2 way animal / human TELEPATHY is PROVEN in this moving and evolutionary documentary!!

in animals •  8 years ago  (edited)

cat talk

of all of the 1000s of videos i have seen online - this is in the top 10 most important. full 2 way telepathy with a variety of animals is demonstrated here by the outstanding communicator anna breytenbach. even the most cynical eater of dead animals will have a hard time refuting the evidence here, except to simply claim that everyone involved is part of a fraud/scam/hoax.
the reality for me is that having worked to heal my own empathic abilities over a few years and also having stopped eating dead animals years ago too - i now find that i too am balanced enough to hear the true telempathic communications coming from some animals. in my case i have found that i only have success when outside of any structures, which may have something to do with the earth being an intermediary for the signal.
in any case, i present to you one of my all time favourite videos:

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Interesting video so far, being a strong empath around some of these animals must be amazing and heartbreaking at the same time :(

I've had a bunch of telepathic experiences with good mates , it can sometimes even happen by accident. It's a strange feeling hearing another person's inner voice chatting with your own, especially once you notice that nobodies lips are moving :P

LSD helps, but just being receptive and open minded works too.
The hard part is silencing your surface mind / ego so you can "hear" it :)

I you finetune these skills, even if people don't intend to communicate they almost always leak their intentions and inner thoughts. When I'm well rested, fed and in the right sort of mindset I can read people really well - something that's saved a lot of frustration with my 2 non-verbal autistic kids..

I'm far from an expert at this (or anything really), but even as a noob I can recognise that just like astral projection this is a built in major feature of the human experience that most people refuse to even acknowledge.

Great posts lately ura, thanks for sharing!

yes, some drugs can trigger an opening to the necessary level of awareness, i have experienced that too and other psychic abilities such as precognition during or after the use of various compounds. when it comes to a balanced communication with animals, i find that being 'clean' of any potential signal distortion helps a lot and for that i can recommend just living simply and going out 'into nature' regularly.

It was nice to be reminded of and to watch this classic once again. I know not to go out in the car as well as possess the precognition to feel that animals are running. Deer of different ages in pairs, 2 elders, groups of 26 in the lot of a steel yard and youth invariably come to my presence, 2 hawks one at a time fly from the West, East to my car from overhead twice on one 20 mile route home to swoop down at me and up into the sky, reminding me of my very best friend Dr. Hawk as he soars high in the heavens he was finally able to believe in. AlwaysInMyHeart, ((( <3 ))) Still We Soar Here Together

I limit my telepathic communication to dogs and cats...that way I don't feel so bad about eating the other dead ones. I've brainwashed myself into believing that cows really want to get eaten. Also, if God didn't want us to eat them, he wouldn't have made them taste so good. I'm also against the wanton murder of plants for human consumption...Remember- Vegetable Lives Matter

cows (and horses) are actually the animals i have had the most conversation with and i have since heard other more experienced telepaths say that they are among the most intelligent animals on earth. there is no biochemical / nutritional reason to eat dead animals - since everything we need can come via food bearing plants... just like the animals usually eat ;)
it is truly tragic to pay to have your brothers and sisters murdered just to satisfy an addiction to taste sensation.

I agree completely, it's just my sick sense of humor...I stopped eating meat many years ago and of course am not an activist for vegetables. If you look into a cow's eyes and still can eat one, there's something fundamentally wrong.

there's nothing wrong advocating for plants either ;)
my understanding is that it is entirely possible to eat without causing any death - which requires us to eat the food that is deliberately produced by plants - e.g. apples.
unfortunately, this is made way harder than it once was due to the removal of food bearing plants for the purposes of increased 'profit' for the empire builders and the ever increasing levels of humans who don't think about such basic topics, while claiming to be the pinnacle of nature's achievements!

I kind of look at humans as being at the nadir of the evolutionary chain!

hehe - well, there is a broad spectrum of expression among humans - so it's more like a grape shot!

Nuts and seeds from the lands of ones heritage/blood type combined with greens to make complete proteins, while eating seasonally is the trick. Sugars in the summer encourage bugs feasting on most thus inviting the transfer of viruses. Haven't been bit by a bug in many years. Bitter "B" I Be. LOLs. I'm becoming addicted to you, ura-soul.