The title One Leg Wonder is in reference to the nickname that my friend Scotty received years ago after hiking the AT (The Appalachian Trail). I want to tell you a little story about my friend.
Years ago, my friend was a medic, and then, to make more money, he got into another business I think it was logging, but one weekend, he was spending time with the family, and then he went fishing. The family was not at the scene when this happened. He went down the mountain with a fishing poll and a shotgun, as he does not like snakes.
It had rained earlier in the day, and the pine needles were wet. He slipped and fell, upon which the shotgun went off twice, hitting him in the leg. To make the long story short, Scott ended up almost bleeding out before his wife and kids arrived. A little while later, the medics also came by, but they put crime scene tape around him, rather than take him to the hospital right away, thinking it was his wife that shot him. By the time he actually made it into the ambulance, four hours had passed. He looked down, and instead of blood, it was bleeding IV fluid.
That was in the spring-summer of 1998. Since then, my friend came the first above-the-knee amputee to hike the Appalachian Trail. He is has a blog by the name One Leg Wonder.
But what I wanted to tell you about, is my friend is asking for a little help to get through school to become a truck driver, and he already has a promise for a job as soon as he can finish the classes, which is the end of the year, so I wanted to ask if you guys can upvote this, so I can give him the money it generates.
Oh, and here is the video he did with the Virginia is For Lovers campaign about the AT. He also has GoFundMe in case anyone wants to donate directly.