Rescued Blue Bird From Chimney ~ This Little Guy Needed HELP! πŸ“· [Video inside]

in animals β€’Β  8 years agoΒ 

I don't have the ability to interact with wild life like @Papa-Pepper does. He has a gift. But when a blue bird falls down the chimney, I got the chance to spring into action and grab my camera! This doesn't happen often.

I thought the bird was a Blue Bunting but after closer inspection of the video afterwards, it was clear that it was a Blue Bird. Really cool!


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How cool is that?! Aren't they cute? I have a nest of Mountain Bluebirds right out my sliding glass doors. I love watching them. They're on their SECOND round of babies this year! I didn't know birds did that? Haha.

I believe yours would be the Eastern Bluebird. I bet it feels special to be able to save that little guy's life. :D Good for you, man!

I don't get many wildlife interactions , except being divebombed yesterday by some Brewer's Blackbirds... They made a nest in my currant bush... And my currant bush is right by my gate... Their babies just hatched yesterday so I guess they're a little protective.

Oh and I saw a coyote today at 2:30 in the afternoon! Chased at him - he just stared at me. Jerk...

The Blue Bird of Happiness!

Thanks for posting such a wide array of content to fit a large group of people. My parents and I have been watching your family for the last several months and we always like to see what new projects you have started. Also, I wanted to thank you for talking about steemit in your youtube videos. I have been on for a week or two and, so far, I am really enjoying the experience! I look forward to your future posts!

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

How lucky was the bird that you hear it drop in there! very nice rescue!

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Nice work saving that little guy! Congrats on your beautiful house and the front yard's view is breathtaking. Thanks for sharing :-)

So cool. They are among the most beautiful bird in North America, I think. We had a window box that would let us see into their nest. I thought it was amazing that they didn't seem to mind at all. It was a lot of fun for us to see them.

Nice job!

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Love you guys, true keepers of our good earth.

Aww thanks for saving the little guy!!

thank you for sharing
nice video

That was a great job saving the Blue Bird, nice footage.

It's a good think you was home to hear or no telling how long it might have been trapped. fantastic save sir thanks for sharing .

Nice brother.. God Bless.

Wow! You don't see that everyday! Very cool video and by the way, I like your woodstove!

THANKS! It's a True North Stove. Canadian company. I figured, those canadians, they know how to stay warm...

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)

You're welcome and I would agree with you about stoves coming from Canada! I would also imagine that they know their stuff.... Thanks for the info, @mericanhomestead

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Marvelous video! Love blue birds their plumage is such a vibrant blue. Thanks for sharing.