Things You'II Learn
In the Dog Care and Training Project you'll learn the history of dogs and how they work for man. You'll learn how to choose the right dog for you and how to make sure your dog stays healthy. You have probably seen dogs who chase cars, bark at people, or run into the street and do not obey commands. This is dangerous for the dog and for other people, so obedience training is one of the first thîngs you'll learn.
The Dog Care and Training Project ls ...
Dogs and young people just seem to belong together. There are tirnes when your dog is your best frîend. Your pet îs happy when you're happy, and your pet always seems ready to listen when you need to talk.
Owning a dog is a big job. The 4-H Dog Care and Training Project helps you learn ro take care
of a dog. Owning a dog rneans more than feeding
it whenever you remernber. A healthy dog should
be fed at scheduled tirnes. This rneans when you
go out of town for a weekend carnpout or go for a week to Grandrna's, you have to find someone to feed and care for your pet. Sornetirnes thîs is not easy. Sornetirnes ît rnay even mean that you cannot take your trip. But thîs is part of what you pledge to do
when you own an animal. l
To take part in thîs project, you or your family
should either own a dog or you should be able to ,
"borrow" one and be in charge of it for at least 3 months
Things Vou Can Do
Some of the things you can do are:
• Practice good grooming. Keep your pet free of oclor, dirt, fleas, and ticks.
• Take your <log to a vererinarian to be vaccinated and dewormed. Learn about <log diseases and protect your pet against them.
• Show your <log in a county 4-H <log show or in other supervised shows.
• Teach your <log tricks. Use him or her ta entertain friends or young¬er children.
• Keep records on ail of your project activities.
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