Steemit companions on a post this time I will explain about the discovery of the ancient coins of Queen victoria's picture. There are odd on my discovery this time around, I find these coins in a jar where I keep the coins. At the moment I saw this I thought this coin is a coin of indonesia because no one looks at these coins before I clean. After I clear some are weird with this coin, as I have never seen these coins before. The image of the face of a woman that is the first to look sideways.
This made me curious, then I clean again until I find the writing on the edge of the coin that reads "VICTORIA" turns his writings not only that after I wipe I found one tulusan again that reads "QUEN" together the words QUEN VICTORIA is "". These two words have not yet made me understand about this coin, I still do not know what coin I found.
Finally I decided to search for information on google. I was very surprised because it was not kon comes from a country where I live and even coins have age a century more, this is the sepektakuler thing in my opinion, because not many people have this coin. I do not get clear information from google I only got information about the year QUEEN VICTORIA coins spending 1 cent that has three stages, namely the year 1879, 1880, 1901.
Later on these coins was also inscribed "Straits Settlements". To this day I still do not know about the identity of kon. If there is steemit best friend who knew it, I was expecting for the information of the QUEEN VICTORIA coins that I have. I will continue to keep this money to add to my collection of ancient coins. I also apologize if the picture is less clear because I was taking pictures with his camera Android camera capacity is very less.
All this and thanks
FOLLOW ME @helmirenggrik

Akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk mencari informasi pada google. Saya sangat terkejut karena kon ini ternyata bukan berasal dari negara tempat saya tinggal dan bahkan koin ini sudah memiliki umur satu abad lebih, ini adalah hal yang sepektakuler menurut saya, karena tidak banyak orang yang memiliki koin ini. Saya tidak mendapat informasi yang jelas dari google saya hanya mendapat informasi tentang tahun pengeluaran koin VICTORIA QUEEN 1 sen yang memiliki tiga tahap yaitu tahun 1880, 1879, 1901.
Kemudian pada koin ini juga tertulis " Straits Settlements". Hingga saat ini saya masih belum tau tentang identitas dari kon ini. Jika sahabat steemit ada yang mengetahuinya, saya sangat mengharapkan untuk informasi dari koin VICTORIA QUEEN yang saya miliki ini. Saya akan terus menyimpan uang ini untuk menambah koleksi koin kuno saya. Saya juga minta maaf jika gambar kurang jelas karena saya mengambil gambar dengan kamera Android yang kapasitas kameranya sangat kurang.
Sekian dan terima kasih.
FOLLOW ME @helmirenggrik