Will Trump drop out during October surprise? Is he a puppet for Clinton?

in anarchism •  8 years ago 

During election years, especially with the primary, October always brings a release of information or surprise moments that might alter the election. Politicians are only playing a game and October is the best time to release information, right before the polls open. The population has a short term memory. This October will be no different. Trump who has been friends with the Clintons for decades decided to run after having a phone meeting with former President Clinton. They both say they didn't discuss the election, but they all are sociopathic liars, so do you take their word?

Trump has previously said “If I fell behind badly, I would certainly get out. I’m in this for the long haul" and “That doesn’t mean someday I don’t wake up and I say, ‘Wow, I’m really tanking.’ Well, if I tank, sure, I go back to the business. Why wouldn’t I?” (2015)

Both Trump and Clinton's children are "very close friends". This doesn't seem like two families who are not close to each other.

Now there has been talk about Trump dropping out even though this is mostly unfounded and wishful thinking by those on the Right. Though stranger things have happened it would take more than just trailing by double digits to get Trump to drop out. Some have called out Trump's relationship to the Clintons, but with a biased media many articles are not circulated or removed from circulation.

Do you think Trump will drop out? Do you think Trump is Clinton's puppet to win the election? Trump never wanted to be president and is a pure crony capitalist, like Clinton. October surprise is coming.

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I have often thought this myself. Hillary is not that popular. I don't think she could win in a "normal" election. Trump might be the only person who's so skrewed up that people feel like they don't have a choice so they reluctantly vote for Hillary. At least we'll get to see more of Bill again.

@jotaris Clinton could not win on her own which is why she has bought and paid for it. She was approved at the Bilderberg meeting before the election process fully started to be president.

Ah yes, I forgot about that, she was sighted at the Bilderberg meeting wasn't she....

It's not an election, it is a selection.
whoever will win, there'll be catastrophic.

Sadly this is true. We are not free but slaves to those ruling us.

Americanism not Globalism :)

Crony capitalism. ;-)

This is one theory I believe. Trump is saying things that appear unbelievable almost as if he's trying to lose the election on purpose. He's getting lots of publicity, which will help his brand and help put his kids on the map.

would he risk taking an early grave for it. Clinton Body count is high, Had 6 murder related to the DNC leak in what 10 days.. He doesn't need this. He has a beautiful family, Maybe he is a patriot sleeper cell risking his life for one last hope. I think he would rather be chatting up girls eating burgers than wearing a bullet proof vest

It looks like he just wings it. Not that he is scared. The head of the FBI looks scared. If he is for real then he could be a modern day Hitler, a national socialist. He has the money and followers. He could be both working for Clinton and be a national socialist. Clinton isn't far off that mark. Either way #NeverTrump #NeverClinton.

Agreed. This is all a game. He hasn't put out any real plans except recently about taxes, but you can tell that was heavily influenced by the Right.

With 75% of Americans now underwater in economic slavery, nothing don or hilz can do will impact the average American in any meaningful way nowadays.
This election has only one purpose to see which lobbyists donor contributor supporters secure which future government contracts...
So it is these future contracts which will affect which new types of taxation's your elected representatives will enact in the next few years of Congress.
Simply put now so many Americans cannot financially support the domestic economy it has no way to build or create long term permanent job security...
It is simply game over for America but one thing is for sure neither hilz nor donz will be applying for a j-o-b anytime soon.
Donz made billions by declaring himself bankrupt after being a trust fund babie who inherited hundreds of millions of family money to seed his failed business interests...
Hilz well she could not even pass the bar exam so she had to resit in some forgotten boil on the butt of the USA state just to pass; fearing work might actually be beyond her, she married a politician...
And that guy; it seems he is not even sure of the definition of sex, truly these are the people destined for greatness !!!

It is a sign of the end times... @crok

This is happening right now:

I'm Canadian, but I love watching US politics. I think there are going to be some bombshell leaks about the Clinton's in the run up to November. It could be so bad that Trump could beat up a whole group of war orphans and still look pretty good. Can't wait for the debates!

I can no longer watch them. I see the lies but not that many care. More so now over the past year but I don't think enough to change anything for this election. However, there is always a chance Gary Johnson could pull out a win for the Libertarian Party and create a third choice option in future races.

I find it curious that Trump has many thinking he isn't part of the insider elite just as much as Hillary. The MSM doesn't like him because he's garish and doesn't obey their (ironically conservative) respectability politics, but he's just spouting populist rhetoric because he knows middle America will eat out of his hand. He's a slimy, opportunistic salesman who grew up with a silver spoon. Nothing more.

Agreed. He was given millions to start his empire. He sues anyone who goes against him and uses his money to push others around. He runs off nothing but his name now. He is part of that elite circle as much as Clinton.

I think Trump was surprised by how well he did in the primaries and also that he won the nomination. The thing I find interesting about him is his facile ability to lie, get caught, and blow it off as a joke or sarcasm.

The Washington Post did a great article about Trump's lawsuit against Tim O'Brian who wrote Trump Nation. In 2007 O'Brian's lawyers collected a lot of Trump's public statements and then compared them to business filings, tax returns etc. They then deposed Trump and caught him in many lies.

What struck me, though, is that Trump seemed to create his own reality. If he perceived something about a person, it became reality for him. Or he would constantly enhance the value of things. For example, he said he was paid $1 million for a single speech. He was actually paid $400,000. He told the lawyers that publicity for the speech had added to his brand, so he felt that the publicity was worth $600,000. So even thought he got $400k, he thought the real value of the speech was 1 million. Some things he says are outright lies. Others are a part of his reality on planet Trump.

I believe he is distracting people from the others running, helping Hillary for sure whether is intentional or not.

That could be. He is a national socialist and would be horrible for this country regardless of the true reasons he is running, because making America great again is not what he will do. Clinton won't either.

why a National Socialist would be bad for america?

The Nazis were national socialists. They do not represent freedom but a massive violation of rights.

and what rights were violated by them?

I think it's all a front for a @berniesanders win. But you know, maybe that's just the Steemian in me shining through.

Why would they want Sanders to win? He was a pawn who rolled over for notoriety. He recently bought a house, his third, for $600,000. He doesn't believe anything he pushed. Forced socialism is horrible though.

Oh, no, I was just joking. I was playing around with some Steemit humor :)

Also, I noticed you post a lot, your rewards are restricted if you post more than 4 articles in a 24 hour period. By about 6 in a 24 hour period you get almost nothing in rewards for that post. Just a heads up. :)

That sounds stupid... so be selective with posts. Thanks for the heads up. :)

@trevorjenglish do you understand how payouts works? The site said I was going to get $280 for the first payout, there was only 2 hours left until payout, but when I woke up the site says I only got $46. Doesn't make any sense.

One can only hope, but if he does then that means its always been the plan and that scares me.

Me too. I wish it wasn't so but it sounds like it is that way. High functioning sociopaths, well maybe not Trump.

Let it all burn.

Lol... agreed

#NeverHillary "Clinton Cash" explains my stance