8 years ago 

Hello steemers

This post is a quick one just to :
a) Apologies for disappearing for a few weeks - I have been very ill and unable to do very much of anything.
b) Inform those who have been following my experiment that I will not be continuing it as:

  • It turns out my wrist isn't broken, it is ligament damage and therefore, I need to use my right hand, for it to recover.
  • Not being able to do my crafts has had a detrimental effect on my mental health. (Hence my disappearance from Steemit) Therefore I am going to focus on my crafts as this really helps me cope with my depression.

Final conclusions of experiment

I can't give any scientific results as I haven't tested myself and technically the experiment has been over for nearly two weeks, so would not be accurate if I did them now.
But I can tell you my opinion and observations.

  • There has been a definite effect on my short term memory since starting the experimant. (e.g - I have been forgetting where I have left things and why I have gone into a room more than usual.)
  • Logical reasoning has become more difficult but I think that is due to the forgetfulness.
  • Maths is a tricky one. Whilst doing the experiment I found the maths tests more difficult then I have in the past but on Thursday I did a maths assessment for college and it came back saying I am at an A level standard, Yay!, Which is a big improvement from the last official assessment I did at the beginning of September (shortly before injuring my wrist).
    So I think that by doing the tests this has improved my math skills.

Thank you all for following my experiment and I am sorry to end it early, but please keep your eyes peeled for my Crochet Christmas posts, the first will hopefully be posted later this week.

Lovel To All XX

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I was wondering where you'd been! Glad that you are recovering and doing what you love. Welcome back to Steemit! :)

welcome back sis. so glad you can get back to your crochet and find your balance again.