Reindeer-Race in Lapland ~ Rentier-Rennen in Lappland ~ Wyścig Reniferów w Laponii

in animals •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Dear Steemit Friends,
because of the Christmas I thought to share with you some of my snowy memories. During my study Time in Finland, I made a trip with my friends from the university to the Snowy Lapland. Where we had the opportunity to watch the international reindeer race. It is an annual traditional event organized in Rovaniemi called Porocup.
Liebe Steemit Freunde,
jetzt und wegen der Weihnachtszeit dachte ich daran, nun einige meiner verschneiten Erinnerungen mit Euch zu teilen. Während meiner Studienzeit in Finnland machte ich mit meinen Freunden von der Universität eine Reise nach Lappland. Wir hatten Gelegenheit, das große Internationale Rentier-Rennen zu sehen, ein jährliches, traditionelles Ereignis in Rovaniemi, das der PORO-Cup genannt wird.
Moi drodzy Steemit przyjaciele,
w czasie świąt Bożego Narodzenia pomyślałam, aby podzielić się z wami niektórymi moimi śnieżnymi wspomnień. Podczas studiów w Finlandii wybrałam się z przyjaciółmi z uniwersytetu na wycieczkę do śnieżnej Laponii. Gdzie mieliśmy okazję obejrzeć międzynarodowy wyścig reniferów. To coroczne tradycyjne wydarzenie organizowane w Rovaniemi o nazwie Porocup.

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Before I didn't have any clue how Reindeers are fast! There were so fast that it was too difficult to capture them on the photo.
Vorher hatte ich keine Vermutung, wie schnell Rentiere wirklich sind! Sie waren so schnell, daß es kompliziert war, sie auf dem Foto festzuhalten.
Wcześniej nie miałam pojęcia, jak szybkie są renifery! Są tak szybkie, że trudno mi było je uchwycić na zdjęciu!

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Laplanders also called Sámi, iin their traditional clothes.
Lappländer - auch Sàmi genannt - in ihrer traditionellen Kleidung.
Lapończycy inaczej zwani Sámi, w swoich tradycyjnych strojach.

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See You Soon !
Bis Bald!
Do zobaczenia wkrótce!

Content and all photo made by kam.ila (Cannon)

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@kam. ila, a LaplandSkyAngel on the first photo. I have the impression the ice princess in Lapland (?) Your photo session of the race is a special pleasure. More than just a quick glance. You're giving us all a lot of trust. Here on stemmit. The depth of your friendship with Stemmit must not change. Thank you^^

Wow you looks great to that snow kit too! Amazing photography! Never had this experience before!


racing?! yes! they look like they love it! :)

Waw great race..Merry Christmas.

Bardzo ciekawe :) Z jakich krajów były zaprzęgi? Swojego reprezentanta chyba tam nie mieliśmy.

Oh yeah, this is the best adventure for Christmas holidays that can only be! I'm sure you managed to spend time interesting and fun, and your photo to that confirmation! Thank you @kam.ila for an interesting post and a happy Christmas!

Wow greet photography and your looking is also greet.Thanks for sharing.

its a very beautiful post so nice to see you dear :) Merry Christmas

Bardzo ciekawy pomysł uczczenia świąt Bożego Narodzenia. Zero problemu z ogumieniem :)

wow this post is so amazing marvelous clicks beautiful experience

they had superb race its my first time seeing that :) Merry Christmas

Wow this is really fantastic great clicks :)

Lovely shots dear you are having a great christmas this year so nice to see the pics keep sharing :) Merry Christmas

Fantastic clicks the reindeer are so fast :)

you captured them in your photo :)
wow it must be fun
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!! Great post

they are super fast in just two clicks they are gone way beyond amazing splendid clicks Merry Xmas

I know Finland is a very popular for this and its really a nice occasion for you to have this sort of adventure.

So let's enjoy life.

what is the temperature there now and i think it mus have been very cold there.

Thank you for sharing this

steem on...and stay blissful....

You must have had a nice expereince and that is evident from this article and the pics uploaded by you @kam.ila

Thank you and have a great day.

@kam.ila - Ma'm you made a stunning photography & in photography #1 you looks very cute....


You indeed did great though capturing them .Moreover you are looking cute in the Image ;)
Nice of you to share some awesome experience from your Adventure Book !

wow so many exciting and beautiful pics
Merry Christmas

So cute and lovely pics dear so wow :D

Beautiful photos @kam.ila. Merry Christmas.

Very beautiful photos lady @kam.ila Thank you for sharing photos and gorgeous fur

Very very nice! :D
snow + animals = perfect day!!

Beautiful and wonderful [email protected]

snow abd animals very nice :)

I was hoping to see all the contestants clad as santa-clause :). But still, nice pictures of a sport I didn't know existed. Cheers

where are their antlers? :)

I never saw a reindeer race before, it seems like a very unique race. Maybe taking a part in the race would be more fun hehe.

And you look so great there. 😀

Ciekawe miejsce, ale temperatury straszne... ;)

Podoba mi się pierwsze zdjęcie :)

Fajny post , super, ze w trzech jezykach , pozdrawiam i gratuluje wytrwalosci.