Eric Whoru

in anarchylibrary •  8 years ago 

Unknown 'muricun Patriot,....

Apologies for the length, he is long winded.

He led a tax revolt in California in the early 70's, perhaps you crackers can find his real name and show me the case, he keeps his privacy to himself.

I can say that his approach is good, I have used what I learned from him, and @marcstevens to get out of jail free, so he is efficacious.

Without further delay both his most recent post to his yahoo group and a video from the past,...

 Hi Group, 

I have received several responses to my posts encouraging group members to vote for Trump.  Some members have asked me if I have changed my previous position, such being that voting is a crime.  Several have mentioned my often stated question: "How many men would it take to properly and democratically vote the panties off an unwilling woman?".  Several members have mentioned the futility of expecting any change and have mentioned the evidence of previously rigged presidential elections.

First, No, I have not in any slight way changed my position on voting or on my often stated opinion that the government of the United States is the most dishonest, despicable and corrupt government that has ever disgraced the face of this planet!

As I have previously written, I am 82 YOA (in surprisingly excellent health except for seriously failing vision), and I have never ever before registered or voted.  This was not because I was not interested, but was because I did not then perceive any difference in the candidates or in the expected outcome.  However this time the situation is much different, which I will further address after I present my explanation on the issue of voting being a criminal act.

In regard to my position on voting; none of the members who contacted me seem to have taken notice of my often stated explanatory clause that more clearly establishes when voting is properly self evidently established as being a criminal act, which is self evidently established in my "vote the panties off" missile.

Please pay attention to these words:  "Voting is a criminal act every time the outcome purports to require the conformance of the otherwise unwilling."  Voting for candidates for public office does not involve creating a law requiring the conformance of the unwilling.  If properly informed candidates are running for office, then a vote for such would help to eliminate the improper laws we are presently inundated with.  Donald Trump is by far the most qualified man I have ever encountered who fits into this mold.  The manner and demeanor of his adult children constitute evidence of where he will guide this country.

The explanation in the paragraph above is the basis of my IRS letters and Notice And Demand documents, wherein the prohibition of Involuntary Servitude set forth in the Thirteenth Amendment is cited.  Is it not self evident that the Thirteenth Amendment's prohibition of involuntary servitude is simply another way of stating that voting is a criminal act any time the outcome purports to require the conformance of the otherwise unwilling?

Additionally, as I have often stated, no person born in the United States is thereby automatically established as being a citizen thereof, no matter that "everyone" in this country believes such to be true, and likewise believe that such citizenship by birth is established in the Fourteenth Amendment, neither of which are even close to being true!  Please pay attention to the actual words written and not to the fraudulent misinformation the system has endeavored to indoctrinate you with, in order to convince you that you have taxpayer and other obligations to conform to their otherwise unenforceable rules.  

This is self evidently true because it is self evident that citizenship is a condition of servitude (political servitude, but still servitude), therefore such servitude citizenship by birth would be forbidden under the prohibition of involuntary servitude established as part of the Federal Constitution, in the Thirteenth Amendment.  That is, just exactly when do new born babies agree to volunteer themselves into lifetime political servitude as U.S. citizens?

I always strive to use THEIR authorities, so that they cannot ignore them or claim the argument is the unsupported opinion of an uneducated dimwit.

But to get back to the issue of voting; when is voting not a criminal act?  In understanding the answer to this question you, Dear Reader, MUST understand and keep in mind the importance of the political status of each person, especially yourself!  

A person's actual claimable political status may be substantially different from what the person has been indoctrinated to believe.  This is especially true here in the United States where most of the persons born here can properly claim to be of the Posterity of the People of the Preamble, which, under a republican form of government, would then be of the rule making class, not of the citizen rule following class.  Please read the Fourteenth Amendment to be informed of the duties and responsibilities of those persons who volunteer themselves into subservient United States citizenship.

First, every person born on this planet is born politically independent and sovereign over themselves (although this may not be asserted until the person has grown sufficiently to provide all the necessities of life for himself, with no sustenance provided by the person's parents).  This is the Natural order of things.  Where is there any basis for those born prior to gain authority to command those born later?  How do I arrange to be born first so I can be in charge?

This truth has been recognized by the IRS in every case where a person has properly served the IRS with one of my IRS letters, properly written without any Paytri-Idiot edits, wherein the IRS is challenged to present proof, from the government's files, that the government has properly gained political jurisdiction over the person without the government or IRS violating the prohibition of involuntary servitude established in the Thirteenth Amendment.

So what manner of proof is it that the IRS is unable to present?  The proof must establish that the person was fully informed in regard to all the obligations of United States citizenship, including (but not limited to), all negative aspects;, AND, the IRS must establish that the person had been informed that due to his birth here on this land, that the person was thereby deemed to be of the Posterity of the People of the Preamble and therefore, was entitled under the common law of inheritance, to enjoy the fruit of his ancestors' successful rebellion against King George III, with the right to live here free and clear of any manner of conformance to any manner of government control or regulation.

This, of course, is totally impossible for the IRS to accomplish.  However, no matter that the foregoing applies to every person born on this land, such is NOT and will not be recognized until the individual person institutes an official challenge.  

Be hereby advised; it is NOT a good idea to send such a challenge to any government official wherein the person does not have an issue instigated by some  government office (taxing authority or traffic citation or other government complaint against the person).  This challenge of the government's political jurisdiction is an issue the government cannot win and dares not lose!!!  Did you get that???

Do NOT expect or push the government to give you a declared win.  The government will NEVER ever declare you won and the government lost.  This will NEVER happen.  The best you can hope for (and usually receive), is for the case or matter to be dropped, or the file lost, or an ordered arrest warrant never issued or if issued, then lost.  Don't push it, just leave it alone.  We do not have the political power to confront the physical power of the government.  

In the IRS' prosecution of me in 1970, the Federal Judge informed me (after I had entered my challenge orally), that he was taking the matter under consideration, and that I would be notified.  That was 46 years ago and I am still waiting.  Go back up and re-read my second paragraph.

This means that every person reading this, born here on this land, who has presented a birth certificate in order to be issued a driver license, is considered to have volunteered himself to be obligated to conform to all the rules imposed by the various levels of government established in this country, unless and until the person serves an official challenge to the political jurisdiction of the government.  This is a challenge to the Executive Branch, NOT the Judicial Branch; Not to the presiding court.  This means the proof of political jurisdiction must be presented by the instigating entity, NOT by the court!  And NOT by asking any questions of the Wrongly Accused person

Therefore, as a "citizen"  you have tacitly agreed to conform to the outcome of all votes, no matter if you voted or not.  The time to assert your superior political status is when you have an issue where the outcome, if you do not object by challenging the charging entity under the Thirteenth Amendment, will be more costly than you care to pay.  My point here is to inform you as to when voting is being "properly" implemented.  I put properly in quotes because it is all accomplished through massive government fraud and is therefore universally void. However, you must fully comprehend everything I have written here so that the professional well schooled judges will not be able to trip, you up.  If you believe you can out think them in their domain - LOL!

However, be that as it may, we have 330 million persons here in this country who are not going to be able to be informed of the facts stated herein and even if they were, there are valid arguments as to why such would not be a good idea at this time.

When any problem is being considered, those aware of the problem, who want the problem to be properly resolved, must have the political recognition to do so and must institute a workable solution in due consideration of the then existing societal situation.  The solution to our problems are so intricately intertwined that it will take years to unravel them all.  The election of Donald Trump will be a very good starting place to accomplish these goals.

As I previously wrote, I am 82 YOA, and have never previously registered or voted, but I am now a registered voter here in the county where I live and I will be voting for Donald Trump, and I strongly encourage every person who reads this to do likewise.  When filling out the voter registration form, as I have no state issued ID, I was required  to present an item of received mail with my name and local street address.  

While filling out the registration form I drew one line through the word "citizen", and wrote in "People". and then wrote my initials adjacent thereto.  There was no comment by the clerk and I received my voter registration card in the mail a few days later.

For those of you who are put off by Trump's purported lewd comments and alleged groping of women, as a retired businessman, I do not believe one word of any of it.  Please read on:

In regard to the audio of his purported lewd remarks to that Bush family member eleven years ago, that is a total concocted fraud!  I have personally created video documentaries where I have edited out certain parts where there was stumbling or coughing or other distractions, so I know how difficult it is to edit out such sections without having an audio or video spike discernable by astute viewers.  This audio of Trump was replete with editing spikes, totally manipulated by someone.  The comment of Trump was a response to a question statement made by the Bush family member whose preliminary comments were totally edited out.  

In regard to the allegations by many women that Trump had inappropriately groped them.  If such were true then why did these women not complain at the time?  Moreover, when I was operating my own furniture manufacturing company I had several women working in my office, and I, like Trump, was accused by the woman who I had employed as the General Manager of my company, Susan, of my having made several inappropriate sexual advances on one of the ladies Pam, whom I had hired to do telephone sales.

At that time I was operating my company as a corporation, and had a bank vice president as Chairman, and several other very prominent men on the board of directors.  This accusation was made at the end of a board meeting.  Pam, the woman I had purportedly molested and insulted, was no longer employed so I could do nothing to assuage the accusation.  The board members severely chastised me after my General Manager had departed.  My only comment was that there was no use in me denying anything because they would never believe me.  The "molested" Pam, did drop in from time to time to visit with the other ladies in my company's office.

About two months later I was visited in the production area by Chris, one of the board members who had been at the board meeting where I had been accused and, while we were talking I saw Pam walk past an open truck loading door that was ten feet wide, heading into the office. 

I was able to lead Chris near that open door, knowing that Pam would not stay all that long.  After a few minutes she again walked out past that open door and I called to her.  She turned, saw me and smiled.  I waived her to come in, which she did do.  It was only a few steps.  I then   introduced her to Chris and made some small talk leading up to my question, "Pam, do you remember when you worked here complaining to Susan, about how I was making inappropriate sexual advances to you

Pam's reaction was of total surprise, written all over her beautiful face,  Her eyes grew so wide I thought they might pop out.  Her mouth and lips formed an open speechless circle.  She was totally flabbergasted, speechless.  Finally, she regained her composure and said, "That is a total lie.  I never ever made such a complaint!  You were always a perfect gentleman, all of the girls were impressed by your friendly gentlemanly attitude."

I then explained to her why I had mentioned the subject, that I needed Chris to see her natural reaction, in order to restore my reputation with the board.

There may be businessmen who take such crude actions, but successful men would never do such things to unwilling women who had not first indicated they were wanting such advances.  I could never ever believe Donald Trump would ever be such a crude animal.  Such disgusting conduct always gets around and will always have a negative effect on the business interactions with retailers, suppliers and financiers.  There is no reasonable possibility that these women would not have related these purported gropes to their friends or fellow workers or family members at the time such acts were purported to have taken place.  Where are these persons who would have been so informed by these purported "victims"?

As all long time members of my group are aware, I have often stated my studied belief that the Founding Fathers wrote THEIR CONstitution, with the several flaws therein, with the intention that dishonest politicians would perceive the designed flaws and use them to destroy the concept of government that was in any degree controlled by the commoners.

I see the present situation and election as the culmination of this 200+ years of effort to destroy our country.  The evidence of this is the overwhelming effort to keep Trump from being elected.  Trump is NOT one of THEM!  Trump is NOT a politician!  Trump cannot be bought and owes nothing to anyone, in any political manner, other than to We The People!

The widespread belief that a republican form of government is compatible with Freedom and commoner controlled government, is a total gross misunderstanding of the basic elements of a republic.  Pay attention to the words, then read the Preamble and the Bill, of Rights and tell me where you find the word "citizen" included therein.   Then read the Fourteenth Amendment.  Then engage your thinking cap and tell me where mere citizens have any gun ownership protection in the Second Amendment.  The words "citizen" and "People" are NOT synonymous!

Trump will not be able to quickly or easily resolve many of the most critical problems partly because he does not yet perceive them.  For example, Social Security must be phased out, and with it all manner of government health care.  There is no possibility that any society can provide such services and survive long term.  We have so many on welfare that it will take years to re-educate the general population to understand that all such programs are financially impossible.

I am convinced that many of these socialistic programs were instituted to destroy our traditional family values and enable the government to get access and control of our children as soon as they have been potty trained.  The retirement of elders separate from their adult children is a violation of the Natural Order of Things. Grandparents should be living with their adult children, taking care of their grandchildren while their parents are out earning a living.  Grandparents should be schooling their grandchildren and imbuing them with high moral values.  Government schools should be shut down, not just because they fail to educate, but more importantly, to keep our children away from the fraudulent indoctrination imbued into them by the government.  

I remember when I was a child.  My mother would not allow her children to sit around and talk with neighbor children.  We could play ball games or hop scotch where there was physical activity where conversation was not practical, but she kept an eye on us and when the games were over she called us to come home.

And the foregoing are not Trump's primary problem, as important as they are.  Trump must first straighten out our foreign policy and restore our military.  As it now stands it is doubtful that our military could prevent an invasion from Cuba.

It is not commonly known that under Hillary Clinton, all private property ownership of land, of private homes, will be eliminated.  It is intended that under the one world government Obama and Clinton are intending, that all wealth on the planet shall be equalized.  If the tribal people of Africa do not have refrigerators, then neither should those living in the United States.

Of course this equalization of wealth does not include the governing elite.

Vote Trump for some hope of Freedom; vote Clinton for assured slavery!


I am Eric Williams, The Radical In The Twilight Zone


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