And you claim to be 'awake', smdh.

in anarchy •  7 years ago  (edited)

Many people on here seem to think I am cranky.

That I hate rich people for being rich.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.

I am cranky, don't get that wrong.

I started the @antisocialists to give us a place that welcomes cranky people.

If you are grumpy and like to have a go at folks please tag us in your posts and we will be glad to come by and explain why you are wrong.

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Thanks, @pompe72

See, we aren't like the fortunate kids, we don't just dismiss you out of hand, we take the time to try to help you see the errors in your thinking.

Example.    Other example.

So, I don't hate rich people, I hate what being rich does to their minds.

And, not just rich people, but all people accepted by the group.

If you are popular, I probably don't like you for it.

If you do as the sodomites do because you are in Sodom, then you are a sodomite, not someone apart from them.

If you go along to get along, you are the problem in a disfunctional world.

Give me the kids at the back of the class, they don't buy the bs that social kids have no clue about buying.

Seriously, who traffics children? Rich people and the social kids that learned to go along to get along early.

Who traffic in planeloads of drugs? Rich people.

Child sacrifices? Rich people.

Kicks the homeless with, 'get a job' and 'no I don't have any change', all while buying into crapitalism that creates these issues to start with?

Do poor people engage in these activities too? Yep, they sure do.

Why? Because they want to be rich.

Why does pop culture celebrate wealth?

To encourage emulation. To influence weak minds.

To hide the truth.

Just follow the pretty girls you knew in high skool.

Where are they now?  Most of the ones I knew have disappeared.

They, sure ain't hanging out at the grocery store or library, I've looked.


I get told I never offer positive feedback, just negative.

So, what am I for?

You won't like it.

Your indoctrination you called an education won't allow you to do so.

You know the news lies, why would you think that skools would be any less controlled?

You say that you are awake, that you know rockafella set up the NEA, but you still think you got the finest education out there to be had.


There was no communism in Russia.

There is no communism in any of the countries you think of as communist.

And it is unlikely for you to reject your indoctrination.

So, there is little point in elucidating my argument, at this point.

IF you are interested, I can point you to the information, but you would have to read it.

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I simply dislike selfish greedy people. I find they come in all denominations and financial levels.
Judging people on their financial value is narrow minded, blinkered and errr judgemental. Poor people can be greedy too.
I dislike people who use strong words such as 'hate' to describe stuff they simply don't like or disagree with.
I dislike people who tell me how I should think and accuse me of not being 'free' simply because I don't agree with their point of view. You telling me you know the truth is arrogant, my view is just as worthy as yours.
People should be judged simply on their deeds.
Humanity is the key to peace and love.

I hate poor people, they are skillless and they don't know how to play well with others. They also molest kids, do drugs, steal and other bad behaviors that go along with being poor. They are lazy and steal from others with their lack of willingness to do anything of value.
Often they smell bad and have poor personal hygiene.
Resentful little rebels who use hating the system as an excuse for failure.

(I hope I just triggered you really hard.) Like your description none of that is true, but there are hints of truth in both of our descriptions. )

Have a nice day

Nope, not triggered.
Just reminded that jerks come in all flavors.
Not all rich people are hitlaries, nor are all poor people Cassius Clays.

The thing about truth is that nobody gets a monopoly on it.
When one starts thinking they have a lock on the truth it is the first clue to re-examine.

In other words, I love winners, people who succeed, never give up, who make differences in the world, are able to stand up, even as a son, daughter, wife, husband, father, mother, especially, and we can see examples of remarkable people out there which inspires me so much.

People are of different character ever the poor can frustrate you and make you hate them
Behaviour is key to love and hatered not riches or poverty

Agreed, better characteristics, a better character, attitude, is truly contagious, viral, unforgettable.

I think poverty and being poor are overrated.

Its not about being poor its about escaping your #fakeducation.

If you actually read those books instead of cherry picking the first convienent phrase to represent the whole, you would know that by now.
Well, maybe in a few days, or weeks, depending on how fast you read.

lol Have you read the bible? I'm not just pulling from common sense capitalism. Wealth can be created and destroyed.

Have you read The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross?

Wealth is a term that enslaves us all.

Do you do voice chat? lol It seems like I barely have enough time to do steemit. :(

By wealth I wasn't just referring to monetary wealth. We have people who make $100,000 a year and struggle.

In general I think wealth is much better than poverty even under the purely traditional definition. We need to use our time money and resources to improve our lives and the world and create more "wealth".

Ah, ok.
Yes, we should all work together to increase the benefits of working.
Ergo, keep working, stop paying.
Paying benefits the few by restricting what the many get out of the deal.

This has been quite scentifically worked out by kropotkin in 1906's Conquest of Bread.

Working and spending can be indivualistic. You could work at planting perennial fruit and saving money. Spending is also very important. You can buy a new car and destroy wealth or a used car and hopefully maintain wealth.
Money is a useful tool for valuing time and labor. You could substitute one or both for money but it very few people will work for absolutely nothing.

Or, we could value work in ways that didnt make us slaves of those that have more money than us.
You neighbors will know if you underwork or overconsume.
This method places value on reputation rather than wallet size.
Seeing that wallet size can be gamed by bad acting, seems to me that reputation is a better measure of wealth creation.

IMHO the biggest problem is that we ALL are indoctrinated and chemically dumbed down for generations and most of us are not aware of this. Most people still believe that they got it right and everybody else who disagrees is dumb and wrong. Even the biggest moron sees himself as a genius. Truth is, WE ALL live wayyyy below our potential. But who has the brains and balls to admit that?

You are right.
Smart people realize how much they dont know, where dumb people think they are geniuses.

We didnt get here overnight, im glad the pendulum is swinging the other way again.

Dec 21, 2012 was the end of the world as we knew it.
The world was ruled by force on that day.
As the reversal picks up speed maybe we can reach escape velocity and never return to the darkness of rule by bully.

Can only hope that you are right. Reading comments on youtube makes me believe otherwise though. It appears as if the damage is widespread and almost irreversible, at least in my lifetime. So much hate, division, stupidity and self righteousness needs at least 3 generations of sanity to heal...

The people with time to comment on youtube are not a representative crossection of the population.
Most folks with real jobs just dont have time.
So the data is skewed towards those with more time on their hands.
Same here, absent the rewards i wouldnt have this much time to devote here.

Our cause is only lost once we stop struggling to acheive it.
Three generations should do it, if we can gain control of the narrative.

You should know that any vote less than .02 rounds down, and the interface rounds up all votes over .015 to appear as two, but then rounds down at payout.
Unless you got the math to crunch the vest value its safest to vote .03 or more.

My vote is only worth 0.01 at 100%. I'm afraid the way I am progressing with my steem power, this will stay like this for a while. I try to compensate my worthlessness with kindness :)

Well, that blows.
We need to find you a 150sp delegation, let me look at that.

That's very kind of you, but not necessary. I'm not on steemit to make money. If someone likes my posts and comments, that's great. If someone is looking for financial compensation, they can go elsewhere. I rather communicate with people who appreciate my thoughts, not my money. I rather get thoughtful replies than monetary "rewards" myself.

Ok, i just hate seeing stinc's anti small account bs round down votes that should be paying out.

I dont hate rich people but I hate rich people with attitude and arrogant behavior :)

If you follow the studies that are done on rich people's attitudes you'd realize that you hate rich people, and you might even hate people that only pretend to be rich, which is all it takes to change one's attitude from considerate to inconsiderate and tolerant to intolerant and naive to criminal.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

P.S. it's pompe72 not pompey

I knew i should check my spelling,..

Upvoted, yes, agreed, when we are blinded by greed, wealth, power, influence, material possessions, as we make those choices towards that kind of drug, idolatry, focus, priority, emotionally speaking, subjectively speaking, then stuff happens to us, we turn from Star Wars Anakin Skywalker into a Darth Vader monster, from a small Rock friend ape named George in Rampage into a King Kong. Depravity is at the Rock Bottom of our hearts & that is who we are apart from eternal principles, our choice, some help too, to go away from that towards better things.