Who was the angel of death?

in angel •  8 years ago 

Hello friends as they are, last night I was reading about the famous angel of death whose nickname was well deserved by the atrocities that I make, I will make a small summary of what I found on it for those people who do not know ...
Let's begin, his name is JOSEF MENGELE was a German doctor who carried out studies and experiments in the concentration camps in Auschwitz, mainly his studies was based on the twins since from there, he wanted to create an Aryan race superior to the other races Which for the Nazis and their person was inferior already and to increase their number.
During World War II was destined to reserve the body of doctors. He never wanted to be a doctor to "cure", but to investigate, so he would not be very comfortable mending soldiers, who were his first guinea pigs. In 1942 he was wounded in one leg in the front of Rostov and declared unfit for combat, reason why it was destined to him to the concentration camp and extermination of Auschwitz - Birkenau, like medical officer. Here he earned the nickname "Angel of Death", because he was the one who decided, once the prison wagons arrived, who went directly to the gas chambers and who died more slowly in the barracks. In a row, on the right, he ordered the elderly, sick, pregnant women and young children to be placed, went directly to the gas chamber. In the other, to the left, he placed those who could perform work, forced. It was quite severe with pregnant women, either those who were already in that state or those who bought it in the field. At first he sent the mothers to the gas chamber and the babies used them as fuel in the ovens. Then he changed his mind and started experimenting with them. When a woman gave birth, she bandaged her breasts so that she could not breastfeed her baby, and controlled how long it took the poor child to starve.
There were so many tests and experiments carried out by this sadist of medicine that he cared nothing for thousands and for the sake of science, and not only that, but also reached a point of his investigation that his greatest source of Study were the autopsies of their human guinea pigs, in which we can distinguish two types: necropsy, when the individual was dead, which is normal and more after their experiments, and vivisections, ie perform the autopsy in the A living individual, as he is treated like a dead man, did not use any kind of anesthesia. He also did not use anesthesia or analgesia in the operations, his victims died either in the operating table or later of gangrene or some other infection. All this documented, of course, to know where the limits of pain were, how long a person can endure until he dies, what parts of the organism can be amputated until death, and his own amusement.
You already have an idea of ​​why the nickname of ANGEL DE LA MUERTE and how that were innumerable his experiments and atrocities to the point of saying to be a god since he decided who would live or die .... This is a very extensive topic and as I said I would only tell you a little summary for those who do not know this doctor butcher of the Second World War; Currently their remains are used for studies but it is already another story here I leave the link where they will see the studies they do with their remains: http://www.elnuevoherald.com/noticias/mundo/article126525344.html
With nothing more to add I say goodbye friends I hope you have liked my little summary of my research on The Angel of Death ....
Here I leave also a series of images found in google:

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