The US House’s Weekly Expansion of the Definition of Antisemitism

in antisemitism •  last year 

Last week, the United States House of Representatives declared via H.Res. 888 that “denying Israel’s right to exist” is antisemitism — an interpretation divergent from the common meaning of the word that relates to making certain judgments based on the perceived ancestry or religion of people, not to having certain opinions about a government. Then, on Tuesday, the House again defied common understanding of the meaning of antisemitism by declaring through approval of H.Res. 894 that antizionism is also antisemitism.

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The irony here is, 85% of those identifying as "Jews" are descended from Ashkenaz. According to Genesis 10:3, they are NOT Semites, (see map). They are latter day Mongol Turks and East Europeans. They share no lineage with Abraham and have no claim to the Holy Land. They are opportunistic impostors.

Ashkenaz- Japheth.jpg