Snails walk in the morning

in animals •  7 years ago 

Hello my steemit friend this time want to share about a sifut, when I want to exercise, I see there is a sifut that was flashed in front of me, I think want to take the picture, the shell curled brownish yellow, the way is very symbolic.When walking with his abdominal muscles, the mucus secretes mucus, the mucus functions to smooth the leg muscles of the snail so that it will be easier to walk.

Hello kawan steemit saya kali ini ingin berbagi tentang sebuah sifut, ketika saya ingin berolahraga, saya melihat ada seekor sifut yang sedang terlintas didepan saya, saya pikir ingin mengambil gambarnya,cangkangnya bergelung berwarna kuning kecoklatan,cara berjalan sangat lambang. Saat berjalan dengan otot perutnya, siput mengeluarkan lendir,lendir tersebut berfungsi melincinkan otot kaki siput sehingga ia akan lebih mudah berjalan.

Here are some pictures I took

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