Tonight my fiance took my car to get some groceries. She had laid down our baby to bed and wanted to use our one car because she is always trying to find ways to make my life easier. I stayed at home so our baby and myself could get some rest.
40 minutes later I got a phone call. It was my fiance. She was pulled over on the side of the road by a policeman because my license plates expired a few months ago. The policeman had her information and was in his car. She sounded shaky.
One thing to keep in mind: my fiance has had a traumatic as fuck experience with cops in the past. She got bullied and there was nothing that she could do about it. Worse, there was nothing that I, her protector, could do about it. I could hear the shaking in her voice. Soon her fight or flight would peak... which is not good around cops.
So when I asked her what was up and she told me the situation, I knew that I had to stay calm for her. If she freaked out even for a moment, things would escalate. She had the only car. I couldn't go get her. Our baby was in bed. I had to be at work in the morning. If the cop got too anxious, I would have to figure out how to rescue my love with a baby in my arms and no car. Also, very little money.
While on the phone with her, the cop came back to the window. He immediately demanded to know who she was on the phone with as though that was any of his business. I stayed quiet. After he learned I was on the phone, he became more hostile. He told her that he had written her a ticket but could have "towed this car and ruined your life".
Let that sink in.
Here is a policeman who swore to serve and protect and that I am forced to pay part of his salary. He is bullying my fiance, the woman that I love, with idle threats. I can't do anything to protect her except for try to keep her calm. All because I didn't pay my taxes on time. Taxes that pay for our roads... that are completely ruined with potholes.
Within 24 hours, someone on the internet is going to say to me, "who is going to pay for the roads, though?!"
I'm just glad that my fiance returned home and is safe. This story could have easily come to a much more frightening and awful conclusion.
When I say that I am voting for Adam Kokesh in 2020 so that he can peacefully and responsibly dissolve the federal government, this is something that I will be changing. With the federal government gone, the onus will be passed to the states where the people can actually manage the corruption. This needs to stop. Help me. Help us.
-Michael P. Wood
And the police officer feels he is putting the "fear of god" into this bitch, who is obviously wasting money, and thus not paying their appropriate fees. He really thinks he is helping. Because, it would be anarchy, if everyone stopped paying their fees.
However, the police do not see the other side. That each and every one of these life threatening threats undermines their support. Just a little more. Just a little more. And, when enough people have had enough. Since police officers are only 1% of the population, then all it takes is 2% to get upset enough to do something.
On that day, the police find out what it means to say, "we know where you live."
I wish police officers would realize this and turn the tides. Because a police states always ends with all the police being dead.
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When they see us building a WELL REGULATED MILITIA via the Deputiz'm Plan, they will fear us. Until then, we give them nothing to fear. absolutely nothing. And this is where I am not sure the anarchos "get it".......
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I do not agree... but not linearly.
I do not wish for fear, i wish for respect.
The anarcho plans can lead to respect.
Now, the police are already afraid. They know the score. They have already been brainwashed into believing its us vs them. (us, the people who pay their salaries, vs them, the ones who work for us. go figure) The regulated militia doesn't create much more fear, but it will create a sense of urgency.
A well regulated militia turns into a lets raid their leader's house.
Where both responses lead to a bad situation.
A. Do not respond, and the police will be emboldened to push the envelope more.
B. Kill them all. Which will lead to all kinds of bad things when the state police/military escalate the force, and the community turns against you... because they were under the idea that the police are there to protect and serve.
What has happened time and time again, is that the police push the line... and then, all at once, they are all dead. All of them. It only takes pushing 2% of the people past the line of responding with force. The best thing to do is keep reporting on what is actually happening with police. If FEMA camps start to be used, get the word out.
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I respectfully disagree. Thugs and parasites only respect what they fear. It's that simple. But you keep on with your Amish-style thinking. We'll be glad to protect you if you feed us with healthy, non GMO food. Wonderful trade off. With Kokesh's plan, we can all separate off and govern (or non-govern) as we decide locally.
Oh. And if FEMA camps start to be used, it's too late to worry about getting the word out.
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I am not of the Amish bent.
What i see is there is a police force, and they will go to whatever lengths they have to, to stay in control (see Waco).
In order to have a ... balance of power, you need to be ready to kill all the police.
If they cross a line, they all need to be shot. That is the level of fear one needs to achieve if fighting force with force. I would rather not go to those lengths, because it just ends with lots of dead people.
I would rather have a society where a police man's wages are based on... the best i can describe is a facebook page, solely on comments of people who interacted with that police man. And, thus, poor police men just stop being police because they aren't paid anything.
We the people really need a way of pulling the plug. Directly.
Because, as we have seen, The govern-cement will protect itself.
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I am glad your fiance made her way back to you safely as well.
You didn't ask for advice, but I am compelled to offer...
It's all just a game.
They make the rules, the better you understand them, the more power you will have.
Registration of vehicles is a control point.
Allways make sure your papers are in order!
Reduce your exposure. Limit unnecessary travel. Save your money. Save your energy. Any action you make; make with intent.
The day will come that your strength will be needed and used to make a better world.
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Wise words. My thinking is first "they" have to cull the heard before they execute their control tactics. I see "them" dividing the nation, collapsing the dollar and then after another bloody civil war and starved out people "they" will ride in with "their" one world order, shouting peace for nothing while holding all the keys.
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That is an unfortunate possibility.
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not wise words at all, spozone. Stupid advice for sorry-ass cucks. I have become truly inspired over Adam Kokesh's will to fight ever since he emerged out of jail this last time and put that moronic sheriff on notice. Stop listening to useless whiney women who rather see us cower under the threat of a boot on our necks. And if it's (((they))) who you are referring to, we can take the discussion to that level if you like. I don't fear obnoxious talmudThumpers.
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No I think you misunderstood. I like Mr Kokesh. I hope to see his name on a ballet. I just don't think he'll have much of a chance of making it that far. I question whether or not any of us have a real chance because the deep state is so well entrenched in our psyche. "They" have divided the country sufficiently I fear we are nearing the tipping point. Indeed I hope I'm wrong. Muzafer Sherif et al (1954) has some insight on what I see going on in the US today. They banned that type of research and it seems tho "they" are using it to "their" advantage. For what purpose? Who knows what They think and who knows who "they" really are. I surely don't. I'm just a dumb stupid framer and part-time geek.
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If you can produce food, YOU AIN'T DUMB! ...especially if you have the ability to produce more than your family can consume. That is a myth which "cosmopolitan" overlords want to pin on you so as to keep us all dependent on their GMO slop. What state do you reside in? How much farm land do you own?
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no bevery... WE make the rules in America. But we have abnegated our responsibility. ...yes, even the anarchos; all libertarians for that matter. The day where our strength is needed is TODAY. We need to get off our soft, fat, lazy asses, find a corner and build a colony or two. It's that simple. Enough being fish in a barrel. Your advice be DAMNED in every sense of the word, and with every ounce of spirit I can muster. It's your poppycock that has rendered the men of Liberty to allow us all to become such vulnerable cucks' pushed around by loser cops all over the map. Pray about your position and what you are asking men to do...... and remain.
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"We make the rules" ?
Are you referring to the corporate lobby?
Corporations now have the same rights as humans, but are immortal, and direct your lawmakers.
We all have a strategy, what is your stratagy?
My advise to the poster is/was to not get incarcerated.
I agree the the day is today.
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the corporate lobby is only effective when we elect whores. They have no effect on congressmen like Ron Paul, Justin Amash and Thomas Massie. Now this is NOT to say I want to remain under the US Constitution; it's a failure. Our Sovereignty is outlined in the Declaration of Independence, and I am ALL IN on Adam Kokesh's "Split 50!" plan, making each state its own sovereign nation; just as the Articles of Confederation had this place organized back in 1783.
Now, as to "not getting incarcerated", I am asking libertarians to consider this:
Introducing Andy "petition" Jacobs and his Libertarian Revolution channel.
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Andy makes sense in the video.
I just learned about Adam Kokesh, so I am not jet familiar with split 50.
Still not sure why you think me advise is bad.
Do you have a car?
License plates for the car?
A drivers license?
Some people are able to fight and make difference in jail.
But I don't think that was her intention.
Do you have a mortgage, credit card, or any loans?
Government starts with personal responsibility.
And that is what I was advising the build independence and strength.
I understand that it takes a community to rebuild a broken system, I just haven't found that community yet.
Will the Free State Project in New Hampshire alow me to sail into their state without a visa?
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Wait, bev. Am I to understand you are from a nation outside America? This would make my harsh tone out of line. Your writing makes it seem like English is your first language, whereas I didn't notice any Canadian, UK or Aussie idioms or slang.
And to all of your questions: NO to each one. None of the statist trappings any longer. "Sail in"??? on what type of vessel? I would have to believe there are private docks which would accommodate, and no one is going to check your I.D.
Please help us build libertarian communities. Then we can attain badges and never be harassed by a Law Enforcement officer ever again.
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Hypothetically, when Adam wins, and we see "Split 50!", do you envision Anarchos staying all spread out across the map and within the borders of the several states? Or do you see them doing an Anarcho version of the Free State Project? ...or Free County Project? Even a Free Village Project? order to garner some synergy.
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When Adam wins, our country will start to self heal. markets will go back into testing phase instead of "protected by govt". Ideas that don't work will get dropped to make way for ideas that will work. The anarchists will get what they want and the socialists will get what they want. These two ideas will compete in a free market. Theories will be tested instead of merely speculated. Then we will evolve.
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Steemit does not have a llOve button, just know I pushed one.
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While I agree wholeheartedly with what you posit, you actually avoided answering my question. In the process of reaching this "evolution" in the poli-sci department, what do you believe will be the strategy of the Anarchos, as you envision? Stay where you are? or work target locations? (which can actually be done by erecting Agora points with time-share units). I do NOT believe our nation will "self-heal" unless the currency counterfeiters high-tail out of here and head to Izzzzreeeeeal for sanctuary.... and even then, I believe it will take a concerted effort from libertarians "nailing the coffin shut". Do you really believe the New World Order orchestrators are just going to give up on the progress they have made here since Andrew Jackson, and then Martin Van Buren left office?
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Good Question! The real answer is.. do people in this country have enough balls to handle a system that is so foreign to way they've lived all of there life. The only thing here that is remotely free is the internet, which you have to pay for, and then it's censored after you've payed for it. Will anarchy spread out and consume part of the country? all of the country? even just a small piece? Who knows? Do the masses have enough balls to just stop paying taxes? Do they stop supporting a system that has been terribly broken for many years now? I don't think so.. Do you think Adam will actually win? I doubt it.. Don't get me wrong, I'll be voting for him, on a broken system that has the outcome predetermined. So I can say I did my part, but is that going to solve anything? Until the masses actually make a change in there own life, stop participating in the broken system, and therefor force the change, nothing will change. The system can't be fixed within the broken system, it has to come to a complete dissolution and start over. History has always repeated itself in cycles over and over again. My prediction is that this is the very beginning of the change that will take a good many years yet to come. Like you say, the "powers that be" aren't going to just lay down, and the people haven't yet come to the realization that they control everything. This is a cooperation among every person in every country in the world, when we quit cooperating the system grinds to a halt. Everyone is waiting for the right person to come along and make the "great change" that each and every person has to make for themselves. When the change finally takes place, it will be all or nothing, everywhere or nowhere. How fast can people wake up here...1913, it's been over one hundred years now.. Good Question!
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Agreed, there is no way the system will change by itself, not meaningfully anyway. Some small concessions will and are being made but they are meaningless, what they give with one hand they take with the other only to placate the masses. Lifting the burden slightly from those most likely to crack and pushing the thumb down hard on those who are most willing to take it, but essentially never changing anything and maintaining the status quo.
I believe the only thing that is going to take the system down is itself, unwillingly of course. It will collapse under its own weight, it is already way over stretched, in huge mountains of debt, fighting endless wars it can't win. The people have mostly had enough, but not to the point that they will actually do something about it, only a handful are trying. There isn't much that people can actually do against a huge super power state regardless. Even a much smaller state that has struggled economically and culturally for years like North Korean can't be brought down just by the people alone. Historically it is almost always the state that over stretches, gets too top heavy and topples itself under its own weight.
I believe right now that is what we are starting to see, it will take a long time, years, maybe decades and even then there is no guarantee that it will be toppled completely and instead cling to life in a much smaller form where it must withdraw from the world relinquish top spot to other powers but might still have absolute power on home soil for a long time.
Already we can see that nations like Russia and China are outmaneuvering and out-competing the US in terms of innovation, technology, trade, economy and as well as culturally. This is because of the United States complete inability to manage its own size and a refusal to look inwards rather than outwards as well as having a small ruling elite who care nothing of the people and just use the nation who used to be the most rich and powerful on earth for their own ambitions and gains.
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dbarzo said: >>>The real answer is.. do people in this country have enough balls to handle a system that is so foreign to way they've lived all of there life. >>>
How many people do you propose need to show this level of "balls"? Frostproof, FL is one libertarian city councilman away from having 3/5ths of the government there... and it will feature a libertarian Mayor, Martin Sullivan. The election is in April, I believe. Why aren't libertarians focusing on this phenomenon?
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With all due respect, IATN, I believe you have it backwards. Our nation (the men, in particular) needs to self-heal BEFORE Adam ever has a chance of garnering 34%+ of the voter approval. But that healing process can happen if enough people read his book, and enough resulting libertarians gravitate towards the mindset that just "knowing I am right is no longer enough". That level of commitment could certainly be realized if we get our boy on the debate stage in 2020.
The Free State Project had the right idea. We need to shorten the reigns a bit and try a Free County Project... even a Free Town Project. This way we can control the way the police and courts act (or prove we can do without them, somehow preventing other governments from encroaching). If I had a badge, and I heard the story of what that uniformed thug put your wife through......... Go watch Mel Gibson's 2010 movie: "Edge of Darkness", and we'll further discuss this. When are libertarian men going to reach a point where they are sick and phuquin' tired of being victimized in a nation where this need not be the case? When are libertarian men going to recognize that liberty doesn't come from attempting to morally persuade parasites, whores, actors and controlFreaks out of their chosen lifestyle? Liberty comes to men who TAKE IT... and then maintain it. The Founders already took it. Why aren't we maintaining it?
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To serve themselves and to protect their profits.
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It's not the federal government who you pay your car registration taxes to, so dissolving them won't help. Sure that is a shitty situation but what if the call was from a cop who was telling you that she was hit by someone driving a car without even having valid tags?
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You're correct. However, my point is that when people think "corruption in politics" or protesting... they think federal government. With the federal government gone, people will turn their attention to corruption and unacceptable behavior at state level. Sorry I didn't make that clearer.
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when your state officials are corrupt or your state makes laws that violate your rights that is when the federal government is pretty great to have available.
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Yep, whenever I am getting violated by an institution of coercion I always wish there was a larger institution of coercion(in order to coerce the first back under control).
When people ask me what the solution is to all the coercion in our culture I always answer, "more coercion".
It's what works.
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it's called checks and balances, should the feds get out of control then you can perhaps achieve relief from your state, you can't fight city hall, not alone.
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It is difficult for me to get to Dc to stop corruption but my state capital is easier. Yes this is a local problem and it should be handled there. To the person that suggested that the federal government might help, when has that ever worked? The feds just back up the local cops. They would say to his fiance "you should have had your papers." Government will always take the side of government. If we were dealing with local government alone they would not feel the power that backs them from being supported by a corrupt immoral system. Then maybe the police could get back to helping people rather than being another tactic of government to intimidate and collect fees.
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when has that ever worked?
like all the time! People win in federal courts frequently against their state and local governments and have unconstitutional laws overturned. Who won in McDonald v Chicago?
Citizens United v the FEC?
Heller v DC?
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I mispoke, I should have said, it seldom works. Again government protects government. Cop protects cop. No not every cop is bad but I certainly trust my local cop more than the FBI. If you do than you are choosing to be ignorant. The farther we get away from the individual the farther we are from them being held accountable.
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Isn't it time we formed a WELL REGULATED MILITIA via the Deputiz'm Plan? ...or shall we just continue whining the victimizedBlues while swimming like fish in a barrel?

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I'm not whining, doing dandy, in fact I am focused on helping others to help themselves today
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Veey good your post
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The bullies in high school become police officers or state bureaucrats...
I'm sorry for your experience, it is insane how powerful cops are in this country, and people should realize it has nothing to do with race
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Much of this thread sounds like the councils the native americans held trying to decide what to do about the europeans. Talking and talking until they lost everything and were rounded up on the bits of land that no white men wanted. Keep it up, future proves past.
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Yeah, I have had it up to the eyeballs with bullying cops!
They seem to pick out women on their own, as if they are some sort of messed up Shariah Enforcement Squad or something!
Oh yes, and the Poor! Pick on those people who are least able to afford your Stupid Fraudulent Extortionate Racketeering Fines.
Don't Pay the Fine. Send the Note back to them with
"UCC 1-308, All Rights Reserved"
written in Large Font in Red Permanent Marker across it.
Even if it goes to Court, the Judge will not be able to enforce any lawful penalty against your Fiance, because she is well within her rights to travel, even if she hasn't paid into their extortionate racket. If he does, file an appeal, because at that point he is Outside of Law (he is an Out-Law).
This is not Legal Advice, BTW, just Common Law Knowledge.
Every time they pull this BS, they weaken themselves, so keep fighting the good fight, my friend!
God Bless and God Speed!
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Sorry about your experiences with law enforcement. The police force in this country has gotten way out of control. Not all of them are bad but the ones that are, are really bad. I too will be voting for Adam and am hopefully being a delegate to help ensure that he will be nominated. I'm with you, lets take back our freedoms!
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