You Can't Polish a Government Turd

in anarchism •  8 years ago 

There is no "reforming government", such as having term limits, to adjusting the tax-code, or voting for better politicians next time, etc. You can't polish a turd; it has to be flushed.

If your solution isn't to abolish the parts of government (IRS, CIA) that shouldn't exist on the market anyway, and privatize all the rest, then you have no real solution; you're offering only the same failed ones as before: print more money, double-up on more government, and do more of all the things that got us to here.

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It's hard to disagree with this. But it seems to be that people don't want the kind of freedom that this change would encourage. It's much easier to have a centralized authority to point at and blame, especially when you're a corporation trying to corner a market (like railroads or public ed).

This is why I just laughed and laughed when Trump won. We finally have the president we deserve. Hopefully this brings down the whole house of cards

You know, Papa, you can't polish a turd! No hope for the evil empire.