Myths and facts revealed- Why majority of Indians do not consume beef? Is cow holy? The real reason behind the heard stories!

in animals •  8 years ago 

Dear friends,

A lot of people here in Europe have asked me why do Indians generally do not favor consumption of beef? Is eating beef unlawful in India? Why is cow holy? Is it considered as God? Also, numerous more questions related to it. So I decided to write an article to clear the air to the world and explain the facts! 😉

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Source: Shutterstock images

You may have found various answers in web or seen few stories in media. To be honest a lot of sources have diverse answers, however majority of them are not true. Many times in media the topic has been given a religious touch that is not correct and igniting unnecessary debates in society. Let me tell you guys the real fact, why we do not encourage consumption of beef and why is it specific to beef.

The Human race has been in this world for many hundreds of years now and has evolved over time. So are we. Back in the Stone Age we all used to be nomads and hunt around for food. But as the time went by, we changed the way we lived. We Indians believe and accept the fact cows have helped us all through our journey. It helped us to settle in and start a life without needing to wander anymore. The Man could use the cow for milk, for cultivating the land to perform farming and irrigation. This was one of the biggest turning point to the way we lived our life. The waste from a cow can be used as fuel for heating purpose or even for biogas. The heat can be utilized to power home or cooking. So, we have been so much dependent on cow and its products for a very long time. Okay, currently we have evolved so much with modern technologies, luxury and comfort that made us forget our past and from where we came from. Though we may not depend like before, still we do and utilize a lot of benefits from cattle and its products.

Agriculture has been the mainstay of Indian economy and it is still. More than 50% of the people use cattle for irrigation purposes even today as modern expensive technologies are not affordable by most of them. Consumption of milk is high in India, it is not just the milk, we have a number of derivatives that are made from cow’s milk ranging from delicious sweets to thirst quenching beverages.

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Source: Pinterest image

All until now we have used and benefited so much out of these animals. This is the very reason we treat them with respect and do not kill them. They have been a man’s friend for centuries now and with all due love, they deserve to live a life like others. For instance, if I ask people regarding consuming their pet like a cat or a dog as food, they will be upset and dejected about this. It’s the similar way Indians feel about the cow, it is our pet as dogs and cats. Nothing more, like all these irrational stories heard. For this fact, may be once a year at temples people may worship cow in some rural part of India. This is totally understandable. But portraying it in a false manner is inappropriate. And I hope now it is clear why we generally do not consume beef. The cow is not God, it’s a pet we adore same as a dog or a cat!😊

P.S., this article is not meant to hurt anyone’s sentiments or feelings rather just clearing the facts and myths regarding India and cow. It is up to an individual whether to consume beef or not. I am not against anyone that consumes beef, everyone has their right 😊

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Spread love 💖
Chaithra Bhat

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I like your explanation. Good post. Have a look at this, I guess you will like this as well. I just felt like sharing this video with everyone.

@abhinav.badola - Thanks for your comment and sharing this video. I absolutely agree with him! :) That is the truth and everyone should know it.