Subliminals-In control of your own mind? Think again.

in anarchy •  7 years ago  (edited)


The other aspect of watching TV we need to be aware of are the subliminals, these can be in the form of symbols, siduals, pictures, or innuendoes that are flashed quickly within programs and advertisements that completely bypass the conscious mind. When a message is hidden or happens so quickly then it reaches straight through to the subconscious mind, again having a long lasting effect on our belief systems, behavior, and opinions about the World. These are extremely prominent in childrens programs and unfortunately many times of a hyper sexualized Nature. Its shocking to hear but the minds of our young are being corrupted at a very young age. Research sexual subliminals in Disney films its beyond shocking. Just look at the idols for the young these days people like Miley Cyrus, and Rhianna who even released a song called S&M! This is going on folks right in front of our faces, a continuous sexualisation of society and in particular targeting the young. It all there researchable if you care to know, be very careful what your child is sitting watching.

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A childs mind up until the age of 8 is like a sponge, in terms of brainwave patterns children are operating at a theta wave state making them absolutely wide open and susceptible to everything around them and what they see and hear. This is why children are such quick learners because they soak things up so quickly. Most parents on some level know this so it begs the question why are we allowing them to sit in front of something for hours that we have no control over what comes out. We just assume its all good information that isn’t harmful or detrimental to the child. Parents trust the information and programs on TV are just harmless and fun. This is not the case and that black box is shaping their belief systems for years to come. Parents are no longer in control of what the children grow up thinking, the TV is.


It gets even more interesting when you start learning about color frequencies which also have a profound effect on human consciousness and the mind. If you take the color green for example this represents balance, Nature is abundant in the color green because it is balanced itself. So we see green used a lot in advertising with big oil companies such as BP using this frequency. To the product being sold this color makes it a lot more attractive to the consumer. What is very interesting are the colors blue and red which are extremely prominent in news broadcasts. Red to the subconscious mind literally means ‘stop pay attention’ (think of red on traffic lights) red gets your attention, then comes the blue which opens up the subconscious mind and makes it much more suggestible, or put another way easier to manipulate. Think of all the major news companies BBC, CNN, Fox News, and even Alex Jones and Infowars (who I do not trust) these programs are smothered in blues and reds. This is not by coincidence its by design because they know these colors have a profound effect on the human psyche. Lets get one thing straight TV was never created for your entertainment, it was created to manipulate minds and to shape and mold entire societies to suit the people running the show. Most words, phrases, fashions, and trends at some point were rooted in TV and advertising. People need to understand that their minds are programmable and they need to be vidgilent of what software they are allowing to be downloaded into themselves and their family members. Think about it where would all the hate for immigrants or Muslims come from if it wasn’t for the TV? They have managed to sell entire Wars to people, massacring millions along the way based on continuous propaganda spouted from that stupid box that everyone worships like a God. It is the focal point or the center piece in everyones home these days, where whole families sit and hang off of its every word, and unless a story or angle comes from there then it cannot be true! Its madness. We have 'living rooms' where peoples minds are dying!


When you look at these soaps or programs they are shocking. Many soaps are full of violence, alcoholism, siblings fighting against each other, affairs etc I mean is it really any wonder we live in a society plagued by those very behavior patterns when they are being aired 24/7? Talk shows where guests have physical fights on stage with each other spilling their most private issues to the Nation, are we really that desperate to be entertained that we need to resort to watching other peoples car crash lives? What does that say about our own lives when we even have the time to do that? Most of these people need love, help, and support. They are being exploited for a weird, sick, and twisted need for shallow and mindless entertainment. Do these programs make folk feel better about their own sad lives? Im sure there is something in that, air people that have completely lost their way in the most disturbing of ways and the rest of the population will feel better about their own existence.

There is now even a TV program in the UK called ‘Gogglebox’ which actually involves watching people on TV watching people on TV! This is the trash people are filling their minds with on a daily basis, a dumb generation that loves being dumb and wants to get even dumber, sitting there eating food that is dumbing them down at the same time. What an absolute waste of a human life. Where is the desire to learn about your own existence, mind, spirituality? I don’t get how people would prefer to sit there and watch a depressing program about an A&E ward in a hospital where some guy is having a triple by pass operation! Each to their own of course, but my purpose is to point out why society is in such an utter state and why we are losing our rights and freedoms by the day, and we need to look no further than this weapon of mass distraction. It’s the same with the newspapers, pointless stories in the main that mean nothing, filled with useless crap about celebrity gossip, who is sleeping with who, and who kicked the football in the goal the most times the previous day, nothing that effects our everyday lives.

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Tony Sayers,
Love, care, courage

Author of the book 'Are you Living or just Existing?'

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there was this cartoon my mum bought for my baby brother. The parents of baby bear were gay and always kissing and he would be so fixed on the ill program.It was when he began to kiss everyone that my mum became alarmed. I find such things even in comics and stuff. But how can we protect our young innocent ones who are becoming addicted to sitting and watching ill and inappropriate shows? we need to re-program our minds truely

Yes unfortunately we live in a society that is increasingly being sexualised by the day, and it is the young minds that are being infected through things like subliminals. Parents need to start taking responsibility for what they are allowing into their minds.

Yes it just makes me sick

yes I agree!

I couldn't agree more. I love sociology, entomology and subjects pertaining to why people do what they do. We are programmed from the start. Human patterns are pretty predictable once you learn them. Its so easy to sway the masses in favor of anything and shift paradigms. I really enjoyed your article.

Thank you for the feedback, yes its a very deep rabbit hole that many don't want to look at, if people only knew how programmable they were!

"They Live" is such a classic film that was way ahead of its time. I showed a screening of it right after the election.

Great film, full of truth!

Too true. TV sucks, I can't even remember the last time I watched something on TV, I just stream or download the things I like, keeps the propaganda and subliminals to a minimal. Thanks for sharing @tonysayers33.

Good for you for not watching the Tel LIE vision! :)

Hidden messages have always been there, hidden or not in the most popular cartoons, but also in advertising, in songs, and so on. So it is not always easy to protect our children from any form of persuasion ... excellent post.

Yes its very important we try our best to shield the children, and ourselves from this bombardment of mental rubbish!

You made an amazing post ! Upvoted from @carolgm63. I followed you. Please Follow me and upvote or give a comment on my post. I will do the same to you. Together we grow

Thanks following..

Yes it just makes me sick

me too!

#nice post

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