Vote Harder, They Say. The Great Libertarian Voting Debate

in anarchy •  7 years ago  (edited)


Anarchy is spreading.

When I first attended FreedomFest in Las Vegas a few years ago, there was, ironically, a large number of statists in attendance.

They wanted a more benevolent tyranny.

The only known anarchists in attendance were Doug Casey, Jeffrey Tucker, Stefan Molyneux (before he backslid), myself and a few others.

But over the years, the tide has turned and the trend has clearly shifted as I’ve noticed more and more guests and speakers at FreedomFest shedding their statist shackles.

Anarchapulco, of course, remains the premiere gathering for anarchists worldwide---where you’ll find about 99% of the people attending are principled, unabashed supporters of freedom in its fullest sense. The other 1% usually end up being anarchists by the end of the week, with the only notable exceptions so far being Lauren Southern and Milo Yiannopoulos, darlings of the new right.

In keeping with this important progression, I’ll be serving red pills at the upcoming FreedomFest conference, where I’ve been invited back to speak---indeed I’ll be debating the event’s founder, Mark Skousen, on whether or not libertarians, or anyone, should vote in government elections.

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To quote the great Lysander Spooner, “A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years.”

As a side note, however, I do actually support Adam Kokesh running for “not-president” in 2020 on the platform of the immediate closure of the federal government. And, I also support Tim Moen, the anarcho-capitalist leader of the Libertarian Party of Canada who has a similar message. I’ll explain more on that during our upcoming debate in Las Vegas.

FreedomFest (and the great debate) is coming up from July 11 - 14.

By using the discount code ANARCHO100 you can save $100 off your ticket price. The discount expires at the end of June so act now if you’d like to receive it.

Tickets are available for purchase at


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Did you see Tone Vays there? Also what do you think of Dash is it a good time to buy?

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

voting is violence, the only legitimate vote is choosing to be free and for that we do not need an artificial fake election administered by our masters.

Thanks for sharing

VOTING just shows how ignorant you are to believe in this rigged system , and is giving legitimacy to this fraud we live under . Have a great 👍 conference down there . 👏✌️❤️👊🏻

Excellent post sir

The only time I would make an exception, is when one has an opertunity to be a hinderance. Say there was a referendum on a tax or a law, or in a case like @adamkokesh 's campain.

"I wanna be free - fuck the government"
Check the video here

Hey Jeff, I’ve tried to contact several members of Anarchapulco staff regarding the videos of the 2018 Anarchapulco, which I attended, that were offered as a sale for early buyers, but so far I received no replies.
I see sales pitch all the time about these videos that you are selling, but I have not received a link to access or download the videos which I have purchased while still at the venue.
Avi knows that I can be a pain, so now I see no option other than starting to become a pain in the derrière.

Hey Jeff, I’ve tried to contact several members of Anarchapulco staff regarding the videos of the 2018 Anarchapulco, which I attended, that were offered as a sale for early buyers, but so far I received no replies.
I see sales pitch all the time about these videos that you are selling, but I have not received a link to access or download the videos which I have purchased while still at the venue.
Avi knows that I can be a pain, so now I see no option other than starting to become a pain in the derrière.

I like that Jeff switched to gold instead of just bitcoin and crypto talk. I don't mind bitcoin and blockchain. But I feel that The Dollar Vigilante should be more balances and less frothy. I understand the reasons behind touting bitcoin when it was at 10,000+ I would probably do the same... Looking forward to come to Anarchapulco!