50 interesting facts about ANIMALS

in animals •  7 years ago 
  1. Some millipedes, like Apheloria Virginiensis, can produce cyanide through small openings in the body.

  2. Kolibri birds have an incredibly fast metabolism, which means they are always just a few hours away from dying of starvation.

  1. Sea otters sometimes kill and then rape baby seals off the coast of California. No matter how bizarre it might seem, this behavior is no different from a standard mating otters in which males literally raped females who resist and who often lose their lives in the process.

  2. On average, sharks kill 5 - 10, a cow about 100 people each year. 67% of people survive an attack of Great white sharks.

  3. The tiger is the largest species of cat. They can be long and up to 3.3 meters and heavy as 300 kg.

  4. Before it was believed that zebras white with black stripes (as some zebras have white belly). Embryological evidence still shows that the zebras black with white stripes and white belly.

  5. The blue whale, the largest animal in the world, is as difficult as people 2.667 (average weight human: 70kg), as well as long as the basketball court.

  6. Gray Falcon (Falco peregrinus) is the fastest birds, Black marlin (Makaira indica) the fastest fish and leopard (Acinonyx jubatus) the fastest land animal in the world.

  7. Sea Wasp (Chironex fleckeri) is very poisonous species of jellyfish that live in marine areas of northern Australia. In just one axis sea is enough poison to kill 30 adults.

  8. Darwin spider can weave one of the largest - and most powerful network in the world. These spiders produce the strongest biological material - 10 times as Kevlar, the material used to make bullet proof vests!

11 Kakapo (Strigops habroptila) is a unique species of parrot: Parrot is the only in the world that can not fly, the heaviest parrot, nocturnal, herbivorous is male takes care of the cubs - are also the loudest bird in the world.

  1. In the world there are about 1,100 species of bats, and almost all have functioning eyes, though not as developed as the eyes of other nocturnal animals - but still functional.

13 Komodo dragon Komodo dragon or Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) is the largest living lizard in the world, and the biggest specimen ever measured was 3.13 meters long and weighs 166 kg even.

  1. Until now documented that Thaumoctopus mimicus octopus (octopus mimic) can mimic as many as 15 different animals (shape).

  2. A study conducted at the University of Minnesota found that owners of cats have between 30 and 40 percent less likely to die from cardiovascular disease. According to the study, dog owners do not have these benefits.

  3. Black Mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) forest is the fastest snake in the world (16-20 km / h). Black Mambas bite was almost always fatal, and in comparison with other snakes and their poison works fast.

  4. Scientists have managed to train dogs to detect cancer of the colon, skin, bladder, lung, breast and ovarian cancer (in humans). In many cases, they are more accurate, faster, deliver results and are much cheaper than laboratory tests. In a study of 2006 psi research have discovered lung cancer and breast cancer with a whopping 88% -97% accuracy.

Lions with a darker mane lions are more dominant than the lighter.
Lions with a darker mane lions are more dominant than the lighter.

  1. Each wolf howling otherwise. This means that they can recognize each other in the darkest nights. Alpha males and larger wolves produce deeper tones, while lower ranking wolves in a pack produce more tones.

  2. Many animals can regeneristai parts of their body, or axolotl (Siredon pisciformis or Ambystoma mexicanum) can regenerate all. Can regeneristati complete back, all the limbs, eyes, jaw, and even the heart. If that's not impressive enough: axolotl can regenerate and parts of the brain! Sometimes, when you lose a leg, regenerate two.

  3. Rats multiply so quickly that in just 18 months, two rats could create a population of more than one million specimens.

21 Flamingo can eat only when its head is upside down (upside down).

  1. A bat can eat up to 1,000 insects in just one hour.

  2. According to the Guinness Book of Records in 2010, Phoneutria, known as the Brazilian wandering spider or armed spider ( "armadeiras" in Portuguese) is the most poisonous spider in the world.

24 In pigs, the orgasm lasts for 30 minutes.

  1. According to the Guinness Book of Records, southern cassowary / Australian cassowary / Southern cassowary (lat. Casuarius Casuarius) is the most dangerous bird in the world.

26 Hippopotamus can run faster than men, despite the fact that their very skin can be tough and half tone.

  1. Language of the blue whale is as big as the average Asian elephant.

28 giraffes sleep only about 1.9 hours (30 minutes of deep sleep) per day, and that dream is divided into several separate intervals. On the other hand, some animals, such as brown bat, sleeping up to 20 hours a day.

  1. According to data from 2008, in the world there are at least 43,678 species of spiders.

  2. Only one blue-ringed octopus has enough venom to kill 26 adult humans - the poison that is 10,000 times more toxic than cyanide!

  3. There were a few cases in which crows crush the ants and spreads them on his body. It is believed that this is due to make formic acid, which helps them to repel parasites.

  4. If there is water in the vicinity, a raccoon will in most cases iskorostiti opportunity to wash the food before it is eaten.

  5. The nest eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) can be difficult, and up to 2 tons.

  6. The leech has 300 teeth and 32 brain.

35 African wild dogs are always taking care of elderly, sick or otherwise fragile members of their pack.

  1. The belt guide blind people listen to commands, but if this command leads directly into danger, these dogs are trained to detect and refuse to listen to the owner. This behavior is called "intelligent disobedience."

37 inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus) is considered the most venomous snake in the world, and is so poisonous that only one bite of this snake contains enough venom Strong heavy dose to kill 250,000 mice and 100 adults!

  1. Balegari, black beetles that feed on the dung of mammals lay eggs in it, used when navigating the Milky Way. These insects are the only the only animals (other than humans) that have been shown using the stars for guidance.

  2. It is known that humpback whales can establish friendly relations with other whales that last a lifetime. Although almost the entire year to be separated somehow always manage to meet during the summer in the ocean, and to spend time feeding each other or just float together.

  3. A crocodile can not move the tongue and can not chew food. But because there are so many strong digestive acids that can digest and steel nail.

41 reptiles inhabit every continent except Antarctica.

  1. The longest recorded chicken flight lasted 13 seconds.

  2. Female sparrow nest will often find other females that mate with the same partner, and kill all the young females that have just hatched in it. In this way, it provides valuable time to be implemented male helping her to raise young, and not other females.

  3. People, ants and chimpanzees are the only organisms that fight.

Experts estimate that 45 9 out of every 10 of living beings in the ocean.

  1. Koko, the gorilla best known for communicating with people using sign language (recognizes more than 1,000 characters) in 1985 for my birthday got me - having specifically asked for that gift. Unfortunately, the cat is a year later hit by a car, and Koko has undergone a long process of mourning, which shows how developed a deep and emotional relationship with the cat.

  2. According to the researchers at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, the brains of small spiders are so large that they meet all body cavities, including those in the legs.

  3. Grizzly Bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) can smell prey distance up to 30 kilometers.

  4. ulješture whales are the loudest animals on Earth, and produced an incredibly loud sound of 230 decibels. If, however, we measure the volume in relation to the size of the animal, the absolute champion of the male Micronecta Scholtz, a tiny aquatic insect the size of 2 mm. Males M. Scholtz insect produce an incredibly loud sound, and even for their size, with his penis! Male rubs his penis on the rough surface of the stomach, and thus noise of 99.2 dB.

  5. World Animal Day is celebrated each year on 4 October.

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