Nazi group "Blood and Honour" : Change one letter to completely change its meaning

in antiracism •  7 years ago 

Have you ever seen the first logo below ? In case you are a member of this group who live in my neighborhood, I pray the lord you catch the joke.


Blood and Honour - white pride united

This logo belongs in fact to neo-Nazi network and political american group. Founded by Ian Stuart, singer of former band Skrewdriver.

So.... A few months ago I came accross an article about this right-wing group and staring at it, my brains inconsciously change one letter - the "H" for the "D" which leads to :

Blood and "D"onour

From my own perception this means : Blood and Donor, no matter who you are we are all united for blood donation.

..which is quiet different from its original meaning.

So following this, I thought it would be interesting to create my own t-shirt with it.

My version


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Nice one! Only letter to change racist non-sense to a good cause. If it would only always be that simple :D