Anger is Strength!

in anger •  8 years ago 

 Today I received a newsletter called How Anger Ruins Liberty.  I’m sure you can imagine what it’s all about and I’m going to try not  to soil this post with my intense rage. Let’s see how that goes.The author argues that “Libertarians major in anger, and that chases millions of decent people away.” 

 According to  him, libertarians are a bunch of complainers, and to a certain extent, I  agree. At a certain point, I think that every liberty lover gets  depressed about the lack of freedom in our society. They look at their  paycheque only to see thousands upon thousands of dollars sapped away.  Then they have to go to the DMV and stand in line for 16 hours to renew  their driver’s license. The anger rises, but in Canada, New York, and  many other places in the world, you’re not even allowed to carry a gun  to unwind with some target shooting in the mall (kik).

I’m talking about non-human targets you sicko.

Moving on…

Their  depression leads to anger and their anger leads to bitterness. The  author suggests that we need to focus less on taxes and more on how we  present ourselves and our arguments to other people. He shares some  anti-women memes that some (supposedly) prominent libertarians have  shared, and he concludes that anger is poison.

We  need to embrace “positive libertarianism”. To me, that sounds like some  hippie bullshit, but at the same time, I know what he means.  Libertarians could use a little more happiness in their lives. But we  can be positive and angry simultaneously. Anger is healthy. 

Here’s  an example that really gets me riled up. After the Orlando shooting  earlier this month, Adam Kokesh scolded all the libertarians that  focused on the details and proposed that we instead reach out to the  world with love. How fucking sweet is that?

This  video annoyed the shit out of me. It was important to unwrap the lies  of the mainstream media and attempt to determine the true story. And so  that’s what people like Mike Cernovich were doing on twitter. Sometimes  the details are important, and sometimes love isn’t the answer. In fact,  love usually isn’t the answer. I love my friends and family. On the  other hand, I don’t know how to talk about love, compassion and freedom  in response to a brutal shooting. I only felt angry.

I  felt angry because open-border libertarians refuse to acknowledge that  borders can and should be privately owned. This isn’t possible in the  current statist paradigm, but try to imagine a world without countries.  All land is privately owned, and each land owner is able to patrol their  borders and choose who is able to enter. There is no government that is  stealing from the domestic population in order to subsidize 3rd world  immigration.

And  then look at some of the countries with extremely high Muslim  population. I’m talking about Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan. A country  where church and state are still united and where the people generally  aspire to be like Mohammed, the evil warlord who murdered and enslaved  Arabs, Jews and Christians (see: all non Muslims) in order to spread his  gospel. In the political system of Islam, women are slaves, atheists  are stoned and gays are thrown off buildings. This kind of stuff makes  me so fucking angry and I refuse to enable this type of behaviour.

My  anger drives me away from purist anarcho-capitalism. I accept that  national borders exist, that the welfare state exists and that Muslims  and Westerners cannot live in peace. Islam is a political system based  on conquest and submission, and as a proud Kafir, I refuse to quietly  submit to my government’s importation of these people. This is my home. And anger will keep it safe.

Stay angry,


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Good rant! People need to hear common sense like this on a regular basis. Glad you showed up and are speaking your mind.

Thanks tinfoil!

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