#Punchanazi - Antifa - BAMN

in antifa •  8 years ago 

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So, who are are the Nazis? Does antifa have a show trial before executing sentences? Or do they just go around punching people they think are Nazis? Antifa and their ilk are just calling everyone Nazis, so is everyone they don't like getting punched?

Antifa is a violent organization that has labeled free speech as violent. Unfortunately, for this wing of international socialism, there is no legal precedent in the USA that allows for actual violence as self defense (LOL) against nonviolent speech. There is no yelling "Fire!" in a crowded auditorium exception here, and even if there was antifa is not an accepted enforcer of that law.

Untitled 1 copy

"Selves." Just like communists of failed empires past, antifa is attempting to redefining language for its own ill will.

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.

and the commies have killed 94million and are still active where Nazis were wiped out long ago.
they all the same, tolatarian to the core, like you said it comes down to rule by force.


No communism in Russia said the most validated anarchist of the century.
She was there, in person, and knew her definitions.

what is Marxism and Stalinism considered?
I mean we have people that try to say scolisim and communisim aren't the same but they have the same end goal, one is in a hurry and one is willing to take its time.
Ill check it out after I wake up. longest weekend ever.
need a shower and coffee before I do anything else.

Bastardizations of terms?

Any economy that leaves wage slavery in place is crapitalust whether it is unca sam paying you or unca joe.

The banksters that financed lenin, and subsequently stalin, knew what they were doing when they appropriated Proudhon's and Bakunin's terms.

They got the folks to support the idea of equality, but that was not the reality on the ground.
Reagan is a good example, what he said, and what he did, were two very different things.
'Gov't is the problem' and he gave us more of it.


That's all I see going on with this left right crap, both sides yelling they want more government control.

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.

You didn't stay at -1 very long, at all.

holy shit!
0 rep

Even rule by threat of force is fucked. I think I have to be rep 1 and I don't need to upvote. bout to hit send and find out. Please don't be transparent!

I was talking about all of them, Mao, Stalin, Marx, Kim Il-sung ect.

Lenin led the Russian Revolution and founded the Soviet state. Following his death in 1923, he was succeeded by Joseph Stalin, who adopted more dictatorial methods of governing than Lenin.

I agree rule by force is a disease.

opended it up in another tab, after I cook and eat ill check the link out.

It covers history that won't be televised, nor printed.
You can get it in advanced poly sci classes, but only if you go out of your way to get it.

I started skimming over a little of it.
I wish I could read it on paper and not a computer screen. lol

They forgot the part of history where commies killed 10x that

and still around killing more unlike the Nazis that got whipped out long ago.