Sustainable relationships are based on reciprocity.

in american •  2 months ago 


There is a saying that the wise learn from the mistakes of others while the stupid don’t learn from their own mistakes

Millions of dollars, perhaps even hundreds of millions of dollars, have been spent doing competitive simulations of game theory constructs.

One annual contest that went on for decades is one pitting different programs against each other to play the Prisoner’s Dilemma hundreds of times.

The most winning program was TIT FOR TAT. The program starts by cooperating and then copies the next move (cooperate or defect) on the next move.

It’s exhausting living in a world of mostly low IQ people, defined by me as being unable to learn from the mistakes of other or from mathematical models or simulations.

Why is this such as hard concept to understand?

The USA should operate based on TIT FOR TAT.

Let’s say the USA takes in ten million Indian nationals and gives them work permits.

India should do the same for the US citizens.

Let’s say the USA allows Chinese from the PRC to buy a billion acres of land and a million homes.

The PRC should allow Americans to do the same.

It’s game theoretically unintelligent to allow 215 countries with about 8 billion people to attack, infiltrate, undermine, acquire, mass fire, etc. without 100% reciprocity for US citizens from every single one of those countries.


Indian companies and government agencies are very inefficiently run.

It would be just as easy, if permitted by full reciprocity, for white Americans to go take over an Indian company, fire all the Indians and replace them with white Americans, and become category killers in any area in which rational thinking and customer service is required.

Unless you’ve lived in India, you can’t imagine how dumb, illogical, lazy, and smelly the average person is. (I have, in Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh)

I’m not saying not to visit or live or work in India. India is AWESOME in so many ways. But fair and equitable? Not even close.

Have you read about the caste of system?

Thousands of years of institutionalized RACISM and yet the most meritocratic people on earth, whites, get blasted while the most racist peoples on earth skate by, smirking at the absurdity of calling the people who ended the Trans-Atlantic slave trade racist while having 75% of white collar labor imported with H1B come filtered by the caste system.

If you think I’m joking or exaggerating about the smell, and can get to Dubai, just ride the metro.

I’ve ridden on trains and subways in over 70 countries and none smells as bad. Like vomit 🤮 inducing stench.

It would not be hard to have people with better hygiene practices (like 99.9% of Americans) do well in customer service businesses in India, which is one of MANY reasons why Americans are NOT given the same freedom to work in India as Indians have long been given in the USA.

I have no problem with lots of Indians coming here and taking American jobs…as long as we have exactly and completely the same rights to do the same thing in India to Indians that Indians do when they come to the USA.

Sustainable relationships are based on reciprocity.

What Elon Musk is going crazy to advocate in such a way at as to disintegrate the coalition that got Trump elected to advocate is one way and parasitic.

Our ancestors had it right.

What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander

If millions of Indians can come to the USA and fire Americans and hire fellow Indians, then American and any other country letting Indians in should be able to do the same in India.

Feel free to make your own game theory consistent argument for why the USA and our citizens should not have reciprocity with countries that are unilaterally taking advantage of us.

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