We Loved Them Before...

in animalrescue •  8 years ago 

To all the people who give rescues and shelters a hard time for the conditions of their cats, who don't want to allow the cat to stay overnight for a spay/neuter surgery because you have become attached and will worry, who think that we couldn't possibly love your new family member as much as you do now, please take a moment to consider this.

We, the volunteers, the fosters, the rescuers, loved your kitty before she was easy to love. We loved them through the hard parts. We loved them when we saw them in that cardboard box covered in dirt and filth. We loved them as we bathed them and the water turned red as we washed the fleas from their fur. We loved them as we cleaned the mites from their ears. We loved them as we scooped a litter box full of worms. We loved them as we cleaned off their eyes from the infection. We loved them as they bit and scratched us whenever we had to administer medicine. We loved them when we pulled the warble from beneath their skin. We loved them as we cleaned and bandaged their wounds. We loved them as we woke up every two hours to feed them and clean them. We loved them as they learned what behaviors are and aren't appropriate. We loved them as they healed, as they learned, and as they grew.

We took them in despite all of the undesirable traits, despite their deformities, despite their problems, and we loved them. We turned them in to the family members that you love today. Yes, it is true that we have loved many; that we miss things that maybe we should have caught, but that does not mean that we love any of them any less.

You have done a wonderful thing. You chose to rescue a fur baby who needed your love to continue their journey. However, please do not discount what those before you have done for your new kitty. They gave their very best to make sure she had a better life and a chance to live it.


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I love cats.i have 3 cats and. A kitten..

Awesome! What are their names?
