How To Change Your Reality with Christof Melchizedek of the Innerversity of Divine Perfection

in anarchast •  7 years ago 

Anarchast Ep.429

Jeff Berwick interviews Christof Melchizedek of the Innerversity of Divine Perfection. Topics include: vitality and well-being, corporations and cancer, deep self transformation, returning to your divine template, the internal work is the most important, programming your DNA, energy from zero point field, the energetic basis of childhood traumas and how we project them, quality of experience, universal love, moving into a new golden age of decentralization, karma and quantum past lives, bringing more light into your being, becoming more powerful, the importance of good diet, intent and attention, love and service for others, Anarchapulco 2019

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Innerversity of Divine Perfection:

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Christof Melchizedek is a pretty interesting cat! I don’t agree with him on everything but he’s a very positive force in this negative world!
Gonna watch this right away!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment