Modern civilization seek unify all, because we are located on the peak of unification.
My friend-millionaire was be in 80 countries or more.
I asked him: "What did you see? Tell me, please..."
He replied: "Nothing! All the same! Hotels are the same, the same trestle beds, the same pools, the same staff, the same breakfast."
I asked: "Did you travel with excursions somewhere?"
He replied me: "Why? I can watch of everything in TV. І only go to rest!"
I say: "Everything similar."
He: "This is very good, i don't have period of adaptation."
This is our most modern and main problem! We are live in the end of modern era of industrial period, which are now in a state of tranceindustrial transition in information era. Main philosophical principle of modern era, which are implementing in our world and in society is an unification - «world of factory».
In last time i read a philosophy of the middle ages. I was surprised by one of the records of a medieval monk: "Maybe, soon end of the world. Everything collapsed, society never not be once. Everything is nightmare and is time to finish life by the suicide. Because stay alive absolutely no need." And writes why: "Because, in this year 180 holidays." The norm was 200-240 holidays depending on church calendar. Venice in middle ages was be state-town, area of 2,5x2,5 km. Equally competed simultaneously with the vast Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire. Managing at the same time 9 months a year carnival and carnivals did not affect the productivity of labor, the shipyards regularly worked, the cargos were regularly delivered, went to military campaigns...
Then came the disciplinary society and the first thing it did was cancel the carnivals. Essence of disciplinary society — life as a prison. All humans from commoners to kings, begin to accustom the body needs to be kept in a certain way. The disciplinary society presupposes, that there must be a certain posture, manners, gestures, facial expression. Body as a prison! Initially space as a prison, after body as a prison. People are packed in certain movement, and configuration space has decreased and for person always narrowed the walls of the prison.It was necessary to cancel carnivals, forbid fun, carnivals, you could do anything you like, have fun as you want. The mask was put on and no one recognizes you. Stresses was relieved, including sexual. The countess could behave like a girl, a girl as a countess... etc.
When we began to be taught to disciplinary society, a "factory" was created. The child from childhood got into the space of the family, where - the family as a prison, then the school as a prison, factory school, then the plant as a prison and then the space of civilization - the nation as a prison, the country as a prison.
If someone Tolkien read, then he remembers that when Frodo comeback, he sees that The Shire is no longer exists.
The green hills are beautiful - dug, and some sort of ugly factory is working, mining some kind of bullshit, looks like minerals.
And the smoke, dirt, carts drive carry something. So Tolkien describes all the horror that was feeled …
It was formed in the 17-18th centuries - the world turned into a huge factory, we turned into unified people, who live in rigid psychological fetters superimposed on themselves. Man has become a cog in the system, a mechanism, only a tool for servicing. The peak of this story was that a person, even in the womb of the mother, falls into the cultural matrix, which brings up the torturer of his own soul and supervisor. The film "The Green Mile" is not about the appearance, it's about what's going on inside us. This is a metaphor. There is an electric chair, there is a lever that beats the current, and on the left there is a lie detector and as soon as we thought to ourselves that we are committing a crime thought, the lever automatically works, it beats the current for the fact that we are only going to commit this thought-crime. "Minority Report" seen with Tom Cruise? The same story. Hollywood metaphors of our inner life.
A modern man, a man of disciplinary society, is brought up as the torturer of himself soul.
Certain bodily manifestations are prohibited! Certain behaviors behave in society are forbidden! Physical and then psychological manifestations are prohibited.
Thus, half of our consciousness is engaged in watching for ourselves and for others for the commission of thought crime or social crime. Disciplinary society treats any non-standard behavior as a crime.
Then all this was transformed into a post-industrial society - a disciplinary society turned into a control society.
The idea of a disciplinary society is a person as a prisoner. The idea of a control society is a man-debtor. The best means “to fly” into the control society is a credit card - to take a loan. Cards and digital codes have become a symbol of this society. Have any of you worked in a large corporation? What happens when you lose your cards? You can not go to the toilet, because the door opens through the сard! You are deprived of everything! The corporation is a prison, and the way to navigate in it is a card, it symbolizes discipline.
If a person with a disciplinary society works through enslavement of the body, then with the control society person they work with motivation. A white book of any corporation is a competition! Leadership! I'm your new coach for leadership and motivation! This is a rat race! Ready set go! Running rats into the labyrinth and who will first run, if at all will reach finish…
From the point of view of the control society, the worst thing that can happen is the lack of ambition. You must have ambitions, you must achieve something! The most terrible accusation for a men in a control society is the lack of ambition! His mother or wife will say: "The neighbor lives more expansively and richer, we are beside him a total failure. But if you push hard and try - we will catch up, we can contend." We can still talk a lot about the control society, but I think that everything is clear.
I hate the control society and the disciplinary society from my childhood! When they ask me why I do not unite with anyone, I do not save anything. I say that, I not a single gram, not a single quantum of effort will be applied to build a disciplinary society or control. This is a principled position! Because, the control society and the disciplinary society are satanism in its pure form. A perfect society is like in Singapore, on which we all are oriented - perfect satanism.
And to build a non-disciplinary society, I'm ready to do a lot! And we will build a society of free will, relying on a new technological revolution and blockchain … Rationally engage in strategic planning only when these attempts are not worth the idea to build a "prison" or "corporation". For now, I see only attempts to build or improve the control society, including in the blockchain industry.
But the big danger should not expected from the bureaucratic machinery of the states, it is much more dangerous people who are dependent and approve of this system. They think that you are just an instrument. That you should only serve them qualitatively. You have to suppress your emotions. You have to fight for every client ... They do not care what's in your soul.
I don't want to live in such a society! I want to live in a society in which everyone is interested in what a person has on his soul.
If a person for example says: "How I got fed up this shit around! Super! Let's talk about it ..." Do you understand me? Yes?!
As a result, I'm can serve myself or go somewhere else.
One more example. If a person killed another person. Who is he? Murderer! Right? If he stayed in prison for 15 or 20 years he was removed the previous conviction. Who is he? Murderer.
If he then repented sincerely. Then who is he? Killer for life. But in the Middle Ages, a person could go to church sincerely to repent, removing the brand of the killer. Do you feel the difference? Now you can hit your head against the wall for 8 years in a row, you can 80 years - still remain a murderer.
Giordano Bruno, was a black magician and a Dominican monk. He ran three times from the order, he was forgiven three times.
He was arrested not for scientific work, but for scam. The investigation into his case lasted 8 years. He was judged by the best theologians and minds of the time. And the last decision was made by the Pope and the 9 best cardinals. On the Vatican's website there is a record of his interrogation. If you read in English, Italian, Latin or Polish - you can read everything yourself.
There everything looks something like this: Bruno writes a diary. "I'm in prison, everything is terrible, towels and sheets have not changed all day, meat has not been 3 days, the wine is not tasty."
Сontinue read the report ... One of the cardinals at the trial says to him: "You write in your works, in the sixteenth volume on page 168 ..." Bruno asks them a revealing question: "Why do you know so well what I wrote?"
They reply: "We know by heart all 54 volumes of your stupid writings." Bruno asked: "Why?" The cardinal replied: "Because if the church has an enemy like you, obviously something is wrong with us. And we want to understand this!"
This is the approach of an undisciplinary society. Now someone to figure out what is there and who wrote what? Court as a machine has grinded a man and thrown it out.
After the modern society of discipline and control won (the end of the thirteen-year war), the history of the Middle Ages has evolved totaly false!!!
I think that in Ukraine there is a prospect to build a non-disciplinary and anarchical society.
Because, millennial attempts to modernize Ukraine have been failed failed now and will be failed.
Here people always hated the government, even if the managers were good. After World War I, it was nearly to build an anarchic society, without superiors!
But then the managers of the Soviet Union, in time stopped their terror and the policy of genocide. Having started a new economic policy. If they were late with this decision for one year, the USSR would have collapsed as far back as 1922 and anarchy would have won.
After a new economic policy, Stalin began to shoot and starve all those who disagreed with the disciplinary society. And when the dissenters did not survive, he began to build a modernized society. What has changed since then?For example, modernized society as in Singapore. There you can not smoke at all, and if you spit or throw out the chewing gum you will get a fine of 400 or 700 $. Why do we need such a society?
I do not want to spit or litter because it's my personal internal discipline. I do not even want to think about it, this is the state of my soul! But if something is forbidden to me or fined, then I will do it on the contrary.
This is in our ukrainian blood. This is a local lifestyle. This is an unsolvable ontological task and therefore there is hope. All attempts to suppress this will be doomed. And this one reason is more than enough! Moreover, the government here is stupid, greedy and degenerate. Which because of its greed, and wretchedness could not build a state system of control. And it's very good - we need to use this chance!
I think that if the Renaissance of earthly civilization begins, then Ukraine will be if not the main center, that's for sure one of the centers of this Renaissance. The main architype of Ukraine and Ukrainian nationalism is the Zaporizhzhya Sich. The paradox, but true Ukrainian nationalism - is internationality.In the Middle Ages, anyone could come to Zaporizhzhya Sich.
He was not required to fill out a form, provide a resume, pass an interview. You must give answer of the questions: "Do you drink vodka (in the context of an you is a interesting person?)? Do you believe in God? " Pay attention! They did't asked in which one God you believe!
According to one version, Maxim Krivonos was in fact a scottish protestant radical sectarian who did not have a place in his homeland and he reached the Zaporizhzhya Sich, then it was a international legion where one could erase one's identity and begin life anew. Later he became one of the colonels of Sich. For the beginner, the proposal looked like this: "You don't must have resume, but be ready to live in our lifestyle with us." Once, a third of the conglomerate on the Sich were runaway Muslims and Turkish janissaries, who were looking for a free life. And all perfectly suited. No conflicts on religious grounds.
Zaporizhzhya Sich was then "European Mexico" where true democracy and free will dominated. Decisions were made then, not by secret ballot, and non-according to the formula — 50%+1 votes, and not by throwing fucking bulletins into urns. There was a consensus, unanimous and decentralized, but hierarchical. The hierarchy was competent, dynamic and flexible and social lifts worked. Nobody was afraid to tell the truth and negotiate. And in practice, the best of the best was be commanders and managers. And for this effective self-organization, no goverments were required.
I am sure that this everything now needs to be reincarnated in a modern manner. If we really want freedom.
The eye of Sauron is not slumbering! It sees everything - but does not yet understand the social potentialities and perspectives that Satoshi Nakamoto hinted at us.
We must immediately make a technogenic Sich as a social blockchain and a decentralized autonomous organization with its own scalable blockchain-infrastructure, in which people will be united territorially, for business, and for a variety of interests - from theater to space, to startups and communities around the globe
Ukraine has the potential to build a convenient physical infrastructure for the future of the project. Today Ukraine is a white paper on which we writing our concept.
I have a vision of the socio-economic and technical model of the project. Later I will describe it. But everything has his time. After all, life is a process, not a result...