Cowardice Is Not a Virtue

in anarchy •  7 years ago 

Those clamoring for “gun control,” particularly right after some spectacular and dramatic shooting, seem to think they are demonstrating how compassionate, enlightened, civilized and responsible they are. In reality, they are doing something which is both foolish and cowardly. Then again, most vocal proponents of “gun control” seem to care more about how they look to others, than they do about actually doing anything useful. (Of course, that is true of almost anyone who loudly and conspicuously advocates a “government” solution to anything.)

First and foremost, pushing a “legislative” solution always amounts to condoning a violent solution. “Laws” are not polite suggestions; they are threats of force. “Gun control,” while usually framed in vague, euphemistic terms by its proponents, is gun violence. It is politicians threatening to send men with guns after any mere peasant who possesses something that the masters say they are not allowed to possess.

So, for example, anyone who condones the outlawing of semi-auto military style rifles is, from his place of irresponsible cowardice, condoning violence against me personally (I own an AR-15), based on his own ignorance and/or desire to appear compassionate.

But “gun control” advocates are not just ignorant and cowardly; they are also massively hypocritical. I have yet to meet any “gun control” proponent who wants any weapons taken away from agents of the state. Indeed, they very much want “government” enforcers to be heavily armed with all sorts of weapons of war, and then hope they come running when some mere peasant goes berserk.

All of those conspicuously “caring” Hollywood doofuses, for example, calling for “gun control” in the wake of some shooting or other, are essentially conveying this message: “If something really bad is happening, I have no intention of trying to stop it myself, I don’t even want the ability to stop it, and I don’t trust anyone else to have the desire or machinery to stop it, except for agents of the ruling class.”

They are projecting their own irresponsibility and immaturity onto everyone else, assuming that because all they would do in a crisis is hide in a corner and wait for “the authorities” to save their sorry asses (good luck with that), they think that everyone else should be forced to do likewise. They are scared little children who could never imagine taking it upon themselves to stop evil from happening, so all they can think to do is whine to their political masters to please try to make all the other “children” helpless too. And they think that counts as them doing something.

What makes it worse is that they wear their pathetic helplessness (mental and physical) with such pride, as if it is a badge of honor. The pretend to be anti-violence, while condoning massive state violence all over the place, including against all those people who do take it upon themselves to be unpaid defenders of everyone around them.

One of the strangest things to watch is an advocate of victim disarmament (“gun control”) trying to talk down to those of us who take on the extremely serious responsibility of having the means and willingness to use deadly force if some psycho (public or private) decides to go crazy.

No one needs weapons like this!!

Every time I hear a “gun control” advocate say something like that, I know he is lying, to himself and everyone else. What he actually means is, “We pathetic little peasants should never be allowed to possess such things, but the political masters and their underlings (who started out as peasants) should definitely have weapons like that, and so much more!

“Gun control” proponents are in no way anti-gun; They are not at all advocating doing away with the weapons entirely; they are condoning instead a violently enforced monopoly on owning such weapons, by the very gang which is responsible for more theft and murder than any other entity in history (namely, “government”). And they are specifically clamoring to have agents of the state use their guns to forcibly disarm others who haven’t threatened or harmed anyone.

And that’s both immoral and stupid. It would be more understandable (albeit still naive and misguided) if they wished for some magic button to make all guns disappear, but instead they are proudly cheering to have the most heavily armed gang in the world (the United States “government”) disarming everyone else. In short, they are thinking and acting like stupid, helpless children who are trying to look compassionate.

If you actually want to protect the innocent and reduce violent aggression, there are two things you should do: 1) Stop advocating the biggest example of violent aggression in the world (“government”) and become a voluntaryist, and; 2) Get a freaking gun, learn how to use it, and become one of the people able and willing to actually resist and combat the sociopaths and thugs of the world.

If you’re too philosophically or physically cowardly to do either, then just quietly hide somewhere and hope that someone with more courage than you, and more weapons than you, saves your sorry ass. But stop projecting your irresponsibility onto everyone else by begging the ruling class to make everyone else as helpless and pathetic as you.

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Larken, big fan.
I recently got turned on to your videos on youtube. (I watch video while turning wrenches) I didn't realize it at the time but I'm already 99% of the way to being a voluntaryist before I even knew the term for it.
In Texas we are slowly but surely trying to get our freedoms back a little chunk at a time. Its is an insanely frustrating process. Our elites are hell bent on the oppression they lord over us and won't give it up willingly. But on the bright side I see more and more people are having an awakening to true freedom and realizing just how indoctrinated we all are. Myself included.

I carry everytime I step outside my door and have gotten to the place where I am now questioning if I am armed enough. Recent events have made me re-evaluate what I need to adequately protect myself and my family. I currently carry a revolver in the summer but am about to switch to my wintertime rig with more capacity and extra ammo.

I have found that once I accepted the fact that my government would kill anyone to advance its own power, its easy to accept that they are capable of anything. Even the most heinous acts that I can't even conceive of yet are now a threat to all those I love. They simply cannot allow us to continue on as an armed society. Push will come to shove eventually. I just hope I am prepared enough when it happens.

Keep up with your videos, man. I have forwarded on your stuff to like minded friends. I am still forming my own dialog and arguments but your point of view helps me articulate the truth I always knew was there.


That's Philadelphia Collins, the mustard tiger.

ahahhahahahaha Yes. Yes it is.

You hit all the nails right on the head. I'm always amazed at people's blindness and lack of courage. Fact is that the 2nd amendment was to allow the people to protect themselves from the government.

My favorite bumper sticker currently is: Guns don't kill people. Cops kill people. Unfortunately I can't put that one on my car for obvious reasons; It could become a self-fulfilling prophesy.

Put it on a cop car, or all of them, and take pictures of it.

What a great idea! Probably a "tagging" felony. 3 cop cars, 3 counts, 3 strikes. Life without possibility of parole. Wouldn't surprise me a bit.

Yes I agree with you. Firearms and knives don't kill people, people do. So next no one can have knives because some crazy person took one and hurt a lot of people in public?

You correctly characterized the calls for gun control. It's a shame that those that might most profit from understanding what gun control actually means are unlikely to see it. In an attempt to expose more people that do not understand that disarming victims isn't the cure to violent assault, I shall resteem.


I agree with your post. I think it is cowardly to not be prepared to shoot down an offender. I live in Honduras, a country that has suffered a lot of violence in past generations. I never thought it would happen to me (I didn't look for violence in any form), UNTIL it happened to me.
I had a comptroller position at a large company and I discovered employees stealing ( a group of them). I reported and no action was taken. A few days later at 6 AM in the morning as I was leaving to work, a thug shoot from the road to my car 9 rounds (9mm), 4 impacted the right side of my car. Not one round touched me (closest one came inches from my spine). I am SO thankful my wife was not with me in my car. This all happened in the driveway to my apartment (at that time). My wife heard the shots go off. So my response was: NEVER AGAIN.
I now carry an FNS .40 S&W (multiple magazines also) and a .22 pistol at home for the wifey.

Interesting fact a detective told me... 2/3 murders arise from interpersonal disagreements. In my case, financially interested individuals paid around $ 200 to put me out. Ridiculous.
You do not need to wait for a psycho to show up, or be in the place of a shooting. ALL you might need to do is stand up for the right thing. I now stay prepared because i WILL stand for the was is RIGHT.
Note: after that I have started my own business. If I'm taking a shot, it will be for my own money.

Two hundred bucks. The price of a life. For reference, that's 0.034 BTC at current rates. Or 0.6 ETH. This makes me very sad. My life (death, that is) is worth so much less than what I've managed to achieve.

That's right. That is what my enemies paid, but it was not my day.

My friend, who is trying to be an actor and usually leans to the left, told them during the last campaign to shut up. He said, "we pay you for your entertainment not to listen to your knowledge on subjects you know nothing about" I thought it was pretty hillarious.

Some of the worse laws in the US always come after a tragedy. Emotion doesn't equate to good law making.

Last but not least I have a friend who won top shot in the second or third season and he said cops are some of the worst shots in the country. They receive very little gun training and said something along the lines of most gun enthusiast are better at target shooting and gun safety then your average police officer. Makes you warm and fuzzy all over doesn't it.

Cops are bad shots, and amazingly irresponsible with their firearms handling. They routinely violate every rule that every responsible gun owner knows and abides by.

This is very true. I have read in multiple places over the years, that plice officers only have to qualify once per year if that. They don't even have to go to the range in most states, as long as they pass one little test they are good to go. It should be you need to pass multiple tests a year + have training with dummies and use blanks(more like training exercises they use in covert ops and higher level stuff).

I have gone out to target shoot and practice so much with my shotgun for example, that I almost never miss shooting a clay pidgeon . Ican throw them up in the air myself and shoot them, or throw 2 and get them both, i can have friends throw up them randomly and get them rapidly etc.

I am a really good shot with my ar-15, so much so that i can fire as fast as possible from 100 meters out and reliably land shots within a small grouping. Of course it took 100s of hours of learning how to shoot, how to lean in, hold gun, a few upgraddes to gun and sigh and all that, but i would be a way better person to have as a cop because Iam just so fluid with the gun and wouldn't immediately ever shoot someone. too much discipline.

I practice clearing my house with each weapon. where to stand, where a burglar would come in from, where they could stand.

I don't think cops do almost anything like this with their guns or training, and if they do I know at least in my state they only do it one time(before being hired), once hired zilch!

Yet ask yourself how rarely an armed bystander takes out the bad guy in movies and on TV.
They're telling stories while they're telling their stories.

"Wheels within wheels" I learned decades ago. It's still repeating...

If that happened the movie would be over way too quickly! 😆

The cowards out there make me sick. But they also make me more fully appreciate those who reject cowardice and accept responsibility.

Very well written blog and I'm happy to see a good response in votes and comments. I've personally never owned a gun but at the same time don't feel threatened by them, It's merely a tool like a saw or a hammer. I've never felt threatened by police or anyone packing either.
But when 1 group actually has the authority to use it on me, almost free of repercussions, I feel threatened by that!
Especially when said group of authorities are entrusted to force me into obeying laws/regulations I don't personally subscribe to makes me nervous indeed.
Oh, I'll take my chances with an armed thug, but a well-armed organized military type tactical team armed with government authority, I have no chance against. No matter how well armed I might be.
Thanks for your thoughtful well articulated post.
Following for more :-)

Very well articulated piece. Covers all of my thoughts on gun control.

I'm canadian, and I hate that we are unable to carry these in public. I also hate that the people around me actually think that this is one of those issues where canada is better than america (yes, the people in canada are this stupid). The government is bringing in all kinds of illegal immigrants, with a certain % of them clearly wanting to kill us while we remain completely disarmed and unable to defend ourselves from their aggression.

I've been forced to resort to a fucking pocket knife. What good that will do against a terrorist with an assault rifle, I have no idea. I'm hoping my knife throwing skills are on par with hollywood ninjas ...

Well, at least you're not in Sweden - where carrying a pocket knife is also a felony, unless it's "necessary in your line of work" (but then again, guilty until proven innocent applies here).

Then I guess you carry around a sports bag with a bat in it.

Amazing post...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

amazing post

Great post. I've loved your stuff for years, and own your book "The Most Dangerous Superstition" in hard copy. Found you here recently.

I just had to renew my "second amendment violation" and I made a point not to discuss how she's performing treason and sedition by keeping The People from being able to more easily form a militia -- meaning, she's aiding and abetting invading foreign armies. Even though I posted that I would!

A hundred bucks to get my rights back from this illegitimate licensing agency. Well, choose your battles, right? I'm choosing to "die on this hill" of fighting the IRS via form 4852 (Pete Hendrickson's method, from his book Cracking the Code and his website Haven't yet decided whether to die on the hill of eliminating firearms licensing, but I definitely align with it. What's your take on the tax issue -- have you read his book?

If you haven't, and you're interested, I will buy you a copy.

Soon I'll be buying property, and will then look into how my state's codes might fit into that old radio show I listened to a few years back, "Remove Your Property From the Tax Roll", which is specific to Florida:

In Texas just in our last legislative session we went from $130 License To Carry fee to $40 LTC. For civilians. For veterans and retired LEOs it has always been $40. We're getting closer. Still can't believe Texas does not have Constitutional Carry. Its infuriating. And an embarrassment. They always talk a big game and then never vote on it.
This has been my personal mission. I have called out many cops on it. They claim to be 2nd amendment supporters. But the facts tell a different story. In the last 30 years in Texas Police chiefs have stood against any and all legislation that would give rights back to the people weather it is guns or knives. And NOT ONCE has any cop stood before our legislature and said "Hey, maybe letting the people arm themselves might be a good idea." Yet almost every cop will tell you they like the 2nd amendment and took an oath.....blah blah blah........

I called out this hypocrisy on social media and got called a cop hater for my trouble.

Seems whenever someone calls someone else "X hater", the hate is generally coming from the speaker.

Keeping The People from forming militias, by licensing what should be rights -- again, that seems like treason and sedition to me, and those aren't things to be bandied about lightly.

These people took an oath. I caution (like Scripture), "take no oaths"; but, they did, and they will deal with the consequences thereof. I might not be involved in said consequences, and that's also okay.

Somebody had to say it. I've always wondered why you see hollywood types pile on to certain subjects that way. Awesome post, thanks.