RE: my Rexa is sleeping in a blueberry field, 2014.08.04, 13:29, near Hrana Veľkého Kriváňa (Malá Fatra / Slovensko)

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my Rexa is sleeping in a blueberry field, 2014.08.04, 13:29, near Hrana Veľkého Kriváňa (Malá Fatra / Slovensko)

in animalphotography •  7 years ago 

I do no spam and no plagiarism.
By the way it is an effrontery to call my deceased Rexa spam!
Photos are from 'hiking with Rexa&Belka' or 'hiking with Belka&Zoja'.
Older pictures are 'Rexa&Belka', Rexa died February 2018, 'Belka&Zoja' are newer pics. All three are my dogs and the photos are taken by my hikes with them.

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