Briefly about why rankings on MAL / Imdb suck + commentary on "drama" with the new MCU movie

in anime •  5 years ago 


Hello, this is my next archival text. This time about the drama in connection with the "Captain Marvel" ratings. Although the text has not become outdated, some of its fragments are definitely. I have included here a few examples from the Polish M&A scene, I hope that they will not interfere with you too much. Have a nice day :)!

Public voting, popularity contests are daily bread for many pop culture recipients and more. We like to vote in various rankings, and we gladly do it. This is shown, for example, by various plebiscites or thousands of other types that are to emerge from the nominees, e.g. the best song. Do you remember "Koko Koko euro cool" (Polish anthem for one euro football), which no one voted for, but in the end, she won? Or the last "Crunchyroll awards" that were a bit shocking to some M&A fans? For many of you, it will probably be a truism or discovery at the "grass is green" level, but you shouldn't worry about these results or take online rankings (or at least the vast majority of them) for granted. As a teenager, I saw them as an important indicator, but after a while, I realized that it was simply a waste of time and nerves. Anyway, even if you do not care about the abovementioned and you have a nose manipulation of rankings, I recommend at least not paying so much attention to the ratings and redirect it to reviews, which usually are in the assessment. The text will already tell us something, and the assessment will not necessarily.

I will start with the one that I think is the most important - most pop culture recipients are Sunday viewers, casual players who admire watching superhero productions (or something else that is fashionable) or play popular games but do not spend too much time to deepen your knowledge in this area. If we were to gather all really interested people together, we would be 10-15% of the audience from all over the world (15% I think is the maximum). For most viewers, this is just one of the many ways to have a good time, and if they are not concerned about the game/movie/series, they are not really interested in the envelope around the product. They do not think about the appropriate assessment, do not try to justify their opinion, do not think about its advantages and disadvantages. Among others for this reason, YT modified the possibility of rating movies - there used to be a numerical scale, and now we have paws. This is due to the fact that some people sometimes skip 2,3,4, etc. and rate 1/10 and 10/10 depending on whether they were satisfied or not. While it is imperceptible when a dozen or so people do it, the result may change with more.

I said that there are some exceptions in which you can suggest rankings, one of these is the voting page for the "selected" (do not take the word too literally, it was difficult for me to find a better match). Although I haven't seen such an aggregator of opinions yet, its creation would not be too difficult. It would be enough to gather a large group of anime fans and ask them to vote for, for example, "top-10 best anime of the last two decades". If the group was sufficiently large, diverse in taste and would associate fans familiar with M&A, then its results would be closer to reality than those of MAL. Sure, it would still be only part of the bigger picture, but experienced people often know better (which is not the same as knowing everything) and are more precise in their opinions. I don't want you to misunderstand me - ok, I divide people into "normics" and "elite" a little, but it's hard to deny that in the second group you can more often find more substantive fans. Sure, the fact that someone has more stories on their account, or knows more about them, does not make them someone better (as it sounds, lol), but personally I will sooner watch the recommendation from Samanta from MangowyNalog, or the people from Anime-Logia than the guest about the nickname Sasuke18PL or another type who claims that "HxH 2011 is the best anime ever". However, it is worth remembering that this is just an opinion, like any other. There is no better or worse - they are all biased. It is true that this is a discussion on another topic, but apart from the non-objective aspects, IMO can be discussed about the quality of animation, fight choreography, or other more objective issues. I agree that there are things like humor, music, etc. which are indisputably subjective, but I think you can easily compare similar fight sequences and show which one is better.

Manipulation is another reason. Both single people or groups of several people, as well as slightly larger bands with an excess of free time (or doing it for fun). It usually comes down to "raiding" a given page, creating multi-accounts on it, assessing the selected position on the nozzle, and everything above it on one. I think everyone has heard of the action on IMDB, as a bunch of Nolana fanboys tried to push up his movie with Joker. It looks more or less similar to MAL. I saw a few times how the actions of raising the HxH average, "Gintama", "Legend of Galactic Heroes" and a few other fairy tales were seen.

As the recent case from "Captain Marvel" on RT showed, even if there are not many skirmishers (because I don't think it is a large group), such actions can be loud. At the end of the text I will put a link to the podcast, which explains the situation in more detail, but for now take a short summary - a group of guests spontaneous RottenTomatoes with negative opinions about the film, which they have not seen yet. They did not even try too hard, because from what Komiksomaniak said, the reviews did not differ much from each other and it was immediately obvious that they had put on a mask. While I agree that Brie Larson could have formulated the controversial sentence slightly differently, I completely do not understand the press after the studio for their alleged political correctness in this film, or the rest of the MCU. I myself am a little oversensitive about this point and I have a fairly critical opinion about Disney, but contrary to the talk of some rightists, their film images (at least those from Marvel) are not filled with leftist ideology. Strong female characters in pop culture are nothing new under the sun. Xena, Princess Leia, or even Lara Croft arose at a time when female heroines were even rarer, they also kicked male asses. Knowing life, if "Star Wars" came out today, then the same people would complain about Carrie Fisher, her independence, and lack of complexes towards male companions.

Is it worth fighting this phenomenon? You can, but in my opinion it will be a wasted time in most cases. The effects will be disproportionate to the effort we ask ourselves, it is better to simply ignore and devote time to anything else. A large part of this group are teenagers or newly baked 20-year-olds who are more emotional, often more naive, such an end to the "sheep age". At the same time, they have too much free time, which often comes down to wasting it or doing stupid things. If a man is not too fiercely in his opinion (or did not come across something that strengthened his misconception), then there is a fairly good chance that he will change his misconception. Individuals or smaller groups of such boosters will either calm down or fall silent over time, because hardly anyone will react to their harassment.

And what is your experience with such public aggregators?

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