RE: 26 May 2018 - Old, hot but happy dog face

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26 May 2018 - Old, hot but happy dog face

in animalphotography •  7 years ago 

I am so sorry to hear your dog is gone. She was such a beautiful dog.

How old was she?

The dog in the picture is not mine. I had two dogs in my life for over 30 years total. My last dog, Steffi, died in December 2012 aged 15.5. This is her:

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Sorry to answer so late been hacked and now have to try to reconstruct stuff-- Sally was 18 years old and she lived with her "mom&dad" all her life. I became a caregiver to both of those wonderful people and when they passed she was heartbroken. She became my companion for the last two years of her life. It was a sad evening holding her until she took her last breath. I had done that with her folks so it was quite fitting that she would pass with me too. Steffi looks like she had lots of love to share and could have been Sally's twin! Peace. Don't think I'll replace her..but one never knows.