How To Create An Antshare(NEO) PC Wallet!

in antshares •  8 years ago  (edited)

new background3.png
Antshares(NEO) prices have been skyrocketing in the last few days, up almost 100% in the last three trading days. Looks like the Ethereum of China is getting some major traction after their conference in Shanghai on June 22nd.
ans price.png

Many ANS investors are wondering where they can store their ANS coins besides leaving them at the Bittrex exchange. A #1 rule in keeping cryptocurrency safe is to store them in an offline wallet. Another benefit for owning Antshares coin is when you store ANS in the Antshare client wallet, they actually earn Antcoins (ANC). I will make another post about that later.

Currently there are three options for ANS investors to store their or

  • PC edition
  • Web edition
  • Andrio phone app

Currently Antshares is not supporting Mac and iphone users yet, but I believe they are working on updating that shortly.
Both web edition and Andriod phone wallet are rather easy to set up, so I will just focus on the PC wallet in this post.

First you can go to or I am sure most of you already know that Antshares is changing its name to NEO so you can go to either site and find the client wallets. If you go to, click on "Client" to open the wallet app page. If you go to site, just scroll down until you see "Download NEO client" page.

Here are the steps to install your PC wallet...

  1. click on "PC edition" or "Windows"
  2. click "Download"
  3. Once it's finished download, extract the entire folder to your computer.
  4. Move the entire folder from your download screen to your desktop ( it will be easier to find next time you want to open the wallet file)
  5. Click on the Antshare file folder, open "AntShareCore" folder
  6. Click on "AntShareUI" application file. it should be the 7th down the list.
  7. Wait few seconds, an ant icon should pops up on your task bar and the "Antshare Core" page will open up.
  8. You will notice a bunch of numbers counting on the bottom left corner of the page. That is the wallet syncing to your pc so let it run until both numbers are the same. This could take awhile so leave your pc on and let it run. If for some reason the numbers stopped but they are not the same, just close the screen and reopen it again to let it continue to run.
  9. Once you see both numbers are the same, you can now click on "Wallet" tab
  10. Click "New Wallet Database" and give your wallet name and choose a location then set up the password, click "Confirm"
  11. Now you should be able to see your wallet address under the "Account" tab

Congratulations! You just created your own Antshares(NEO) PC wallet! You can actually create mulitple wallet address within this wallet, just repeat the above step 9-11.

Backing Up Your Wallet

I don't think I need to explain why you should backup your wallet. So here are the steps...

  1. Right click your address, choose "View Private Key"
  2. Copy & Paste everything you see there... Address, Public Key, Private key (HEX & WIF)
  3. Now you can either print this out and keep it as paper wallet or save them on a USB flash drive with encryption security. Or do both.

Ok! Here you go! I installed this wallet twice on two different PCs and I wrote down each step as I was creating these wallets. If there are any mistakes I made, please feel free to comment below so I can edit this post.

Good Luck ANS holders

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This is pretty interesting to me. I know China was a big force in the push cryptocurrencies, but never have i given thought to them starting their own.

I'll definitely keep an eye out of this one. howbfar will it goes? lets wait and see.

$ANS $NEO is next best thing. im holding on it for long gain. GL

You were right!

Now it's regulation time :(

Great stuff. Didn't really get the syncing part, because I was able to make my wallet without the numbers being the same.

Either way. Thanks!

relay good now i understand way much more good work

You've got the X-factor!

Thank you. More helpful than the lengthy YouTube videos I found.

Using this today!

Do I need to wait for the blockchain to sync before making a deposit?

No. I was able to send NEO coins to the web wallet. If you're in doubt, try 1 or 2 coins first to make sure.

Thank you very much!

I want to buy NEO today, this will be my FIRST ever crypto buy. I know I need a wallet before I can get the Antshares account..

BUT, i am confused as to what Wallet to download?

I really want to get this today, as I hear good things and it is in the price range I am allowing myself for my first attempt in Crypto.. help a newbie out.. please and MANY thanks

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hi, to buy NEO you don't necessarily need a wallet you can sign up to an exchange to convert your FIAT(normal money) into either Bitcoin or Ethereum and then NEO. You will need to go through a verification process before you can fund your account and then purchase NEO. I did not do this on Bittrex as I had Ethereum elsewhere and funded my account with that.

There are other exchanges that may suit you better you can have a look here:

Something worth noting if you are buying NEO is to make sure you can earn GAS from it also. I know having it in the NEO endorsed wallets allows this and Binance also have this in place.

I hope this has helped in some way and good luck!

if i bought the neo coins when they were called ants would it be possible to send them to the neon wallet??

Yes, the name change has already been propagated and you should see that wherever you currently hold your assets.

Price perdication for 2018 beyond??? xD
Nice article, I upvote !!! :D

Thanks...i personally think it will go over $50

It just did :-)

Great tutorial, would love to see some pictures though. Followed.

14000 views, but only USD 1.98 in rewards, that looks a bit out of line to me! You got my up vote. I have the desktop wallet and online wallet and both took ages to synchronize!

great write up . thank you for this work

This is a great post. I just followed the directions and it worked perfectly. I thought I might add a few screen shots for the points that were a little unclear to me. I hope it helps.

  1. Select Download from the hamburger menu in the upper right
  2. Select the Neo-GUI option
  3. Download (original instructions very clear)
  4. Download file from Github





Hi @dragonsteem do you know if the web edition is offline and can you use it on a mac?

Web wallet is on line.. No mac yet

Did you notice the blockchain takes forever to download on the web wallet?

Thank you for the detailed instructions. Neo is one of the cryptos that I am long on. I am hoping the news is a temporary set back. Any thoughts?

buy the dips, soon as the news of regulation ICOs in China go away, it will resume uptrend

Can someone kindly share direction or info related to earning gas by staking the NEO? Where is the gas that is earned recorded? At what rate? Does the wallet keep gas in there too?