Steemit will bring Freedom to Earth!

in anarchy •  9 years ago 

The inhabitants of Earth desperately thirst for freedom, and peace and are tired of endless wars and slavery that is imposed upon them by their rulers. I see that Steemit is the best chance to bring anarchy to Earth. Anarchism is not violent molotov-cocktail throwing hippies, but a deep philosophy of self-ownership, where it's immoral to rule over others. What's with the optimism?

1) Anarchy is a trending tag on Steemit

Steemit is already going mainstream, I see many artists and mainstream content producers joining us, we can go mainstream in the next months for sure. At the same time we have the "anarchy" tag trending amongst other popular topics. Why is this? It is not a coincidence, but the whole philosophy of non-censorship and decentralization is an anarchist way. We cannot have freedom when our ideas are censored, and I tell you twitter and facebook clearly doesn't like when you question the status quo. Just try to post something negative about your politician and see it being taken down immediately. This is unacceptable, freedom of speech is sacred. Anarchist posts on mainstream social media are very rare, and are either censored , or are self-censored by the low quality posts that other people make (sometimes even posting bots censor this way).

2) The crypto revolution will not be centralized

Steem, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are anarchist by themselves, in the sense that they opposte the monopolistic central banking system and the immoral fractional reserve ponzi schemes. This reinforces our momentum. First we had decentralized currency, now we have decentralized freedom of speech. It is exciting to see what will come after...

3) Anarchism is getting mainstream

Can you imagine the tons of content producers over here adopting anarchist or at least libertarian essence into their content. Being just a photographer or musician or painter, it is really interesting to see what can you do to help our cause. Every small contribution helps, and when the big producers join Steemit, they could get inspiration too. Anarchism is just too taboo, and rightly so, your rulers really don't want  you to talk about it, but when people just out of curiosity realize how evil the State is, then we can see millions of people become enlightened. I can already see people here on Steemit with millions of followers on youtube and such, reading posts, and if the entire Steemit enviroment is liberty oriented, it wont take long for them to be too, potentially infuencing another million people worldwide. This is the network effect, and if Steemit remains uncensorable, and the enviroment remains liberty oriented coupled with open minded people, we can really push anarchism to mainstream. After all it's really weird that in the 21 century with all goods that humans have accomplished, we still have a bronze-age barbaric institution to rule over us.

Therefore, we have better odds than ever to push anarchism to mainstream, and with some luck, the 5000 year old beast can finally go to it's resting place.

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Freedom is a state of mind...or something.

Freedom is a state of open mindedness and physical sovereignty. It starts with freeing your mind and being open to ideas that might be taboo today or controversial, but which you know deep down in your heart that are moral and logical.

It truly is.

The reality is that we are already free. The universe itself puts no restrictions on what we can or cannot do, other than the laws of physics.
We can build what we want, and perform whatever actions we want. People who work for the government also can do as they want, and they often choose to stop other people from doing what they want. Even so, the mindset of people who believe in a government is one of brainwashed obedience. The propaganda through school and in the media quickly makes work of a person's mind, and locks them into a political cult, where they are convinced that they must respect and follow laws, vote for politicians, and be patriotic.

Well we are free in our minds, that is true, but I'm not sure we are physically free. The government is very invasive and can stop people quite easily. It takes more to transcend mental freedom into physical, but that is where it starts. If a person can't be free in it's own mind, then it will never be free physically. It starts with free thought and open mindedness, and a general sense of curiosity, exploration.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

I voted for this based on the grandiose optimism that was expressed. I suspect that @freddy008 is a little naive. The majority of the world may thirst for freedom. If that be true, they still revere the chains that bind them and they may be too dull to comprehend the mechanism which will lead to their freedom requires a refusal to go along with the herd. There's always one guy screaming the truth and the entire crowd wishing the loud idiot would just shut up.

No disrespect for that person, but screaming in the middle of a confused crowd won't really change anything. If we want to change people we need civilized ways to express our opinions to them. Yes not many people are open to change, and not many people can comprehend it, but you dont need to convince everyone, it's enough if 20-30% of the population get's it, and the rest will follow like the herd as you described it.