Antshares is Now NEO, Let's Play a Game.steemCreated with Sketch.

in antshares •  8 years ago  (edited)


NEO Has Been on a Tear.

The Antshares rebrand to NEO will be complete in two days on August 8.

  1. NEO will first need to upgrade all non-consensus nodes. Exchanges, blockchain explorers, and other services are required to upgrade to NEO 2.0 before August 8th.

  2. Regular users can, but are not required to, update to the new client before August 8th.

  3. On the day of August 8th, NEO will upgrade all consensus nodes to NEO 2.0.

  4. After all consensus nodes are updated, users who have not updated to the new client will be prompted to do so when starting the old Antshares 1.x client.

  5. It is the same blockchain, so users can copy the “Chain” folder from the old AntSharesCore into the new NEO 2.0 client folder to speed up the blockchain syncing.

  6. If a user has NEO/ANS, NeoGas/ANC in an exchange, then they don’t need to do anything.

  7. All users assets are safe and secure during the whole update process.

Now Onto the Fun Part.

As many of you know my favorite way to trade is, buy the rumor sell the news. So I purchased my ANS/NEO on August 1 at .0025. One hour ago I sold all of my ANS/NEO for .0050 for a 100% profit. Yes I know we have less than 48 hours to go until the rebrand is complete but usually trade out of a news trade about 48 hours before.

2017-08-06 19_05_09-(0.00493702) BTC-ANS Antshares.png

Do You Think I Made a Wise Trade?

Maybe you think I am a crazy man and that NEO will explode after the news is official on August 8th. So I am offering to play a little game. Whoever can correctly guess the price of NEO in BTC on 09/01/17 at 12 pm CST will win 10 SBD. The closest guess wins and only one guess allowed. Voting ends in 24 hours. I will take screenshots, so don't worry about cheaters.

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0.0061 BTC


Buy the rumor sell the man. Take emotion out of investing and you will make much wiser decisions. Congrats on the 100%

Nah, you made the right decision man. Nothing wrong with taking profits, especially when you double your money. I've sold all of my position as well.

I like what you bring to the table @hilarski. NEO is a Very exciting crypto and I have not purchased any as of yet but all I hear is how wonderful that it is. Positive Comments such as, It is the Ethereum of China. I do like to wait for pullbacks in price before I buy any cryptos but that's just me............

Can't lose money taking profits! My guess is .008 BTC per NEO

I'm gonna guess $💯 per ANS/NEO. I don't like price speculating in bitcoin value, fiat is easier to grasp since bitcoin could very well be near $4000 at that point 😉

whoa. $100 that soon? wow

I'm just guessing high because most people guessed low 😄

LOL I called that 4,000$ bitcoin in my previous comment... But in order to guess the BTC value of antshares don't we also need to guess the USD value of BTC and then the decimal amount for NEO @hilarski ? LOL, so much easier to think in terms of Dollars (:

Been pounding the table on NEO, hodling

love me some antshares/NEO

With this rebranding campaign, NEO better have a much better platform to show the world than the most recent AntShares client. My two cents. Have NEO at 0.00273 BTC

I predict 0.0048

I think NEO will be .0045 BTC.

.0053 and I'm waiting to get back in until after all the hoopla.

I guess .022 :))

0.005 NEO/BTC 09/01/17 at 12pm. NEO at $20 and Bitcoin at $4000 then is my best guess.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I'm guessing 0.001 btc !

.01 BTC.....ANTSHARES/NEO is going to take off in my opinion.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

550k Sats and thanks for the game :)

well .022 would be an awesome high
i will try to be realistic - .009 (double and hold steady)

A recent big run for NEO, and I've exited my investment some more. #sellintothestrength. Still HODL a ton of them.

I guess 0.0075 BTC

Throwing my hat in the ring: .008 BTC

$24.98 USD Looks like a winner!


Sorry, 0.011


I guess 0.01 BTC!

I think you sold at just the right time. It's on its way back down as we speak. I sold at 0.035, while it was on the up.. a bit too scared to push it too far, but you did really well.

My guess would be it will settle back down at around 0.0027BTC.

I don't know how you keep up with all of this but well done...

Wow that's very interesting, I bet on neo price at 24 usd


0.0076 BTC

Why in BTC?
I much prefer tracking in USD, since, I am tied to the USD. BTC fluctuates, so comparing to BTC, I don't have a sense of the value at all. I understand there is a reason traders do this - is it purely because the fiat dollar is in a separate asset class from cryptocurrency and as such are effected by different inputs?

My rules

I've got no problem with that - I'm just trying to learn.
Aun Aprendo

Won't everybody be referring to prices in BCH by September 1? ; )

Lovin on NEO!

What in the world!! You've doubled! I've got around 30-40% with Ans and no more :(

Buy the rumor, we have known about this for almost two months. I waited until a little over a month before.

Love my NEO coins. I predict 0.00450000

Sweet moves cant be upset with a 100% gain! thats 70 + years in a savings account and about 10-15 years in the stock market no wonder why people are flocking to crypto!

awesome thanks for this information! I think your a smart man best of luck. guess is 0.0018 ;D

Where should I buy this? Too bad it isn't in the Exodus wallet :/


I'll play! I'm holding NEO and think it's a great long term hold. my guess is $28 USD on 09/01/17 at 12 pm CST

in BTC

oh okay. .0092 BTC

I will say that being convervadora will be around 12 dollars

in BTC


NEO = 0.0052 BTC on 9/1

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Its market is only china , its price increased only due to speculation
I think it will decrease around to 7 to 10 dollars then we will see regular increase in price
.003 is my guess

On Aug. 1, I wrote, “Ravaged? I predict new highs as Bitcoin cash dies. We're at $2907 now...”. On Aug. 4th we hit new highs. On Aug 5th we hit new highs. Bitcoin. Use it. Live it. Love it. Proof –

What does this have to do with Antshares/NEO? Next time I flag for spam.

0.01 btc 。◕‿◕。

reach target today - Aug 11

.00845 BTC.


0.0065 btc

0.0053 BTC! Great trade you made.

do you see any huge potential in it ??

0.0096 on 9th August

I like your post! Good luck!

you did a great trade man! I think price will be 0.0046 btc

My guess: 0.0085 BTC per NEO

Im guessing it will go up to about 0.0062

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I only bought 5 antshares when it was $5.
I wish I bought more but I think I may hold for now.
People are saying that Neo could reach around $100 which would be amazing haha
If there are any dips it will definitely be a good idea to invest.

My Guess Is: 0.00709 BTC for tomorrow.

A 100% profit is never an entirely bad decision. Nice trade! :)

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I will give it .0037 btc for a wild guess.

Not sure about that, but this is how I maximized my profits.

Looks like a good trade to me. I'm calling it at .0038 btc.

Wow a 100% increase in 6 days. Amazing i managed to increase my stuff for around 25%. I think i wil follow you a bit more and hope to catch on some rumors.

BTW where do you get your rumors from :)

An optomistic 0.08555555 haha

you're on it today @crypto0!

Excellent work dear friend @hilarski congratulations on this great material.
I have great faith in this coin. The price will be around 0.00560000 Btc.
Many thanks spor to share this excellent information
Have a great start to the week

It will be 0.00518btc on 9/8


NEOBTC 0.07012710 is the linear regression. TradingView

I'm holding on to mine indefinitely. I'm up over 70% on what I bought in, and I see the upside as great.

But, if you have a system that works for you then taking emotion out of it is a great way to go.

Hello!I understood why antshares had disappeared. That changed to NEO, is not it?

Umm. NEO now $35. We are on the party boat, where are you??

we are on the same boat ^_^

i'm on the party boat too!

Very good blog. Interesting to see I'm not the only one that is thinking about this. I strongly advice people to only buy in to cryptos that have a solid background: A solid team, product, advisors, preferably VC investors, etc. Sell all cryptos that don't have this solid background. It's a waiste of money. I was wondering if anyone of you uses: This site is really helpful in my coin research. I don't know any other sites with so much indepth analysis. Check for example: For a complete Neo Detailed report.