Photocontests Animal Photography - A Whale Of A Time

in animalphotography •  7 years ago  (edited)

Here is my entry to #animalphotography hosted by @juliank from @photocontests.


For my daughter's 10th birthday we surprised her with a whale watching experience. It was a fabulous day out and this is just one of the shots taken on the day. The whales size and grandeur was most impressive and when they breached and hit back into the water, what a thrill!

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Cool shot! What a fun experience and awesome birthday present.

It was lots of fun... she really didn't and still doesn't need anything so we try to do experiences now... the year before we took her somewhere to dig for thunder eggs, then we got to cut them open and she found one (maybe 2) that had crystals inside of them. She's crystal crazy so she was in love with them. She thought she was going back there... that was an idea, just because she liked it so much but once she went to bed I thought of the whales... we booked it that night and was on the boat the following day! : )

She only just said the other day how we tricked her... that she thought she was going to the crystal place... I said to her but weren't the whales awesome!!! She said they were... but I still really wanted to go to the crystal place, lol. It's funny because she loved the whales so much we got her a stuffed whale toy which she now goes to bed with, takes in the car with her... you name it, this thing is with her...

Maybe we should do crystals again this year! : )

Love that you give experiences instead of things! Yes, sounds like another trip to the crystals is in order.

You start getting too many things... she really doesn't need anything, so it works well! : )