RE: Topics That Make People Uncomfortable: Police Brutality and Race in America

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Topics That Make People Uncomfortable: Police Brutality and Race in America

in america •  9 years ago 

@foych587 This is a well thought out and well researched article. I disagree with it, but upvoted because I see the effort you put into it and want to encourage more hard research like this.

I've upvoted you and I'm following you now, because you make a compelling argument.

Here is where your article fails.
The rate of violence has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with poverty levels.
If you look at where these crimes occur and correlate them with income levels you will find a much stronger correlation.

What is happening is that it "looks" like blacks are more violent towards blacks. But the reality is that life is cheap when you live in a ghetto. This is true of any country in the world regardless of it's racial make up.

Those who live in upper income areas are less likely to commit crime regardless of race. Poverty breeds criminality.

That isn't to say that being poor will make you a criminal. It just means that when you have very little to live for, you have very little to lose.

I agree with you about the victimization narrative. I would take that a step further and say that if you're poor and feeling oppressed it's your own fault. A lot of people dig themselves out of that lifestyle every day.

That doesn't mean that those of us who are able to help shouldn't help. But it needs to be a hand up that is earned, because a hand out that is given will just be squandered.

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Thanks for your response, Williambanks.

You bring up a very valid and good point, but the fact is that rates of violence do correlate with race. I get into the data here.

Also, totally agree with your quote, “It needs to be a hand up that is earned, because a hand out that is given will just be squandered.”