How Keyword Installs can benefit your Android App Store Optimization

in app •  7 years ago 

After you successfully published your app, you may be wondering how to get enough costumers to your app to make all the hard work worth it. If you make your app free with ads, you will see that you will need quite many app installs and ad clicks to make a decent amount of money. To help you with that, i will give you one of my most important tips for android developers of all time.

Focus on longer texts for your playstore description if you are interested in good app store optimization

Optimize your app description around keywords that are searched for in the playstore. Many so called gurus will tell you to optimize your app for just around 800 characters. I will tell you to go for the whole 4000 characters. Why 4000 characters? I as founder of have the same principal as Neil Patel in this. According to Neil Patel, you will find that only around 20% of content from a blog post will read from most peoples. I found that this is also true for android playstore description texts.

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How can Keyword Installs help with app store optimization?

Depending on the state of your app marketing strategie, you will either have just a few installs comming to your app daily or you will have a high ranking for your app. And you know what? In both cases, you will be very likely to optimize your android description! This is driven by one simple fact: You need more installs. Even if you are the biggest fish in the pond, your app will not be found from everybody. This is huge potential that you are missing out on. Naturally, you can not go for all the keywords available, you can't even go for the complete list of keywords that are important for potential users to find your app on the playstore. And this is where android keyword installs come into place. Keywords installs are a form of incentivized marketing, where users are getting some incentive for downloading your app after they search for a specific keyword on the playstore.

How will incentivize users to search for my app on the playstore help my app store optimization?

The playstore search is currently the most important factor for apps being discovered. While the Top Charts can only be credited for around 30% of new installs, general browsing in the playstore makes up around 58% of all the new installs for apps. But for users to be able to find your app for certain keywords, your app has to rank highly for the keyword, if possible it should be in the top 5, best case would be top 1. For that to happen, the algorithm has to see that your app is exactly what people are searching for when they search for the keyword. That is why high amounts of installs for specific keywords will give you great advantages over your competitors app while using the same keywords.

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