This Is Why I Love Waifus In Card Games

in anime •  7 years ago  (edited)

There are many archatypes that I love in card games. One archatype that I die for is Anime Waifus. Or Cute/hot girls. It is the most
otakuish thing to say but hey, it is human nature. Guys like cute and hot girls. It is in our nature you can't blame us for what we like.
I am here to tell you why you should love this archatype.

Money: Whether you want to make a big following that gives you cash. Or sell something with a niche market this is the archatype for you.
With this archatype you can make some good money. Since most card games that have this archatype on a low print run most of the time,
when they come out for the meta they are usually good. Too good for the meta, so people buy boxes.
After the first print run sure, they might print more but not much more.

way to damn much.png

Don't get to easily greed there are cards with high rarity like RR or RRR, some of them might be only be worth change.
That being said some cards can be worth hundreds.

which is worth a good total of $400+ listed.
Who would buy this card. This guy if he had money. Why is this card priced so high?

This card is still in the meta being at least a year old. This print of this card is extremely low. Also this is a cute girl in a cute outfit.
In a really nice place. These colors on the card are vibrant, appealing and well, some parts of the color around certain areas, just make some intense stares,
Remeber if you invest into cards, you could lose the money. Investing is risky anywhere.

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Sexual Appeal: Men are men, we have drives we can not control. Sometimes women also have the same drives we do. Or what ever people Identify now adays.
the drive is sexual desire. Now most cards aren't to bad to show, sometimes they are, but card with sexual appeal can drive people to keep these cards.
I have said this before many times, you heard this many times but "sex sells." It especially does with men.

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Meta: When cards like these come out, it is amazing for the meta. Card archatypes like these disrubt the mark flow and the meta-game flow.
Image two tier 0 decks (tier 0 actual means good in this situation) clashing head on. Then cute anime girls come in and turns the tier 0 into tier 1
taking 1st place. Boom game changing cards that are just so beautiful.

Thank you for reading this was another experiment of a blog I wanted to do. I hoped you enjoyed it!

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