100 New Meat Chicks Came Today.

in animals •  7 years ago 

Last night we went out and picked up 100 Cornish Cross Chicks from one of our friends who raise them for a living. We did these last year as well and we got almost five pounds of meat per bird.


Since they grow so fast we had to set up 3 of our 4x4 brooders because last time we only had two and they were to cramped in that amount of space. We set the brooders up in such a way so that we could easily access their food and water because they eat a lot.


Here is the complete setup with the chicks and their feeders and waterers.



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They are so cute 😍

I know! Adorable right.:)

Hey that is good news! Congrats!

Yep. We just finished off last years chicken last week so in 8-10 weeks we will have more chicken in the freezer!

How often do you eat chicken during the week?

It all depends on the week. Some weeks we will have it for dinner every night and other times we will go for like a month with out chicken!