The vaquita marine in danger of extinction

in animal •  7 years ago  (edited)


The Vaquita Marina, a small porpoise found only in the Gulf of California, is in danger of extinction, according to the scientists. There are only about 30 specimens left according to some acoustic samples that counted the noises of the animals last summe, They are dying because they are trapped in illegal gill nets

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Right. Extinction is for ever. Can you stop that?

I wish it were in my hands, it would be best to avoid that type of fishing

Where I live in Canada, endangered Right Whales get caught in lobster lines. I just don't understand how people can eat sea food and still be able to look at themselves in the mirror. Someone needs to talk to them. I hope you avoid sea food... If you do you are part of the solution. I think we have to think that this is in our hands. The key is to find the right other steps to make a difference.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

that's right, but most of the solution has the authorities of each country could do much, thank you for your time