APPICS - A next generation Social Network - My First MILESTONE!

in appics •  7 years ago 

So after about a fortnight of educating myself about APPICS, today I completed a milestone!

I have transferred my SBD to STEEM, ready and waiting for the release and the next ICO of APPICS!

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I am completely new to the whole cryptocurrency world, however am so very intrigued and fascinated by all that is going on today, especially with the approach into 2018!

I am very much a beginner still and am only able to take baby steps for now. So since joining STEEMIT in May 2016, publishing posts about my pregnancy, I have managed to gain a group of followers and make a few SBD’s – thank you to you all.

With the amazing, valuable assistance from @starkerz , today I was able to transfer my post’s earnings into STEEM, in order to set myself up to invest in some XAP in early 2018, even if it may be a small amount!

I now feel so much more confident in buying, selling and exchanging my cryptocurrency for the future.

Below are my mini step-by-step shots from when I completed my first transfer (very proud moment). My STEEM is now sitting ready and waiting for the ICO release date!

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How do I know about APPICS?

Well, as with many other interesting things in my life, I was introduced to APPICS by @starkerz. One Sunday afternoon, we were sat in my lounge when he showed me this absolutely incredible video …

My heart was beating fast. I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen. I couldn’t contain my excitement – this was RIGHT UP MY STREET!

I don’t mention much about social media in my STEEMIT posts, however I am a Social Media JUNKIE! Yep, I am one of those people who have Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat all placed nicely on my Homescreen of my phone and a lot of my spare (but very valuable) time is spent browsing these apps. So when I saw the introduction for APPICS, I was ready to demolish all other Social Media platforms – where have you been all my life APPICS?

I love posting photos; some of my life, some of travel, some of food, whatever it may be that I post, the most I receive in return is a number of ‘likes’ to make me feel good. Now if I try and calculate how valuable the time is that it took to photograph, upload, add a caption and regularly check on interactions on the image, I would be here for ages just figuring that out – time is utterly expensive in my life, especially being a new Mum.

However, this is where APPICS steps in and makes my life complete by rewarding me with cryptocurrency; income that I can keep, save, invest, spend – do whatever I like with. This is a no-brainer right guys?

So in the meantime, I have created an account on and subscribed to the newsletter as I do NOT want to miss the next update or movement. In addition, whilst browsing the website, I came across the BOUNTY CAMPAIGN. This is where you can link your existing Social Media Network accounts and ‘promote’ APPICS to get the word out there and get rewarded for it in stakes! Who would miss this opportunity? Not me! So I have linked my Facebook. Twitter and Steemit account, where APPICS will detect when I like, post, re-tweet or mention @APPICS on these platforms. Clever right?

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Now you see my excitement, you can take 5 mins to check out the APPICS video above and create your own account.

My Christmas 2017 has been THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR as I know that APPICS is approaching very soon, it has given me something else to look forward to!

A big thank you to the @APPICS team for providing me with this opportunity

@sirwinchester @mrs.steemit @theglobopreneur @agent

And a huge thank you to @starkerz for getting me involved in anything to do with crypto and blockchain – I wouldn’t be in this position if it wasn’t for you!

The Future Is Bright, The Future Is APPICS


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Steemit is mostly a blogging platform, which means it’s contributions are mainly in the written form. I know there are photography blogs/posts etc, but the majority of the content is text. This has a couple of problems. Not everybody writes good English and if you choose to write in your native language the audience is limited.

Compare that with pictures. No matter what language you speak, if you see a photo of a flower you understand that this is a flower and we all can admire a nice photo. It’s a lot easier to participate in this kind of platform. You pick up your phone and take a shot. ( More about the phones in a while ). This type of social media content ( pictures and video ) encourages people from all around the world to use the app, without almost any friction and with a world wide audience

Perfectly explained @dreamchasser .. An image can tell a thousand stories, from emotions, to journies. We are lucky to be able to have the opportunity soon with the use of @APPICS where will be able to share our unique ideas and experiences in image format and be rewarded for it ourselves. The future is very exciting!

What about @DTUBE @DLIVE @DMANIA @DSOUND?... Those are Steem blockchain
apps that really help us all out as well.

It's kind of astonishing that this is all being done on the assumption that SMTs will actually be developed and work. As far as I know, that's a plan but no guarantee. There's very little info on who exactly is working on it, what the timeline might look like, how it will actually work, and so on.

Even if Steemit inc puts it out, if the witnesses reach a consensus and don't like it, it ain't going in a hard fork.

How could you have an ICO knowing that?? How can any development actually have been done, given that the basic building block, SMTs, don't even exist yet? I don't understand it.

Is the code going to be open source?

It's also clear that this is centralized. 10% of the funds go back to the company, and the whitepaper talks about "our moderators" and "our regulations".

It's also very, very unclear how this is different than Steem. @sarahstarkey, why are you so excited? You are gushing about it without ever even explaining what is so great about it as an alternative to Steem. The whitepaper itself sounds more like an intro to blockchain tech in general, and it just sounds like a Steem clone.

Honestly at first glance this looks like a cash grab. I'm open to being convinced that it is not, but I think people should be very, very wary.

Doesn’t make me wary at all. There have already been several reputable SMT announcements. It’s evident that partner endeavors are in discussion with Steemit Inc. that we don’t see, and most likely have a first look and confidence in SMT development. @ned is listed as an official advisor of Appics.

Your concerns about witness adoption are valid, but yes, all the Steem blockchain tech is open source. had an early SMT announcement but later revised their info in a way that makes it seem they are launching their own chain based on Steem tech vs. an SMT on the Steem chain. If witness adoption were to become a major impediment, other ventures could do the same (or jump to a competing chain like Vice).

Appics is easy to wrap my head around. is a much more esoteric SMT use case, but equally exciting because it does show the diverse applications of the technology!
And as with everything, the blockchain itself is uncensorable, but front ends can absolutely moderate content visibility. Steemit Inc. has even been known to block accounts of minors to comply with existing laws, but blocking accounts limits access on a website specific basis, and not to other Steem based front ends. And there is no ability to lock or confiscate funds.

I feel some of these developing SMTs may be behind the current Steem price rise. SMT ventures will need to backstop their token with some Steem to create an automated liquid market as the SMT white paper discussed. Anyone with resources who is anticipating a successful SMT launch of their own would do well to buy Steem in advance, either to profit on the price rise their token offering could create, or to lower their Steem acquisition cost and have more of their ITO cash free for development.

Thank you so much @bryan-imhoff for your explanation, as I began to worry about this comment above and couldn't quite put a response into such depth you have, as after all, I am still a beginner myself! Your post has helped answer questions for not just @dhouse , but for me too and I am confident in confirming that I am happy and certain of my decision to be involved in APPICS. Thanks again!

You're welcome, I love thinking about this stuff! I certainly don't have all the answers, it's hard to envision where we'll be in another year, 5 years, or more. But it's exciting and Appics looks very serious, professional, and exciting. I'm just disappointed it seems I can't even participate in the bounty system being a US resident.

Oh no! .. That's not fair! How frustrating... However, I'm sure that once it takes off and you get going, it will all pay off then ;-)

Perhaps I can participate... I can't get to the nifty dashboard you have pictured above, but I did find some direct sign up links for the different bounty accounts. Put in a couple and we'll see if it works!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@brian-imhoff I’m sure you will be able to participate via steemit. Thanks for your informative well thought out reasonable comments. The best quality comments get rewarded (please see above) ;))

Thanks much! I was just snowed in today and it was a great opportunity to read plenty of Steemit and muse about the future!

Sounds like you're in the right place to me! Yayy. In order to link your Steemit account, it instructs you to send 0.001 steem to phenom so they can verify it is you. Hope this makes sense and you can participate!

Fair enough. Still don't know what the point of it is, and what it adds that steem is not doing.

Well you're certainly not wrong that it's basically a copy of the Steemit system, but that's kind of the whole point of SMTs, just branded extensions of the Steem protocol. Dedicated sites and new networks are kind of the ultimate in curation. I like to show as a great example of this. They've already integrated their existing site with the Steem blockchain and are planning to offer an SMT when they are more publicly available I believe.

Different front end sites will have their own user interface and tools that will appeal to different people, as well as just a different character of community and different focuses. For instance Steemit is still heavily dominated by crypto enthusiasts, while Appics could launch with a much more casual user base that better engages with and rewards general lifestyle content. SMT platforms will also have their very own whales. If a current Steemit whale would want to downvote content in an SMT community they'd have to buy into it first! SMT launches can give a community a bit of a reset button, immunity, and new camaraderie that some might feel is needed.

Appics already seems to have their act together better than Steemit in the UI and Marketing departments, and since they can leave a lot of the heavy tech lifting to Steemit Inc. blockchain development, it's a win win for everyone. Of course, that's just based on promotional materials so Steemit has time to catch up before Appics launches! But I already feel like that Appics promo video is one of the best things I could show to people I know to explain what's going on here at Steemit.

I also love the fact that my blockchain account will travel with me through the years and new sites. Imagine if Facebook had just been able to import all the data from MySpace because it was on an open blockchain. Whoever presents the best user experience will "win". But if the SMT exchange system works as intended, all the value transfers through Steem at some point and will increase the value of the core Steem token. There will be an interesting trading dynamic as people who convert their tokens from one community to another at the right time could see great value increases. Again, imagine MySpace had awarded tokens for use, which users began converting to Facebook tokens as one site grew in popularity and the other waned. The early adopters of Facebook would have outsized gains while the last to abandon MySpace would have seen the $ value of their token conversion plummet.

There's going to be some wild dynamics playing out, I hope they design an excellent wallet & token management system for everything as a whole!

LOVE this. And this is exactly why I am so excited. I am a user of Instagram and from what I have so far understood, an Appics account holder will be able to post and share content in a very similar way. Only difference is Appics rewards the content in tokens. This is why it's all a no-brainer to me!

Exactly! Even now at this early stage, I can post a blog post on Steemit, a quick micro blog on Zappl, a couple pictures on Steepshot, a video on dTube, and maybe a meme or two on ... and it's all through my same account on the Steem blockchain with the potential for rewards. Every platform has something different to offer but they're all part of the same whole. I've never had an Instagram and though I was considering it, I can't bring myself to do so now! I browse Facebook for friends, but all other online platforms for me are Steem based now.

But this is more than another front end, a smt uses a token that's backed by Steem but is a different token. Not sure how this works exactly, but it will be a separate system in some way.

From my understanding of the published paper, SMTs will all be linked to Steem via an internal automated exchange. Think of the currency market we have now to change Steem/SBD and extrapolate that to deal with SMT tokens. In order to ensure a minimum value & liquidity that will allow token holders to sell, the issuers will lock up Steem in their token exchange as a perpetual automated “market maker.” So SMTs should drive Steem demand for this, but also, with Steem as an intermediary before cashing out to fiat or other cryptos - all the transaction volume in the system each day should be reflected in Steems price.

SMT sites then have all the operation capabilities of Steem, but the site can customize variables like rate of inflation, how the tokens are distributed, how they impact voting, etc.

Hope I’m not inaccurate, and of course things could change. But SMTs really are parts of the same whole. One way I conceptualize it is imagine we all had our own tokens. The tokens in my account are BRY, yours are DHS. Of course mine have no value to you... cause they’re mine! But by sending them to you they become DHS. We’ll be moving between SMTs but there will be an overall value of the Steem ecosystem as a whole. You’ll have to put your tokens into the communities you care about most.

You should check out the new website, complete with whitepaper, FAQ's, and roadmap!

thanks for the followup. ill take a look. always trying to be objective and keep an open mind, i just call things like i see them.

Keep it real, be a realist! Right?

wait a second this is supposed to be using a SMT? those arent even developed yet lol

Any idea when it come out? I have been using steepshot which is an instagram on steemit but I am finding that there are VERY few users at the moment

Don't have a clue as of yet. Am still hanging on the edge of my seat haha!!

Also. I really like the idea of having a debit card linked to my steemit account like in the video.

That will be amazing!!... When everything becomes so accesible, we won't remember life before it!

According to the timeline on their website, a full “alpha” launch will take place in Q3 of this year; so we’re looking at about a 6-9 month wait if all goes well.

6-9 months feels like a lifetime in crypto hehe.

I can't wait for the ico to start,, I will buy too!
I've just made a post about APPICS too!

Hope to meet you on APPICS too!

I think APPICS is one of the most anticipated projects on Steem Blockchain and it will bring so much more value to our community. What I don't understand is do you guys need to wait till SMT on Steemit is done or could you start with the APP before the launch of SMT???

I am wondering how you were able to invest your Steem on a smaller scale as I too have been interested in APPICS? Can you let me know? Thanks

Hi @mother2chicks . I havent invested just yet, as the first 'Presale ICO' was 26th December and required a minimum investment of $10k (which I am unable to do right now) .. So like yourself, I am awaiting the next ICO where we will be able to invest a smaller amount. The amount is still not confirmed, but will become less and less at each ICO, so at the last round, there will be a very low minumum in order to ensure most people have the opportunity to invest. The list of ICO's are shown on the token sale section of This link . Hope this helps with your question 😊

@sarahstarkey - yes I would be interested in participating in the ICO snd registering too, thanks for the information, do Stemians get a discount for particpating. is it too lat to register with the bounty program?

It's not too late to register for BOUNTY at all. As far as I am aware, there isn't a discount for steemians. However you get 15% bonus on investments in 2nd ICO! 😊

hi Sarah, thank you I will look into it

That's really good valuable information. Thanks

Thank you @honeybee11 ... I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Hey sara i am in the telegram group and want to talk to you....

Hi @jhlimon007 .. Yes no problem. However I am new to telegram so not sure how to chat directly. Do you know how?

Nice post

Possible to be friends on Facebook

Thank you. Of course. Facebook name is Sarah Starkey 😊

Thanks @sarahstarkey! Your post was very helpful. I have been following @appics for some time now but from your post I found out about the BOUNTY CAMPAIGN! Thanks again!

Ahhh that is brilliant @msabolik .. I am glad my post has been useful for you. The BOUNTY campaign is amazing, So glad we have another person spreading the word about @APPICS 😁

Appics is awesome. Am going to invest in it. Its very much interesting

I am definitely joining

Thank you Sarah for the big support! Upvoted

This is very cool. As a photographer I am also hoping it makes my life complete !

Oh it for sure will. There will be many photographers on there. I am no photographer, but I take photos all the time so it's a perfect app for me too!! Can't wait. Will have to find out everyone's usernames from Steemit!! Eeeekkk

That’s great news. However, I’m still a bit confused about the utility of the Appics token. Will Appics tokens be awarded to content creators? If so, what’s the purpose of holding XAP? Is it like Steem Power that is used in proportionally distributing rewards? And will Steem Power also have an influence in distributing rewards in the Appics system?

Hi @rayhanahmed .. from what I understand, it is just like steemit, however a more Instagram approach for mainly images and videos with captions. As for CAP tokens. I believe that these are equivalent to Steem and SBD... APPICS social influencers will have a higher valued account as they will have registered with the BOUNTY program and in return are rewarded with stakes, which are then transferred into XAP once @APPICS is fully launched. I hope that I am correct in what I am saying. But you can always double check on and have a look at the homepage where it goes into more detail. Also take a look at the white paper, which covers even more. Also if you have Telegram, you can join the @APPICS.official group on there where there is always someone happy to help 😊

if it's mainly videos and pictures, don't people realize that those arent even stored on the blockchain?

You've raised a lot of really interesting questions in this thread (yes, I'm late to the discussion at this point lol). I'm going to research these topics. I'm not sure all of your questions here are being answered adequately.

They definitely are not being answered adequately. Lots of hyper-emotional, hyper-ecstatic shilling. Not a lot of calm, objective thought about it. Oh well.

so basically it's like steemit btu different because...what exactly?

Also judging by the video you have to be a hipster to use it XD

keep going appics