RE: I Have To Speak Up About Ben Farmer and Adam Kokesh

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I Have To Speak Up About Ben Farmer and Adam Kokesh

in anarchy •  7 years ago 

"The ONLY people who WANT to play politics are people who crave power!" --Untrue. Frederick Douglass played politics. Henry David Thoreau played politics. Lysander Spooner played politics.

Sure, the government having brainwashed most of the population means that very few people know ANYTHING about basic Civics, politics, etc.

Sure, political power is attractive to sociopaths, and they, being on average more intelligent than other people, and also realizing all the same truths about the general public that i just mentioned, are over-represented in politics. (Also, in a normal job, empaths tend to disempower and keep sociopaths off-balance. So, sociopaths are pushed away from normal productive work, into politics. ...This also encourages sociopathic tendencies in others who are pushed away from "productive work" ...because being productive essentially means being good farm chattel, milked by socialist overlords. ...And this is even true of black market drug cartels that only do business in cash.)

To have any chance of eliminating sociopathic governance from your life, you cannot do business in federal reserve "dollars." ...But they are still the reserve currency unit of the world, and the banks are making strong moves toward destroying crypto via armed force.

So, sociopaths get into politics. The pro-social sociopaths (people perhaps like Gary "Gee Shucks" Johnson and, more likely, Bill Weld) are the best of those, but they also don't mind fucking over innocent campaign workers who are "beneath them." They also tend to be involved first(95%) for narrow self-interest, and second(5%) for individual freedom. When John McAfee was betrayed by Chris Thrasher, it was likely because Thrasher was simply interested in a paycheck, and didn't give a fuck about McAfee's message. Johnson paid his way to the convention, and paid him for some work. ...Nearly 100% of the money Johnson spent was to secure the LP nomination, and pay his own debts. His "campaign" was useless. ...But what if he'd raised millions more? At some point, he'd be taken seriously. That was 100% of his strategy: "Hope for the best."

...But sociopaths don't go to the barricades for liberty. They don't get arrested for liberty. They don't stick their necks out for liberty. (Unless they're doing so to throw people like myself off the fact that they're FBI informants, the way Douglas(s) Durham did to AIM.)

Kokesh seems legitimate to me. He doesn't seem as bright as me, when dealing with the general public. He doesn't seem as bright as many LP petitioners, when dealing with the general public. ...But he seems well-intentioned, and, if you're not well-intentioned, you cannot lead a movement for liberty.

My threshold for tolerating bullshit is high. I was curious. I wanted to know. Now, I know.

There is not much of a liberty movement in the USA. Adam is currently the best game in town. I'm glad he exists.

But I'm also very glad his critics exist.

I encourage Adam to be very loyal to people who really are the best. Even if they're not the best, I encourage him to not fuck over people who are loyal to his team.

To that end, I also encourage him to use technology to his benefit. I encourage him to keep the communications flowing, and introduce the people on his campaign team, and address as many allegations of ineptitude and wrongdoing as possible. I encourage him to develop systems that self-correct.

There are many ways to do this. One is to attempt to build constructive pressures into the LP, by outlawing "closed door sessions" in LNC meetings. The LNC has wasted millions of donor dollars, and betrayed the trust of those donors, time and time again. They have abnegated their duties to hold Fedpath accountable, and abjectly failed to elect libertarians to "offices the general public cares about"+"offices that can achieve meaningful change"(State Legislatures outside of NH; Sheriff).

So, fixing the LNC and electing actual libertarians to the LNC is vitally important.

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