Desecration and Removal of Statues Across America

in america •  7 years ago 

As of late you may wind up in the midst of the night in a cold sweat after awakening from a horrendous nightmare perhaps left scratching your chin asking yourself aloud some questions about current America. Why are statues which are a fundamental part of American ideals being uprooted? Why do we continue to decimate American culture? How can so many feel so entitled without due cause? Well folks, perhaps I can help shed some light onto these questions for you that keep you awake or stir you in the depths of your slumber.

In most recent hours Robert E. Lee's statue in Dallas was removed from their city park. Other statues, such as saints one incident in Los Angeles County where a Native American saint statue of St. Junipero Serra was vandalized, tainted with graffiti and swastika drawings, just across the street from The San Fernando Mission in Mission Hills, CA. in the San Fernando Valley. St. Serra passed away in 1784 after years of a selfless service to God and a devote life having started over a dozen Catholic missions in California from as far North as San Francisco to Southern California's San Diego.

Supporters of such terror state claims that agitated them saying that there was segregation between converted Native American's and those who were not yet converted. Perhaps in the 1700's the non-believers were kept apart from those with faith to avoid conflict and battles to the death within the safe confines of the missions. St. Serra is defended by the Catholic Church's current Pope Francis before the incident occurred back in 2015 stating, "St. Serra sought to defend the dignity of the native community, to protect it from those who had mistreated and abused it," at St. Serra's canonization into being acknowledged as a saint. Shortly after still now back in 2015 thugs hit a mission in Carmel California destroying grave sites and statues due to the fact that those grounds are the final place of rest for St. Serra. Many other missions across the California coast have been struck and vandalized in the last two years because St. Serra was controversial. Controversy is sparked by every great leader in history.

Abraham Lincoln aided to free African American's in the efforts to abolish slavery with his Emancipation Proclamation issued on September 22nd of 1862. In his proclamation President Lincoln stated that all slaves shall be "forever free" effective January 1st of 1863. Was this controversial enough? Well, enough to get him assassinated. Still some of these ignorant fools want to remove the Lincoln Monument in Washington. Perhaps they plan on replacing his head with that of an gorilla as in the "Planet of the Apes" franchise of film.

Point being that any great and powerful movement toward the embitterment of humanity comes with its ridicule and critiques. Anything found contemptuous comes with its own form of condemnation, no matter how righteous the act being judged. Just last month the Lincoln monument was also vandalized with graffiti that read, "F**k law". Perhaps these folks need to learn how to respect and abide by laws rather than violating the rules and conduct codes of this great country. While these anarchist misanthropes are at it maybe they could pause for a moment and visit a library to do something other than vandalize it.

Maybe these morons might even read a book or two and know all of the facts without jumping the gun to destruction of property. Ignorance begets ignorance oh and what a blissful culture that these fools cultivate for themselves. These anarchists have, in doing such actions, not only defiled statues and monuments yet morally have upset and have been found offensive to law enforcement, government officials, African Americans, members of the Catholic Church, men and women of the U.S. military and educated historians alike. It would seem that hate crimes committed by Neanderthals are all of the rage these days despite the extinction of the aforementioned barbarians some 40,000 years ago.

All across our falling, once great nation, morons and fools of men are removing statues deemed "offensive" by the masses. The question now is; how do we justify this to the educated few American's who are now faced with these disrespectful, illegal, immoral and derogatory acts of vandalism? Sadly the answer for many in recent months has been to remove any statue that may be found offensive by some folks whose minds are as closed as the books that they never cared to open in order to educate themselves on American history.

Now back to our most recent outrageous gesture as Americans we have removed the statues of Robert Edward Lee. Lee was a man born into a family of military heroes. In fact his Father was Revolutionary War hero Henry Lee AKA "Light-Horse Harry". Robert E Lee certainly was one to fall into the brave and large footsteps of his Father and was even known as one of the greatest officers in the United States Army. So much in fact that Robert E Lee was offered command of the Federal forces in April of 1861 by none other than Abraham "F--- law" Lincoln. Being a humble man and not one of financial means, despite the many soldiers (both whom served under him and opposed him alike) that he educated while he served as superintendent of West Point in preparation for the Civil War battles. Still after all of this and with President Lincoln's offer of promotion Lee declined. Reason being he could not fight against his own people. Lee, out of moral obligation, opted out of this opportunity and took a self demerit to the ranks of general's commission in what was then the relatively new formulated Confederate Army.

Robert E. Lee was a hero of a man, this is not my opinion yet historical fact. Heroism comes with its great convictions and most heroic folks also harbor tendencies of pride, value and integrity. After his loss in combat in "Pickett's charge" Lee took full accountability for the loss. In fact Lee even went so far as to offer his resignation after the loss to Jefferson Davis. Still Davis declined Lee's resignation, unwilling to accept it after all that this war hero had done for America. After fighting in what is known as "The bloodiest war in American History" Lee faced off with Ulysses S. Grant who took command of the Federal U.S. armies. Lee had every capability and resource to end Grant and his army of men yet still Lee being a man of intellect concluded that the end of the confederacy was nigh and in such much to Lee's chagrin yet still in part for his wanting to put an end to the bloodshed of fellow Americans Robert E. Lee surrendered his troops to Grant, which ended the Civil War.

Lee later and until his death on October 12th of 1870 in Lexington, VA. was appointed president of what then was known as Washington College in Virginia. Today this campus is known as Washington and Lee University that is at least for the time being. Perhaps in light of recent events the campus name will soon be removed. Or folks could go as low as to re-write the books of American history removing anything that may or may not be deemed "hurtful" or "offensive" by the mass dense population of current uneducated anarchist American's. Only time will tell, yet a country divided will always fail. "F---- law", remember those insightful words the next time that America falls prey to assault from foreign terrorists. These ignorant anarchists make our country look fundamentally weak, sharing more in common with our foreign enemies than we may think as last I checked The United States of America is against all acts of terror, both foreign and domestic. Soon that may change. Perhaps the constitution will be next to be "removed" AKA destroyed by these American terrorists. Per shame on you! Perhaps Charles Darwin had a point when he basically gave up on an all too dim witted humanity.
"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science." -- Charles Darwin 'The Descent of Man'.

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We do not covet anything from any nation except their respect.

- Winston Churchill

I love that! Churchill is one of my all time heroes!