Amazing Facts You Didn’t Know About Animals

in animal •  7 years ago  (edited)

Prepare to be astounded,prepare to get amazed by the resilience, physical abilities, and sheer brilliance of these magnificent creatures. Here are some amazing facts about animals around the world.

1. Elephant -


Very much loved by human beings and a huge giant animal which is none other than Elephant,Elephants cannot jump, trot or gallop, however they can swim and use their trunk as a snorkel,another interesting fact about them is that elephant’s very large ears are used to radiate excess heat away from the body.

2. Tigers -


Tigers scratch trees and use their urine to mark their territories. Their urine smells strongly of buttered popcorn.even Tigers can tell the age, gender, and reproductive condition of other tigers by subtleties in the smell of urine markings.

3. Ants -


Beware an ant uprising! There are one million ants for every human in the world. These resilient creatures also never sleep and do not have lungs.

4. Butterflies -


Despite popular belief, butterfly wings are clear – the colors and patterns we see are made by the reflection of the tiny scales covering them.

5. Turtle


Turtles are easily recognised by their bony, cartilaginous shell. This super-tough casing acts like a shield to protect them from predators – some turtles can even tuck their head up inside their shell for extra protection!

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I really enjoyed this article thank you

It's so Nice

I didn't know this before thanks for letting us know. Keep up the good work.